Looking for Scripter and Mapper

Hi. Im kinda looking for a scripter and a Mapper. or Scripter/mapper for my server. Please anyone take contact fast. I would love to have a scripter. Please. He will be rewarded whit Scripter Status. ( Level 1337 admin ) and all he wants.

My server is a roleplayer server ( City Life RPG ) ( ) You find me on my forum and skype.

Forum: http://cityliferpg.umbb.net/

Please anyone. i need help..

Uh.. Didn't I just see this same topic in the "everything and nothing" section!? Dude, Comeon!

I know you're new to SA:MP, but some things you must learn are: Nobody will script for free....(unless you find someone willing to team up, etc.) and even then.... Nobody wants "level 2331576328912 adminz status" or something useless like that.

well bro .. tell me about the mapps u want, if i can help i will do it for ya cuz im updating my server so if i got time i can mapp for ya.

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