[GameMode] [Gamemode][DISCONTINUED] Grand Theft Online (freeroam, level, xp, races, gangs)

Grand Theft Online 0.5.7: http://www.box.net/public/s5mhmjbcj5


Project Name: San Andreas: Multiplayer: Grand Theft Online.

Testserver: http://gto.samp.ahoh.de/

Author: Iain Gilbert (GhostGum)

Contact: no

Date Created: 12 August 2006

Filename: GTO

Version: 0.5.6

SA-MP Versions: 0.1b

Description: GTO is a gamemode for SA:MP server (httpa-mp.com/).
GTO introduces Experience and Level based character development system and saving of stats and
items for persistent online world style of gameplay in San Andreas: Multiplayer.
Very much a WIP, probably very buggy, Just a fun side project, no real plans development wise.


* Level System - Character XP/Levels gained from kills.
Higher level = more health, better weapons, more money
* Gangs - players can create and join gangs which are saved. Some XP is shared among gang members.
* Weapons - players must purchase thier weapon upgrades from ammunation
with more weapons becoming available as they increase levels.
* Race Modes - Gain experience & money from winning races or beating race records.
* Deathmatch Modes - Gain experience and money in deathmatch battles.
* Database system for saving of stats and config.
* Gain money/xp for holding and protecting turf (pirate ship, etc).
* Tracking of kills and deaths.
* Passive health regen, based on level.
* Pay system, constant income of money.
* health/money cheat protection
* Account system.
* Totaly original and custom ideas and script

Shoutouts to the SA-MP team, http:/sa-mp.com/. Cheers guys, i love the work and look forward to seeing updates.
And everyone on the SA-MP forums, lots of good info and help there by too many peaple to mention here.


This gamemode is open, there's no specific win / endgame conditions to meet.
In Grand Theft Online you must gain experience in order to increase your level.
Increasing experience points increases your level, which effects your spawn weapons, health, cashflow and much more.
Experience points can be gained by killing people, winning races, holding ground, and more.
Bank your money at 24/7's so you dont loose it all when you die.
Players can create gangs to team up against opposing gangs and players.
When in a gang some of your experience gained will be given to your gang members.
Particapating in races and events can be a good way to earn money and experience.


To run precompiled .amx file:
Put GTO.amx in your \samp\gamemodes\ directory and change gamemode in server.cfg to GTO.

To compile GTO yourself:
Extract gto.pwn to wherever you want, and put all the include files in the same directory as gto.pwn (keeping original directory structure).
Then just open gto.pwn in pawno and hit Build>Compile (or press F5).
Ignore the warning messages (warning 20. It will creat gto.amx file in same directory as gto.pwn.

GTO relies upon certain directories it uses to store database information to be present.
If they dont exist then GTO will crash, it cant create them itself (not possible with samp 0.1b?).
You must copy the whole scriptfiles directory structure (included with GTO release) into your samp folder.

Or if you wish to manualy create them yourself, this is what folders GTO needs (in your samp directory):

If just one of those folders doesnt exist GTO will crash. So make sure they are correct.


Many configurable options in gto are held in database or config files.
All database and config files are held in 'scriptfiles\GTO\' folders.
Ive no time to explain them all here, so just have a look around for yourself.
Most is prety self explaneratory anyway.

Some configurable options in gto are currently held in the source code, so you must find them then recompile after changing them.
Usualy if its a simple configurable option, you will find what you want to change at the top of the most relevently named *.inc file.
Feel free to change whatever you want.


06.11.06: 0.5.6:
* added: deathmatch: Blue Mountains - a stealthy assasination with katana and silenced pistol
* added: deathmatch: The Bad and the Ugly - Combat shotguns in the wild west.
* changed: more work on deathmatch handler
* added: Anti Speed, Anti Teleport, and Anti Fly Cheats, all included in antispeedcheat.inc.

05.11.06: 0.5.5:
* added: deathmatch handler
* added: deathmatch: Minigun Madness - crazy minigun mayhem on a construction site
* fixed: players dont receive gang experience if it was them that gained the xp in the first place.

04.11.06: 0.5.4:
* added: admin commands: '/race create <racename>', '/race cp', '/race cpremove', '/race save'. for creating races easy.
* added: admin command: '/race start <raceid>' to manualy start a race
* added: admin command: '/admin givexp <playerid> <xpamount' - give (or take) experience points to player
* added: admin command: '/admin givecash <playerid> <cashamount' - give (or take) money to player
* fixed: admins not to be auto kicked, ever.
* fixed: health regen rate, i had accidently added it to wrong timer, set it too high, and i forgot constraints... lol
* fixed: race sleep time was not randomizing properly , so i made it automaticly set race sleep time based on a frequency value, and the number of races, for smoother races distribution

03.11.06: 0.5.3:
* changed: db handling to Dini, moved db's to subdirectiories in scriptfiles.
* added: Config db files for easy configuration of GTO.
* changed: moved races over from script files to db for easy addition/modification.
* added: db files for configuring vehicles and weapons
* changed: update to new versions of dini and dutils by DracoBlue.
* fixed: bug that could cause players to receive a bad gangmemberid, resulting in gang members switching around and being placed in wrong gang

27.10.06: 0.5.2:
* fixed: antiidle, antispawnkill, antidriveby. They all broke a while back and i didnt notice. Shame on anyone who abused by leaving afk at groundhold point ;/.
* added: min player level required to enter race.
* changed: most races now only require 1 racer to run, min racers requirement was annoying, threres still a few that have requirement though
* changed: race messages to reflect race changes, they are a bit more informative now.
* changed: you can not go down a level now. You can only loose xp until the start of your level.
* changed: player can join race if they dont have a car, they will be warned they cant race until they get the correct car, but allowed to join so they can check where it starts..

26.10.06: 0.5.1:
* added: 3 new bank locations and 2 new ammunations, in los Santos (i put banks in food joints cos 24/7s arnt marked on map)
* added: 2 new turf locations in los santos. Grove Street and Glen Park. (these are for lower level players as they dont gain nearly as much as pirate ship)
* added: races - 'Tearin Up The Grove' (low level race)
* added: races - 'Mullholland Getaway' (levels > 5)
* fixed: passive health regeneration, as it had broke. May still need a bit o tweaking
Regen amount is based on level, so this makes higher level players a lot tougher, as they should be .
* changed: i played around with health/money desync kicker a bit, let me know if you get kicked incorrectly.

25.10.06: 0.5.0:
* added: Vehicle handler - to automaticly handle vehicle spawns so i dont have to wory about 250/50 limit.
If model limit is reached then vehicle model will be changed, if total vehicle limit is reached then vehicle will not spawn.
* added: Leveled vehicles spawner - to randomly spawn vehicles by level, not model
* added: Over 160 new vehicle spawns all over Los Santos (fucking!) Vehicle spawns from LVDM are sacrificed (until dynamic spawning).
* added: Player spawn points by level, levels 0-12 spawns done. 38 new spawnpoints added.

23.10.06: 0.4.9:
* added: level rank names - by Baby Face
* added: show level players rank and gang on /stats command
* changed: cleaned up race handler a bit.
* fixed: join race cost money
* added: race commands: '/races' - show available races, '/race join <raceid>' - join a race, '/race quit/leave' - leave current race.
* added: race - Countryside Cruise
* added: race - Monstertruck Madness
* added: a few vehicle spawns areound new races

22.10.06: 0.4.8:
* added: race - Murderhorn - by |Insane|
* added: race - Airport Round We Go - by |Insane|
* added: race - Strip Tease - by |Insane|
* notes: Thanks to Insane for the new races.
* changed: but more tweaking to xp/money gained from winning all races, more gained now.
* added: show max money/xp gain for groundhold when entering gh ground.

18.10.06: 0.4.7:
* added: race - Flying High
* added: race - Backstreet Bang
* fixed: /gang create bug where money would be taken but no gang created if gang already exists
* fixed: cost $10,000 to change your gangs colour.

17.10.06: 0.4.6:
* added: weapon system. You must now purchase weapons from store, which became available to you as you increase levels.
bought weapons are saved with player, you will spawn with them. Each time you kill someone with that weapon you will loose some bullets.
* added: Weapon cheat protection.
* fixed: possible money desync issue when withdrawing money from bank.

13.10.06: 0.4.5:
* added: admin system by mabako and yellowblood. added as .inc file compiled with gto gamemode.
it should work alongside admin filterscripts with no problems.
this is just a temporary fix/test, it will be moved back to filterscript in the future.
to enable this you must uncomment line "#include "admin"' in gto.pwn.
use /admin-shelp for commands list. admin command prefix '/admin-'.
look to adminscript documentation by mabako and yellowblood for more information. (in \admin\ folder included with GTO)

09.10.06: 0.4.4:
* added: restrict car types that can compete in a race
* fixed: xp capped at level 20, not 10 (i thought i fixed this already).

06.10.06: 0.4.3:
* fixed: Race lineup checkpoint now visible on map from further away.
* fixed: Player checkpoint disabled when no active checkpoints for player found.
* fixed: kick players who win too much money over time in casino.
* fixed: xp lost on death is now half as much (was previously a bit high methinks)

05.10.06: 0.4.2:
* added: /gang colour/color command, was previusly accidently left out.
* fixed: Non a-z characters in playernames are fixed now. Yay can finaly put clantag in names, damn bug.

03.10.06: 0.4.1:
* added: player gangs, players can now create gangs which are saved to db. Create cost 50,000
* changed: players no longer have to login to play. Stats wont be saved if not logged in.
* fixed: More money/experience gained from winning races.

18.09.06: 0.4.0:
* added: race sounds, countdown, checkpoint, finish.
* added: more levels, max level now 20 (was previesly bugged and stuck at
* fixed: Max bank balance now 1,000,000
* fixed: xp gain, xp is now much harder to gain, more xp is required per level now.
* fixed: checkpoint size in races

17.09.06: 0.3.9:
* added: Banks in 24/7, you must now bank your cash or loose it when killed.
* fixed: Gambling in casino's fixed. Four dragons and caligula's.

16.09.06: 0.3.8:
* added: groundhold. (Pirate ship, etc) Hold specific turf from other players for money/xp.
* added: Save X,Y,Z and load on login. XYZ wont be saved if indoors.
* added: Anti Idle. Kick players afk for more than 10 minutes (after warning).
* changed: moved class select screen location.
* changed: Tab menu now shows player level instead of score.

13.09.06: 0.3.7:
* added: Activecheckpoint manager, to set automaticly players checkpoint to
closest world checkpoint (due to only one active CP possible at a time)
* added: race - Lost in Smoke - a quick race around the city.
* fixed: bug where acct password would incorrectly chang
* fixed: more misc fixes to race handler
* fixed: crash bug with playername

12.09.06: 0.3.6:
* added: race - Riverside Run - a dirt tack race along the riverbank, the clock is ticking, dont dawdle.
* fixed: a few misc bugs with race handler

11.09.06: 0.3.5:
* added: Race mode handler. Rasces can now easily be added to GTO.
Only handles sprint races ATM. No car restrictions possible ATM.
* added: race - Drag The Strip - A strait drag down The Strip and back.
* added: Anti Drive-by.
* added: Anti Spawn kill.

08.09.06: 0.3.0:
* notes: nothing much to report, releasing new version for bugfix, due to no progress.

06.09.06: 0.2.5:
* changed: few more misc changes/fixes. continued moving code over to inc files.

05.09.06: 0.2.4:
* added: return what zone player is in, by name or id. Created by mabako.
* changed: restructure of whole script, moved much to include files for modular layout
* fixed: crash bug due to too many variables? i hope.

22.08.06: 0.2.2:
* added: simple detection for health cheat
* fixed: issue with players getting kicked wrongly (i hope)
* fixed: issue with money not always being being given.
* fixed: Connection lost message wasnt being displayed on kick when not loggged in

21.08.06: 0.2.0:
* added: passive health regeneration, based on player level
* added: basic cheat detection for money cheats
* added: /version command, just displays gamemode version to player
* changed: freeze player on Auto Kick
* changed: auto kick player on bad password, for security against brute force;
* changed: '/save' changed to '/savechar' due to /save already being restricted as samp debug command
* changed: player colours no longer set to grey
* changed: level xp list harder, more xp needed for each level
* fixed: stupid bug that caused no one to gain any experience at all.. fuck hey
* fixed: static debugcode checks to check at compile, not runtime (thanks ******)
* fixed: a money sync issue with money cheat protection (no gambling support yet)

19.08.06: 0.1.0:
* First release.
I havnt been working on this much so decided to fix bugs and release a working version so i can test with other players.
Thus we have version 0.1 release. Extremely untested, but hopefully working ;p. Please give feedback.

12.08.06: 0.0.1:
* Started development, aiming for few simple additions for first release:
XP/Level system, Saving XP & Money to DB, etc.

All spawn points for player,items,cars,etc are copied from gamemodes released by SA:MP team. Eventualy i will change them, to be more level based.
I have used a few functions and lines of code from forum posts and such, where permision is given,
sometimes after a bit of modification. Credits for them go to thier respective aurthor
who will be listed in a comment just before the function/code snippet.

Anyone can freely contact me with questions, changes, additions, suggestions, bugs, etc
I have no patience for tech support though.
Sorry about any messy code, lack of comments and quick hacks. If you see anything particularly bad then let me know and i will fix it.

Licence: This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
To view a copy of this license, visit http:creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.5/au/
or send a letter to Creative Commons, 543 Howard Street, 5th Floor, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA.

Feel free to use, modify, copy, distribute, etc.
Give credit where due.
No using for commercial purposes.

Looking good man

Found 1 error: you should rename command /save to another, because /save is default samp cmd which saves current position )

But.../save is only used in debug mode! i'm wrong?

Nope, you can use /save regardless of which server (local or internet) and Debug.


E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(360) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(371) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(427) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(433) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(439) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(450) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(454) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(464) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(471) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(474) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(483) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(501) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(502) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(545) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(549) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(556) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(569) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(577) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(57 : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(771) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(863) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(880) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(886) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(916) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1032) : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1035) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1041) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1052) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1060) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1061) : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1067) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1075) : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1076) : warning 206: redundant test: constant expression is non-zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(107 : warning 205: redundant code: constant expression is zero
E:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\samp-server\pawno\GTO.pwn(1765) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "weaponNames"
Pawn compiler 3.0.3367 Copyright © 1997-2005, ITB CompuPhase

35 Warnings.

well... WTF?

I havnt tested /save myself as it always saves automaticly anyway. Does it work as it is? If it works ill leave it. If not ill change it, no biggie, just untested.

@ kspeed: well... WTF? is your point? :P. will change, see ******'s post.

@ ******:  no problemo, ill change them for next version.  Cheers for the tip.

@ everyone: keep them coming guys. So do you like this gamemode? does XP/level/money/kills gain/loss/etc work fine? ive never tested killing other ppl and such.

very nice script..
good work..

more proeblom:

when logged in its write some proeblon like you registred user and you not login.

and its disconnect...

WTF do? [wtf= what the fuck]

kspeed: your going to have to be a bit clearer. I cannot reproduce this. Are you saying that you were logged in but it still said you are not and kicked you? at what point did it do this?
note: you must log in BEFORE choosing a character or it will auto kick you, to stop unregistered ppl playing on other ppl's names.

/save doesnt work, i just tested, i will change it to /savechar or something. Cheers for the help guys.

whare I have to put the gtodudb and the othar file? [inc's]??

With others inc, dude

Go to "samp\pawno\include" folder, then put it here

I got another computer running here (400mhz P2, lol) and was finaly able to test properly. Fixed a few bugs. Including a bug that stopped everyone from gaining xp
Link update on first post. Get it there.


21.08.06: 0.11:
* added: passive health regeneration, based on player level
* added: basic cheat detection for money cheats
* added: /version command, just displays gamemode version to player
* changed: freeze player on Auto Kick
* changed: auto kick player on bad password, for security against brute force;
* changed: '/save' changed to '/savechar' due to /save already being restricted as samp debug command
* changed: player colours no longer set to grey
* changed: level xp list harder, more xp needed for each level
* fixed: stupid bug that caused no one to gain any experience at all.. fuck hey
* fixed: static debugcode checks to check at compile, not runtime (thanks ******)
* fixed: a money sync issue with money cheat protection (no gambling support yet)

Very Exciting Script. I really am having trouble deciding on wether to run this one or Prorails. If prorail comes with gangs and an update then it will be really tough. But I really like this concept. So I am going to run it on my unofficial server Dallas Beatdown 2. IF anyone wants to try it out come to port 8000 or Dallas Beatdown 2 and connect I am running his latest .2 This could turn out to be a good thing for MMORPG massive persistent world we all hope GTA could be. So I will see you on the server. I hope to get alot of players to stress test this for Iain. You got a great concept!!! Keep it up!

heres the thing
when i join
and just as i go to class selection
it gives me a shit load of "You have been kicked for possible cheating" and the gametext "Connection lost"
and then all commands wont work
but i'm not kicked since i can still chat and see the message "SERVER: Unknown Command"


Im glad you like the concept Stinger, MMO GTA would be cool wouldn't it, this gamemode is a small step in that direction . Im happy to see people giving it a try. Ill see you ingame .

Seems i missed a few evil bugs, i fixed these and have updated link on first post with version: 0.2.2.
let me know if you still get kicked without cheating Kfgus.


22.08.06: 0.2.2:
* added: simple detection for health cheat
* fixed: issue with players getting kicked wrongly (i hope)
* fixed: issue with money not always being being given.
* fixed: Connection lost message wasnt being displayed on kick when not loggged in


link broken..

link works for me so i added a mirror.


IT gave this
C:\Games\GTO.pwn(139) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dutils"
I entered in pwn and i compile , to see if it got any errors , and it gave that .Can i play ?With that error unfixed .
Or can u put your mod with no errors pls.Fix it and put it !pls

There is no errors...you simply need to download "dutils" and place it in the "include" folder, dude

well just tested it the wrongly kicking was fixed
i'll check it out more tomorrow since i got to sleep now
hopefully no bugs

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