17.07.2011, 14:30
Последний раз редактировалось Flyfishes; 11.10.2011 в 13:33.
SA-MP Server Information V1.0
In a co-operation between me (Flyfishes, www.flyfishes.net) and Westie (www.typefish.co.uk) we present you on of the first the first SA-MP Server Information applications in Android! Using a API by Westie just for this application we've made this application a reality.
How does it work?
When you start up the application you'll see a field. Enter the IP and the port of the server separated with a : symbol. If the port is 7777 you can skip entering the : and the port, it'll be done automatically! After that press the button "Grab information" and wait for the data to receive to your phone. After that you can switch between three screens. Screen one is called 'Information'. This is the basic info regarding the server you're viewing. You can get the hostname, gamemode, players and more here. The second button is 'Rules'. At this screen you'll be able to view more advanced information such as weather, URL, worldtime etc. The third called 'Players' will list all online players (if the playeramount is lower then 100).

You can download the file on two websites at the moment. These are the official sources for the application. Any other site might be fake. No mirrors allowed!
<removed, no source included>
Flyfishes - For developing the application
Westie - For creating the API and edited it to match our needs but also for tips and ideas for the application layout.
Un-Compatible phones
Feedback and/or suggestions may be taken in this topic. If you find a bug or have got a suggestion on your mind feel free to post it.
Thanks for using this application!
In a co-operation between me (Flyfishes, www.flyfishes.net) and Westie (www.typefish.co.uk) we present you on of the first the first SA-MP Server Information applications in Android! Using a API by Westie just for this application we've made this application a reality.
How does it work?
When you start up the application you'll see a field. Enter the IP and the port of the server separated with a : symbol. If the port is 7777 you can skip entering the : and the port, it'll be done automatically! After that press the button "Grab information" and wait for the data to receive to your phone. After that you can switch between three screens. Screen one is called 'Information'. This is the basic info regarding the server you're viewing. You can get the hostname, gamemode, players and more here. The second button is 'Rules'. At this screen you'll be able to view more advanced information such as weather, URL, worldtime etc. The third called 'Players' will list all online players (if the playeramount is lower then 100).

- An Android phone (version 1.6 to version 2.1) Won't work for version 2.2 and some phones with 2.1.
- Internet
- A IP including the port
You can download the file on two websites at the moment. These are the official sources for the application. Any other site might be fake. No mirrors allowed!
<removed, no source included>
- Connect your phone to your computer via USB
- Drag the .apk file from your computer to your phone in any directory
- Make sure you have got the 'Unknown sources' setting marked. If not goto your settings -> Applications / Programs -> Development and mark 'Unknown sources'.
- Use a filemanager to get to the directory where the .apk file is located
- Press on the .apk file and an installationwindow will appear.
- Install the application
- That's it, start it up via the Menu
Flyfishes - For developing the application
Westie - For creating the API and edited it to match our needs but also for tips and ideas for the application layout.
Un-Compatible phones
- Sony Ericsson Xperia X8
- HTC Wildfire
Feedback and/or suggestions may be taken in this topic. If you find a bug or have got a suggestion on your mind feel free to post it.
Thanks for using this application!