Useful Functions

Check if it's a even number
pawn Код:
#define IsEven(%1) ((%1 % 2 == 0)?(true):(false))
I think it's like that
Credits: Drakins

Originally Posted by ******
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There's a much better one in the code optimisations topic.
Yes, I know. Nero_3D made that already clear:
Originally Posted by Nero_3D
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Just use strcat for plain strings

pawn Code:
#define strcpy(%0,%1,%2) strcat((%0[0] = '\0', %0), %1, %2)
memcpy is more useful for non-strings (in my opinion ^^")

Originally Posted by ******
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OK, well why did you link to that post in very recent topic if you know there are better ones?
That was just an example. I did mention that 'strcat' was a possibility though.

pawn Код:
#define RandomEx(%1,%2) (random(%2-%1)+%1)
Chooses a random number between the first and the second parameter.

My second macro
pawn Код:
#define GetDoubleNumber(%0) ((0%)x(2))

Originally Posted by FireCat
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My second macro
pawn Код:
#define GetDoubleNumber(%0) ((0%)x(2))
Nice try. I actually laughed on this one for no reason...
It's a very silly function (which Southclaw already pointed out) but if you want a correct one, here it is:
pawn Код:
#define GetDoubleNumber(%0) \
    ((%0) << 1)

Originally Posted by RyDeR`
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Nice try. I actually laughed on this one for no reason...
It's a very silly function (which Southclaw already pointed out) but if you want a correct one, here it is:
pawn Код:
#define GetDoubleNumber(%0) \
    ((%0) << 1)
I never got what "<<" "<<<" do...

Originally Posted by RyDeR`
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Nice try. I actually laughed on this one for no reason...
It's a very silly function (which Southclaw already pointed out) but if you want a correct one, here it is:
pawn Код:
#define GetDoubleNumber(%0) \
    ((%0) << 1)
I was just trying to be smart

This is a beautiful tutorial for this to learn:

GetVehicleSize - Gets the size of a vehicle obviously.
pawn Код:
stock GetVehicleSize(modelID, &Float: size_X, &Float: size_Y, &Float: size_Z) // Author: RyDeR`
    static const
        Float: sizeData[212][3] =
            { 2.32, 5.11, 1.63 }, { 2.56, 5.82, 1.71 }, { 2.41, 5.80, 1.52 }, { 3.15, 9.22, 4.17 },
            { 2.20, 5.80, 1.84 }, { 2.34, 6.00, 1.49 }, { 5.26, 11.59, 4.42 }, { 2.84, 8.96, 2.70 },
            { 3.11, 10.68, 3.91 }, { 2.36, 8.18, 1.52 }, { 2.25, 5.01, 1.79 }, { 2.39, 5.78, 1.37 },
            { 2.45, 7.30, 1.38 }, { 2.27, 5.88, 2.23 }, { 2.51, 7.07, 4.59 }, { 2.31, 5.51, 1.13 },
            { 2.73, 8.01, 3.40 }, { 5.44, 23.27, 6.61 }, { 2.56, 5.67, 2.14 }, { 2.40, 6.21, 1.40 },
            { 2.41, 5.90, 1.76 }, { 2.25, 6.38, 1.37 }, { 2.26, 5.38, 1.54 }, { 2.31, 4.84, 4.90 },
            { 2.46, 3.85, 1.77 }, { 5.15, 18.62, 5.19 }, { 2.41, 5.90, 1.76 }, { 2.64, 8.19, 3.23 },
            { 2.73, 6.28, 3.48 }, { 2.21, 5.17, 1.27 }, { 4.76, 16.89, 5.92 }, { 3.00, 12.21, 4.42 },
            { 4.30, 9.17, 3.88 }, { 3.40, 10.00, 4.86 }, { 2.28, 4.57, 1.72 }, { 3.16, 13.52, 4.76 },
            { 2.27, 5.51, 1.72 }, { 3.03, 11.76, 4.01 }, { 2.41, 5.82, 1.72 }, { 2.22, 5.28, 1.47 },
            { 2.30, 5.55, 2.75 }, { 0.87, 1.40, 1.01 }, { 2.60, 6.67, 1.75 }, { 4.15, 20.04, 4.42 },
            { 3.66, 6.01, 3.28 }, { 2.29, 5.86, 1.75 }, { 4.76, 17.02, 4.30 }, { 2.42, 14.80, 3.15 },
            { 0.70, 2.19, 1.62 }, { 3.02, 9.02, 4.98 }, { 3.06, 13.51, 3.72 }, { 2.31, 5.46, 1.22 },
            { 3.60, 14.56, 3.28 }, { 5.13, 13.77, 9.28 }, { 6.61, 19.04, 13.84 }, { 3.31, 9.69, 3.63 },
            { 3.23, 9.52, 4.98 }, { 1.83, 2.60, 2.72 }, { 2.41, 6.13, 1.47 }, { 2.29, 5.71, 2.23 },
            { 10.85, 13.55, 4.44 }, { 0.69, 2.46, 1.67 }, { 0.70, 2.19, 1.62 }, { 0.69, 2.42, 1.34 },
            { 1.58, 1.54, 1.14 }, { 0.87, 1.40, 1.01 }, { 2.52, 6.17, 1.64 }, { 2.52, 6.36, 1.66 },
            { 0.70, 2.23, 1.41 }, { 2.42, 14.80, 3.15 }, { 2.66, 5.48, 2.09 }, { 1.41, 2.00, 1.71 },
            { 2.67, 9.34, 4.86 }, { 2.90, 5.40, 2.22 }, { 2.43, 6.03, 1.69 }, { 2.45, 5.78, 1.48 },
            { 11.02, 11.28, 3.28 }, { 2.67, 5.92, 1.39 }, { 2.45, 5.57, 1.74 }, { 2.25, 6.15, 1.99 },
            { 2.26, 5.26, 1.41 }, { 0.70, 1.87, 1.32 }, { 2.33, 5.69, 1.87 }, { 2.04, 6.19, 2.10 },
            { 5.34, 26.20, 7.15 }, { 1.97, 4.07, 1.44 }, { 4.34, 7.84, 4.44 }, { 2.32, 15.03, 4.67 },
            { 2.32, 12.60, 4.65 }, { 2.53, 5.69, 2.14 }, { 2.92, 6.92, 2.14 }, { 2.30, 6.32, 1.28 },
            { 2.34, 6.17, 1.78 }, { 4.76, 17.82, 3.84 }, { 2.25, 6.48, 1.50 }, { 2.77, 5.44, 1.99 },
            { 2.27, 4.75, 1.78 }, { 2.32, 15.03, 4.65 }, { 2.90, 6.59, 4.28 }, { 2.64, 7.19, 3.75 },
            { 2.28, 5.01, 1.85 }, { 0.87, 1.40, 1.01 }, { 2.34, 5.96, 1.51 }, { 2.21, 6.13, 1.62 },
            { 2.52, 6.03, 1.64 }, { 2.53, 5.69, 2.14 }, { 2.25, 5.21, 1.16 }, { 2.56, 6.59, 1.62 },
            { 2.96, 8.05, 3.33 }, { 0.70, 1.89, 1.32 }, { 0.72, 1.74, 1.12 }, { 21.21, 21.19, 5.05 },
            { 11.15, 6.15, 2.99 }, { 8.69, 9.00, 2.23 }, { 3.19, 10.06, 3.05 }, { 3.54, 9.94, 3.42 },
            { 2.59, 6.23, 1.71 }, { 2.52, 6.32, 1.64 }, { 2.43, 6.00, 1.57 }, { 20.30, 19.29, 6.94 },
            { 8.75, 14.31, 2.16 }, { 0.69, 2.46, 1.67 }, { 0.69, 2.46, 1.67 }, { 0.69, 2.47, 1.67 },
            { 3.58, 8.84, 3.64 }, { 3.04, 6.46, 3.28 }, { 2.20, 5.40, 1.25 }, { 2.43, 5.71, 1.74 },
            { 2.54, 5.55, 2.14 }, { 2.38, 5.63, 1.86 }, { 1.58, 4.23, 2.68 }, { 1.96, 3.70, 1.66 },
            { 8.61, 11.39, 4.17 }, { 2.38, 5.42, 1.49 }, { 2.18, 6.26, 1.15 }, { 2.67, 5.48, 1.58 },
            { 2.46, 6.42, 1.29 }, { 3.32, 18.43, 5.19 }, { 3.26, 16.59, 4.94 }, { 2.50, 3.86, 2.55 },
            { 2.58, 6.07, 1.50 }, { 2.26, 4.94, 1.24 }, { 2.48, 6.40, 1.70 }, { 2.38, 5.73, 1.86 },
            { 2.80, 12.85, 3.89 }, { 2.19, 4.80, 1.69 }, { 2.56, 5.86, 1.66 }, { 2.49, 5.84, 1.76 },
            { 4.17, 24.42, 4.90 }, { 2.40, 5.53, 1.42 }, { 2.53, 5.88, 1.53 }, { 2.66, 6.71, 1.76 },
            { 2.65, 6.71, 3.55 }, { 28.73, 23.48, 7.38 }, { 2.68, 6.17, 2.08 }, { 2.00, 5.13, 1.41 },
            { 3.66, 6.36, 3.28 }, { 3.66, 6.26, 3.28 }, { 2.23, 5.25, 1.75 }, { 2.27, 5.48, 1.39 },
            { 2.31, 5.40, 1.62 }, { 2.50, 5.80, 1.78 }, { 2.25, 5.30, 1.50 }, { 3.39, 18.62, 4.71 },
            { 0.87, 1.40, 1.01 }, { 2.02, 4.82, 1.50 }, { 2.50, 6.46, 1.65 }, { 2.71, 6.63, 1.58 },
            { 2.71, 4.61, 1.41 }, { 3.25, 18.43, 5.03 }, { 3.47, 21.06, 5.19 }, { 1.57, 2.32, 1.58 },
            { 1.65, 2.34, 2.01 }, { 2.93, 7.38, 3.16 }, { 1.62, 3.84, 2.50 }, { 2.49, 5.82, 1.92 },
            { 2.42, 6.36, 1.85 }, { 62.49, 61.43, 34.95 }, { 3.15, 11.78, 2.77 }, { 2.47, 6.21, 2.55 },
            { 2.66, 5.76, 2.24 }, { 0.69, 2.46, 1.67 }, { 2.44, 7.21, 3.19 }, { 1.66, 3.66, 3.21 },
            { 3.54, 15.90, 3.40 }, { 2.44, 6.53, 2.05 }, { 0.69, 2.79, 1.96 }, { 2.60, 5.76, 1.45 },
            { 3.07, 8.61, 7.53 }, { 2.25, 5.09, 2.11 }, { 3.44, 18.39, 5.03 }, { 3.18, 13.63, 4.65 },
            { 44.45, 57.56, 18.43 }, { 12.59, 13.55, 3.56 }, { 0.50, 0.92, 0.30 }, { 2.84, 13.47, 2.21 },
            { 2.41, 5.90, 1.76 }, { 2.41, 5.90, 1.76 }, { 2.41, 5.78, 1.76 }, { 2.92, 6.15, 2.14 },
            { 2.40, 6.05, 1.55 }, { 3.07, 6.96, 3.82 }, { 2.31, 5.53, 1.28 }, { 2.64, 6.07, 1.42 },
            { 2.52, 6.17, 1.64 }, { 2.38, 5.73, 1.86 }, { 2.93, 3.38, 1.97 }, { 3.01, 3.25, 1.60 },
            { 1.45, 4.65, 6.36 }, { 2.90, 6.59, 4.21 }, { 2.48, 1.42, 1.62 }, { 2.13, 3.16, 1.83 }
    if(400 <= modelID <= 611)
        size_X = sizeData[modelID - 400][0];
        size_Y = sizeData[modelID - 400][1];
        size_Z = sizeData[modelID - 400][2];       
        return 1;
    return 0;
pawn Код:
    Float: vehSize[3]
GetVehicleSize(451, vehSize[0], vehSize[1], vehSize[2]);
printf("%f %f %f", vehSize[0], vehSize[1], vehSize[2]); // Prints "2.309999 5.460000 1.220000"

Originally Posted by Y_Less
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Gotta love Kye deleting my account and thus all the topics that went with it. Anyway, some of my useful functions I've made over the years have been ported to YSI and put in the YSI_misc.own file. The file can be found:


Functions include:

swap(var1, var2) - Swap two variables without a third variable.
xor:==xor: - Do a logical xor check on two variables.
ceildiv - Divide two integers and round up.
isnull - Used for empty strings passed via CallRemoteFunction.
iseven - Obvious.
isodd - Obvious.
floordiv - Rounded down integer division.
chrfind - Find a single character in a string, faster than strfind for single characters.
chrnfind - Find the end of a set of characters in a string (for example to skip a set of spaces).
strcpy - Copy a string.
bernstein - Like Adler32 hash but faster and less collisions.
bernstein_copy - Mix of strcpy and bernstein for speed.
StripNL - Similar to PHP's rtrim.
strconcat - Stick two strings together.
QuickSort - Call wrapper for QSort, sorts an array into newmerical order.
QSort - Workhorse recursive function for QuickSort.
chrtolower - Convert a character to lowercase.
strtolower - Convert a string to lowercase.
hexstr - strval for hex strings.
binstr - Checks if a string is "0" or "false".
ReturnPlayerName - Obvious.
ishex - Checks if a string is hexadecimal.
numstr - Converts a number to a string, should use valstr but doesn't.
chrtoupper - Convert a character to upper case.
strtoupper - Convert a string to upper case.
timestamp - Get the unix timestamp for the current time.
mktime - Get the unix timestamp for a given time.
GetIP - Return a player's IP as a 32bit integer.
getintpar - Gets a number from a string apparently.
IsConnected - Like IsPlayerConnected but uses YSI's internal foreach system.
KickDelay - Kick a player after a given amount of time. Used to ensure they get the message sent.
KickDelayCall - public function KickDelay calls.
BanDelay - Like KickDelay but ban.
BanDelayCall - Like KickDelayCall but ban.
endofline - Checks if the current position is the end of non-whitespace data.
isnumeric - Checks if a string is numeric.
abs - Returns the absolute (positive) value of a number.
sscanf - Deserves (and has) it's own tutorial on use.
explode - Like PHP's explode function.
IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint - Checks if a player is near a point without calling floatsqroot for speed.

The library also has a couple of useful variables:

TRUE - Always true, used for infinate loops.
FALSE - Always false, used for large code macros.
NULL - The string passed instead of an empty string by CallRemoteFunction due to the way the PAWN VM works.
Is there a valid link to these anymore ?

Originally Posted by RyDeR`
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GetVehicleSize - Gets the size of a vehicle obviously.
pawn Код:
stock GetVehicleSize(modelID, &Float: size_X, &Float: size_Y, &Float: size_Z) // Author: RyDeR`
    static const
        Float: sizeData[212][3] =
            { 2.32, 5.11, 1.63 }, { 2.56, 5.82, 1.71 }, { 2.41, 5.80, 1.52 }, { 3.15, 9.22, 4.17 },
            { 2.20, 5.80, 1.84 }, { 2.34, 6.00, 1.49 }, { 5.26, 11.59, 4.42 }, { 2.84, 8.96, 2.70 },
            { 3.11, 10.68, 3.91 }, { 2.36, 8.18, 1.52 }, { 2.25, 5.01, 1.79 }, { 2.39, 5.78, 1.37 },
            { 2.45, 7.30, 1.38 }, { 2.27, 5.88, 2.23 }, { 2.51, 7.07, 4.59 }, { 2.31, 5.51, 1.13 },
            { 2.73, 8.01, 3.40 }, { 5.44, 23.27, 6.61 }, { 2.56, 5.67, 2.14 }, { 2.40, 6.21, 1.40 },
            { 2.41, 5.90, 1.76 }, { 2.25, 6.38, 1.37 }, { 2.26, 5.38, 1.54 }, { 2.31, 4.84, 4.90 },
            { 2.46, 3.85, 1.77 }, { 5.15, 18.62, 5.19 }, { 2.41, 5.90, 1.76 }, { 2.64, 8.19, 3.23 },
            { 2.73, 6.28, 3.48 }, { 2.21, 5.17, 1.27 }, { 4.76, 16.89, 5.92 }, { 3.00, 12.21, 4.42 },
            { 4.30, 9.17, 3.88 }, { 3.40, 10.00, 4.86 }, { 2.28, 4.57, 1.72 }, { 3.16, 13.52, 4.76 },
            { 2.27, 5.51, 1.72 }, { 3.03, 11.76, 4.01 }, { 2.41, 5.82, 1.72 }, { 2.22, 5.28, 1.47 },
            { 2.30, 5.55, 2.75 }, { 0.87, 1.40, 1.01 }, { 2.60, 6.67, 1.75 }, { 4.15, 20.04, 4.42 },
            { 3.66, 6.01, 3.28 }, { 2.29, 5.86, 1.75 }, { 4.76, 17.02, 4.30 }, { 2.42, 14.80, 3.15 },
            { 0.70, 2.19, 1.62 }, { 3.02, 9.02, 4.98 }, { 3.06, 13.51, 3.72 }, { 2.31, 5.46, 1.22 },
            { 3.60, 14.56, 3.28 }, { 5.13, 13.77, 9.28 }, { 6.61, 19.04, 13.84 }, { 3.31, 9.69, 3.63 },
            { 3.23, 9.52, 4.98 }, { 1.83, 2.60, 2.72 }, { 2.41, 6.13, 1.47 }, { 2.29, 5.71, 2.23 },
            { 10.85, 13.55, 4.44 }, { 0.69, 2.46, 1.67 }, { 0.70, 2.19, 1.62 }, { 0.69, 2.42, 1.34 },
            { 1.58, 1.54, 1.14 }, { 0.87, 1.40, 1.01 }, { 2.52, 6.17, 1.64 }, { 2.52, 6.36, 1.66 },
            { 0.70, 2.23, 1.41 }, { 2.42, 14.80, 3.15 }, { 2.66, 5.48, 2.09 }, { 1.41, 2.00, 1.71 },
            { 2.67, 9.34, 4.86 }, { 2.90, 5.40, 2.22 }, { 2.43, 6.03, 1.69 }, { 2.45, 5.78, 1.48 },
            { 11.02, 11.28, 3.28 }, { 2.67, 5.92, 1.39 }, { 2.45, 5.57, 1.74 }, { 2.25, 6.15, 1.99 },
            { 2.26, 5.26, 1.41 }, { 0.70, 1.87, 1.32 }, { 2.33, 5.69, 1.87 }, { 2.04, 6.19, 2.10 },
            { 5.34, 26.20, 7.15 }, { 1.97, 4.07, 1.44 }, { 4.34, 7.84, 4.44 }, { 2.32, 15.03, 4.67 },
            { 2.32, 12.60, 4.65 }, { 2.53, 5.69, 2.14 }, { 2.92, 6.92, 2.14 }, { 2.30, 6.32, 1.28 },
            { 2.34, 6.17, 1.78 }, { 4.76, 17.82, 3.84 }, { 2.25, 6.48, 1.50 }, { 2.77, 5.44, 1.99 },
            { 2.27, 4.75, 1.78 }, { 2.32, 15.03, 4.65 }, { 2.90, 6.59, 4.28 }, { 2.64, 7.19, 3.75 },
            { 2.28, 5.01, 1.85 }, { 0.87, 1.40, 1.01 }, { 2.34, 5.96, 1.51 }, { 2.21, 6.13, 1.62 },
            { 2.52, 6.03, 1.64 }, { 2.53, 5.69, 2.14 }, { 2.25, 5.21, 1.16 }, { 2.56, 6.59, 1.62 },
            { 2.96, 8.05, 3.33 }, { 0.70, 1.89, 1.32 }, { 0.72, 1.74, 1.12 }, { 21.21, 21.19, 5.05 },
            { 11.15, 6.15, 2.99 }, { 8.69, 9.00, 2.23 }, { 3.19, 10.06, 3.05 }, { 3.54, 9.94, 3.42 },
            { 2.59, 6.23, 1.71 }, { 2.52, 6.32, 1.64 }, { 2.43, 6.00, 1.57 }, { 20.30, 19.29, 6.94 },
            { 8.75, 14.31, 2.16 }, { 0.69, 2.46, 1.67 }, { 0.69, 2.46, 1.67 }, { 0.69, 2.47, 1.67 },
            { 3.58, 8.84, 3.64 }, { 3.04, 6.46, 3.28 }, { 2.20, 5.40, 1.25 }, { 2.43, 5.71, 1.74 },
            { 2.54, 5.55, 2.14 }, { 2.38, 5.63, 1.86 }, { 1.58, 4.23, 2.68 }, { 1.96, 3.70, 1.66 },
            { 8.61, 11.39, 4.17 }, { 2.38, 5.42, 1.49 }, { 2.18, 6.26, 1.15 }, { 2.67, 5.48, 1.58 },
            { 2.46, 6.42, 1.29 }, { 3.32, 18.43, 5.19 }, { 3.26, 16.59, 4.94 }, { 2.50, 3.86, 2.55 },
            { 2.58, 6.07, 1.50 }, { 2.26, 4.94, 1.24 }, { 2.48, 6.40, 1.70 }, { 2.38, 5.73, 1.86 },
            { 2.80, 12.85, 3.89 }, { 2.19, 4.80, 1.69 }, { 2.56, 5.86, 1.66 }, { 2.49, 5.84, 1.76 },
            { 4.17, 24.42, 4.90 }, { 2.40, 5.53, 1.42 }, { 2.53, 5.88, 1.53 }, { 2.66, 6.71, 1.76 },
            { 2.65, 6.71, 3.55 }, { 28.73, 23.48, 7.38 }, { 2.68, 6.17, 2.08 }, { 2.00, 5.13, 1.41 },
            { 3.66, 6.36, 3.28 }, { 3.66, 6.26, 3.28 }, { 2.23, 5.25, 1.75 }, { 2.27, 5.48, 1.39 },
            { 2.31, 5.40, 1.62 }, { 2.50, 5.80, 1.78 }, { 2.25, 5.30, 1.50 }, { 3.39, 18.62, 4.71 },
            { 0.87, 1.40, 1.01 }, { 2.02, 4.82, 1.50 }, { 2.50, 6.46, 1.65 }, { 2.71, 6.63, 1.58 },
            { 2.71, 4.61, 1.41 }, { 3.25, 18.43, 5.03 }, { 3.47, 21.06, 5.19 }, { 1.57, 2.32, 1.58 },
            { 1.65, 2.34, 2.01 }, { 2.93, 7.38, 3.16 }, { 1.62, 3.84, 2.50 }, { 2.49, 5.82, 1.92 },
            { 2.42, 6.36, 1.85 }, { 62.49, 61.43, 34.95 }, { 3.15, 11.78, 2.77 }, { 2.47, 6.21, 2.55 },
            { 2.66, 5.76, 2.24 }, { 0.69, 2.46, 1.67 }, { 2.44, 7.21, 3.19 }, { 1.66, 3.66, 3.21 },
            { 3.54, 15.90, 3.40 }, { 2.44, 6.53, 2.05 }, { 0.69, 2.79, 1.96 }, { 2.60, 5.76, 1.45 },
            { 3.07, 8.61, 7.53 }, { 2.25, 5.09, 2.11 }, { 3.44, 18.39, 5.03 }, { 3.18, 13.63, 4.65 },
            { 44.45, 57.56, 18.43 }, { 12.59, 13.55, 3.56 }, { 0.50, 0.92, 0.30 }, { 2.84, 13.47, 2.21 },
            { 2.41, 5.90, 1.76 }, { 2.41, 5.90, 1.76 }, { 2.41, 5.78, 1.76 }, { 2.92, 6.15, 2.14 },
            { 2.40, 6.05, 1.55 }, { 3.07, 6.96, 3.82 }, { 2.31, 5.53, 1.28 }, { 2.64, 6.07, 1.42 },
            { 2.52, 6.17, 1.64 }, { 2.38, 5.73, 1.86 }, { 2.93, 3.38, 1.97 }, { 3.01, 3.25, 1.60 },
            { 1.45, 4.65, 6.36 }, { 2.90, 6.59, 4.21 }, { 2.48, 1.42, 1.62 }, { 2.13, 3.16, 1.83 }
    if(400 <= modelID <= 611)
        size_X = sizeData[modelID - 400][0];
        size_Y = sizeData[modelID - 400][1];
        size_Z = sizeData[modelID - 400][2];       
        return 1;
    return 0;
pawn Код:
    Float: vehSize[3]
GetVehicleSize(451, vehSize[0], vehSize[1], vehSize[2]);
printf("%f %f %f", vehSize[0], vehSize[1], vehSize[2]); // Prints "2.309999 5.460000 1.220000"
Thanks for this function RyDeR. I don't know how the function works, but is it possible to detect rear position of this vehicle by using this code?

Originally Posted by Skorch
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Thanks for this function RyDeR. I don't know how the function works, but is it possible to detect rear position of this vehicle by using this code?
try it with the half of the y_size since its the lenght of the vehicle

That goes the half of the y_size to the back of the vehicle
pawn Код:
new Float: Pos[6];
GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, Pos[3]);
GetVehicleSize(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid), Pos[2], Pos[4], Pos[5]);
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
Pos[0] += (floatsin(Pos[3], degrees) * 0.5 * Pos[4]);
Pos[1] -= (floatcos(Pos[3], degrees) * 0.5 * Pos[4]);
CreateExplosion(Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2] + 0.5 * Pos[5], 0, 5.0);
If that doesnt work correctly try it with JernejL's list (first reply of this page)

Originally Posted by Nero_3D
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try it with the half of the y_size since its the lenght of the vehicle

That goes the half of the y_size to the back of the vehicle
pawn Код:
new Float: Pos[6];
GetVehicleZAngle(vehicleid, Pos[3]);
GetVehicleSize(GetVehicleModel(vehicleid), Pos[2], Pos[4], Pos[5]);
GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
Pos[0] += (floatsin(Pos[3], degrees) * 0.5 * Pos[4]);
Pos[1] -= (floatcos(Pos[3], degrees) * 0.5 * Pos[4]);
CreateExplosion(Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2] + 0.5 * Pos[5], 0, 5.0);
If that doesnt work correctly try it with JernejL's list (first reply of this page)
Thank you, that code works perfectly.

This function balance the server teams distributing all players on how many teams you put in the brackets.
Just tested with variables manipulation.
pawn Код:
stock BalanceTeams(...)
    new PlayersIds[MAX_PLAYERS] = {-1, ...}, highid, Args = numargs(), divisor;
    for(new i, slot, j = GetMaxPlayers(); i < j; i++)
        if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && !IsPlayerNPC(i) && GetPlayerState(i))
                if(PlayersIds[slot] == -1)
                    PlayersIds[slot] = i;
            while(slot < sizeof PlayersIds);

    divisor = (highid / Args);
    if(highid <= 1 || Args <= 1) return false;

    if(Args > highid) Args = highid;
    for(new i = 0, Arg = 0; i < highid; i++)
        if(i == (highid - 1) && (highid % Args))
            SetPlayerTeamEx(PlayersIds[i], getarg(random(Args)));//Put the remaining in a random team
            return true;
        SetPlayerTeamEx(PlayersIds[i], getarg(Arg));
        if((i == (((divisor * Arg) + divisor) - 1) && i) || (i == ((divisor * 1) - 1)) ) Arg++;
    return true;

oh! Thanks.

Heres a nice function, made based off PgnPunkids (current name?) shark circling include.

pawn Код:
new Float:degree[MAX_OBJECTS] = 0.0;
forward CircleObject(objectid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:speed, Float:radius, Float:Cdegree);
public CircleObject(objectid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:speed, Float:radius, Float:Cdegree)
    new Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Px, Float:Py, Float:Temp;
    if(degree[objectid] < 360) degree[objectid] += Cdegree;
    else degree[objectid] = 0.0;
    X = (floatmul(floatcos(degree[objectid], degrees), radius));
    Temp = ((radius * radius) - floatpower(X, 2));
    Y = floatsqroot(Temp);
    if(degree[objectid] >= 180) Y *= -1;
    Px = floatadd(x, X);
    Py = floatadd(y, Y);
    MoveObject(objectid, Px, Py, z, speed);
    SetObjectRot(objectid, 0, 0, degree[objectid]);
    //printf("[System - Circling Object] - Degree: %f - X: %f - Y: %f - Px: %f - Py: %f", degree[objectid], X, Y, Px, Py);
    return 1;
It must be used in a timer to successfully circle a object.

To check when it's finished, check if the degree is back to 0 / 360.

Need a function, which inserts brakes (\n) automatically in a long sentence.
I think I saw one in this thread, but I've already looked in the last 50 page's
and fount nothing similar.

Okay found it, ty.

Can someone give me function for get textdraw position ?

some like "GetTextDrawPos(textdraw id)"


Originally Posted by kakalakamakapaka
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Can someone give me function for get textdraw position ?

some like "GetTextDrawPos(textdraw id)"

You must first create another function to create it, that simultaniously saves his pos in an array. And then GetTextDrawPos

pawn Код:
enum tData

new TD[MAX_TEXT_DRAWS][tData];
static TID = 0;

stock CreateTextDraw(Float:X, Float:Y, const Text[])
    TID ++;
    TextDrawCreate(X, Y, Text);
    TD[TID][tX] = X;
    TD[TID][tY] = Y;
    TD[TID][tText] = Text;
    return TID;

stock GetTextDrawPosition(textid, &Float:X, &Float:Y)
    X = TD[textid][tX];
    Y = TD[textid][tY];

stock SetTextDrawPosition(textid, Float:X, Float:Y)
    TextDrawCreate(X, Y, TD[textid][tText]);

Originally Posted by ******
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Which means that "MAX_VEHICLES" is a valid ID.
I've never seen an user with rank "Godfather" LOL, the max I saw was High-Roller

[QUOTE='[GF]Sasino97;1334647']You must first create another function to create it, that simultaniously saves his pos in an array. And then GetTextDrawPos

pawn Код:
enum tData

new TD[MAX_TEXT_DRAWS][tData];
static TID = 0;

stock CreateTextDraw(Float:X, Float:Y, const Text[])
    TID ++;
    TextDrawCreate(X, Y, Text);
    TD[TID][tX] = X;
    TD[TID][tY] = Y;
    TD[TID][tText] = Text;
    return TID;

stock GetTextDrawPosition(textid, &Float:X, &Float:Y)
    X = TD[textid][tX];
    Y = TD[textid][tY];

stock SetTextDrawPosition(textid, Float:X, Float:Y)
    TextDrawCreate(X, Y, TD[textid][tText]);
only problem with this, that you should save all datas of the TD. Text size, font, color, box, alignment, etc... And you should save which players can see the textdraws.

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