17.06.2011, 18:08
Последний раз редактировалось Wesley221; 10.10.2011 в 14:01.
First of all, this is my first tutorial. If i do anything wrong, or can something be better, tell me. I'm not the best scripter, so please, dont get angry about anything if i do something wrong.
I've noticed that there weren't any tutorials about checkpoints. Thats why i made this one. I had problems with checkpoints in the begin aswell, but some people helped me understand the basic things about checkpoints.
Explenation of the functions
This is the function to create a checkpoint. There is just one problem, you can only have 1 checkpoint at the same time. If you want more checkpoints, you need a streamer. I'm not gonna tell anything about multiple checkpoints YET, at the moment im just explaining 1 checkpoint.
This is the function to create a race checkpoint. This is used for races, thats why it’s called “Race Checkpoint”. Also you can only have 1 racecheckpoint at the same time.
This will disable a checkpoint, if it is active.
This will disable a racecheckpoint i fit is active.
Let's get started:
Okay, now we are gonna make a simple trucker mission as an example.
I’m gonna explain it, with a command.
First of all, add this line above your GM/FS
Now we got the variable, we’re gonna make a command which makes a checkpoint.
Note: I’m just using ZCMD, but it can be done with anything, STRCMP, DCMD
Note: Download link of ZCMD is down at the credits
Okay, now we got a working command, let's move on to the next part. Now we want if you enter the checkpoint, a new checkpoints appear, at a different location. We're using this callback: OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
Okay. So far we got: If you type "/work", it will make a checkpoint and gives you a message. When you enter the first checkpoint, it gives you a message, and a new checkpoint will be made.
Now lets make the last checkpoint work. We'll continue in the callback, and just adding the new things under the existing lines.
So now we got a working Trucker mission!
Multiple places
Now we are going to make different locations. For that, the easiest thing to work with, are dialogs.
This function makes a dialog pop up.
Instead of making a new command, we will use the last command, but remove everything. Then add a new dialog in it.
Now when you type /work, it will show you a dialog with 3 listitems. You can change those things to anything.
We're gonna use a callback called "OnDialogResponse".
This callback will be used when some-one press one of the buttons in a dialog.
Now we're gonna make the response, so if you press the first listitem, it will creates a checkpoint at a specific location, and when you press the second listitem, it creates a checkpoint at a different location.
Now we got the dialogresponse. Now we need to change the callback, OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint. Otherwise it won't do anything if you enter the checkpoint. We'll be using the existing OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint, and just add the things under it.
Congratulations, you now got multiple missions for truckers! If you want to add extra missions, just continue how i did it.
Multiple checkpoints
In this part i'm gonna tell you how you would use multiple checkpoints. If you read the first part of my tutorial, i've said the normal checkpoint limit was 1. But now we want to have multiple checkpoints at a time. Therefore you need a streamer. In this tutorial im gonna use Incognito's streamer. The download link of Incognito’s streamer can be found down the credits.
The functions:
Normal checkpoints:
Race checkpoints:
This one is like the same as CreateDynamicCP, just with nextx, nexty, nextz. If you want to know what they mean, scroll up and read the "CreatePlayerRaceCheckpoint"
Since it's not usefull to get the id of a checkpoint by counting them (first checkpoint = id 0, second = id 1, etc) we'll use variables. You can name it anything you want. But here imma call the variable Checkpoint.
Multiple Checkpoints on spawn
Now we got the checkpoints, but if you enter them nothing happens yet. Thats why we need to use the callback "OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP". If you using racecheckpoints, the callback is "OnPlayerEnterDynamicRaceCP".
Now if you enter Checkpoint[0], it will give you a message " This is "Checkpoint[0]" " and give you $100. If you enter Checkpoint[1], it will give you a message " This is "Checkpoint[1]" ", and give you $200.
Well, this was my tutorial! I hope you guys liked it, and most important, learned something from it. Please rate and comment. If there are any suggestions, please post them aswell so i can add them later
If there is anything that's not clear, anything that can be done better, tell me and i'll take a look at it
Wesley221 - Making this tutorial
Zeex - Making ZCMD
Incognito - Making the streamer plugin
Download links:
Incognito Streamer
First of all, this is my first tutorial. If i do anything wrong, or can something be better, tell me. I'm not the best scripter, so please, dont get angry about anything if i do something wrong.
I've noticed that there weren't any tutorials about checkpoints. Thats why i made this one. I had problems with checkpoints in the begin aswell, but some people helped me understand the basic things about checkpoints.
Explenation of the functions
This is the function to create a checkpoint. There is just one problem, you can only have 1 checkpoint at the same time. If you want more checkpoints, you need a streamer. I'm not gonna tell anything about multiple checkpoints YET, at the moment im just explaining 1 checkpoint.
pawn Код:
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size);
Playerid - This is the ID for who the checkpoint will be Float:x – The X position Float:y – The Y position Float:z – The Z position Float:size – This will be the size of the checkpoint (normal checkpoint is around the 2-3)
This is the function to create a race checkpoint. This is used for races, thats why it’s called “Race Checkpoint”. Also you can only have 1 racecheckpoint at the same time.
pawn Код:
SetPlayerRaceCheckpoint(playerid, type, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:nextx, Float:nexty, Float:nextz, Float:size)
Playerid – This is the ID for who the checkpoint will be Type – You got 4 different types. 0 = normal checkpoint (arrow inside), 1 = finish checkpoint, 2 = checkpoint without an arrow inside, 3 = checkpoint in the air (circle), 4 = finish checkpoin for in the air. Float:x – The X position Float:y – The Y position Float:z – The Z position Float:nextx – This is the X position, for the next checkpoint. This is just for the arrow, so it knows which direction it needs to point at. Float:nexty – This is the Y position, for the next checkpoint. This is just for the arrow, so it knows which direction it needs to point at. Float:nextz – This is the Z position, for the next checkpoint. This is just for the arrow, so it knows which direction it needs to point at. Float:size – This willb e the size of the checkpoint. Also, a normal size is around the 2-3.
This will disable a checkpoint, if it is active.
pawn Код:
This will disable a racecheckpoint i fit is active.
pawn Код:
Okay, now we are gonna make a simple trucker mission as an example.
I’m gonna explain it, with a command.
First of all, add this line above your GM/FS
pawn Код:
new Ccp[MAX_PLAYERS]; // This creates a variable, which we will use later
Note: I’m just using ZCMD, but it can be done with anything, STRCMP, DCMD
Note: Download link of ZCMD is down at the credits
pawn Код:
COMMAND:work(playerid, cmdtext)
Ccp[playerid] = 1; // This will change the variable, so we can use it later on with OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -269.1287,2610.6057,63.2069, 3.0); // This creates a checkpoint at the coцrdinates: "-269.1287,2610.6057,63.2069"
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You started your first mission. Please follow the checkpoints");
return 1;
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
if(Ccp[playerid] == 1) // This checks if our variable equals to 1, if so: it continues
DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); // This makes sure that there will be a new checkpoint
Ccp[playerid] = 2; // Changes the variable, so we can use it later again with OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -1051.4005,-655.8729,31.7361, 3.0); // Creates a new checkpoint at a different position
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You loaded your goods, go to the next checkpoint to continue.");
return 1;
return 1;
Now lets make the last checkpoint work. We'll continue in the callback, and just adding the new things under the existing lines.
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
if(Ccp[playerid] == 1) // This checks if our variable equals to 1, if so: it continues
DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); // This makes sure that there will be a new checkpoint
Ccp[playerid] = 2; // Changes the variable, so we can use it later again with OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -1051.4005,-655.8729,31.7361, 3.0); // Creates a new checkpoint at a different position
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You loaded your goods, go to the next checkpoint to continue.");
return 1;
if(Ccp[playerid] == 2) // This checks if our variable equals to 2, if so: it continues
new reward, string[128]; // This will create 2 new variables, a reward: so we can print the reward later on. string[128]: This creates a variable, with the size "128", we'll use this one to make a message.
DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); // This will destroy the checkpoint, so you only get your reward once
Ccp[playerid] = 0; // This resets the variable, so if you enter a checkpoint right now, nothing will happen
reward = GivePlayerMoney(playerid, GetPlayerMoney(playerid) + random(5000) + 1000);
With this it will change the money.
What does the random function: This will get a random number, between 0 - 5000. After he gets a random number, he will add 1000 to it, and then add that amount of cash to your current amount
format(string, sizeof(string), "You entered the last checkpoint. Reward: $%i", reward);
If the reward is 3676 (example), this will print: You entered the last checkpoint. Reward: $3676
What is the %i? The %i stands for "Integer", also known as a number. If the %i was %s, it only would have print letters, because %s = string
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, string); // This sends the string to the player
return 1;
Multiple places
Now we are going to make different locations. For that, the easiest thing to work with, are dialogs.
This function makes a dialog pop up.
pawn Код:
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, dialogid, style, caption[], info[], button1[], button2[])
Playerid - This is the ID for who the dialog will be Dialogid - The id for the dialog. This is so we can give it a response (Max ID = 32767) Style - There are 3 different styles: DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST. MSGBOX = just a messagebox, INPUT = inputbox, LIST = dialog with listitems Caption[] - This will be the "title" of the dialog. Max = 64 characters Info[] - This will be the text (info), with \n you can make a new line (Used to make listitems for LIST) Button1[] - This will be the text of the first button Button2[] - This will be the text on the second button
pawn Код:
COMMAND:work(playerid, cmdtext)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 50, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Choose any of those locations", "From --- to --- /*(listitem 0)*/ \nFrom --- to --- /*(listitem 1)*/ \nFrom --- to ---/*(listitem 2)*/", "Ok", "Cancel");
As you can see, im using "\n" to make a new line. In a messagebox it is just a new line, but with DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, it is a new listitem.
Please NOTE: Anything always start couting from 0, not from 1.
You can change the dialogid to anything, and an usefull thing to do, is to give the dialog an name.
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, MISSIONDIALOG, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Choose any of those locations", "From --- to --- \nFrom --- to --- \nFrom --- to ---", "Ok", "Cancel");
So if you need to change the dialogs, because you're already using the dialogid, you just need to change 1 number, instead of the whole dialogid's
return 1;
We're gonna use a callback called "OnDialogResponse".
This callback will be used when some-one press one of the buttons in a dialog.
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
pawn Код:
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == 50 || dialogid == MISSIONDIALOG) // This checks if the dialog equals to 50, OR ( || = or , && = and ) MISSIONDIALOG. Just change it to what ever you use. You can use a switch aswell, but i just prefer just to see the whole line
if(!response) return 0; // If you press the second button (cancel), the dialog dissapears and nothing happens
if(resposne) // if there is a response (first button( ok )) it continues
if(listitem == 0) // If you choose the first listitem, this happens
Ccp[playerid] = 1; // This will change the variable, so we can use it later on with OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -269.1287,2610.6057,63.2069, 3.0); // This creates a checkpoint at the coцrdinates: "-269.1287,2610.6057,63.2069"
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You started your first mission. Please follow the checkpoints");
return 1;
if(listitem == 1) // If you choose the second listitem
Ccp[playerid] = 3; // Why do we make this one 3, and not just 1? That is because 1 is already in use. If you look at your current OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint, you see that there already is a "if(Ccp[playerid] == 1)"
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -1051.4005,-655.8729,31.7361, 3.0); // This creates a checkpoint at the coцrdinates: "-1051.4005,-655.8729,31.7361"
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You started your first mission. Please follow the checkpoints");
return 1;
if(listitem == 2) // If you choose the third listitem
Ccp[playerid] = 5; // Same for this, 1, 2, 3 and 4 are already in use, so thats why we use 5
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -2286.7529,2282.9390,5.9015, 3.0); // This creates a checkpoint at the coцrdinates: "-2286.7529,2282.9390,5.9015"
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You started your first mission. Please follow the checkpoints");
return 1;
return 1/0 // If you're using this in your GM, then return to 1. If you're using a FS, return to 0 PLEASE NOTE: Take a good look at this, if you're returning to 1 in a FS, it will NOT work
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid)
if(Ccp[playerid] == 1) // This checks if our variable equals to 1, if so: it continues
DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); // This makes sure that there will be a new checkpoint
Ccp[playerid] = 2; // Changes the variable, so we can use it later again with OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -1051.4005,-655.8729,31.7361, 3.0); // Creates a new checkpoint at a different position
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You loaded your goods, go to the next checkpoint to continue.");
return 1;
if(Ccp[playerid] == 2) // This checks if our variable equals to 2, if so: it continues
new reward, string[128]; // This will create 2 new variables, a reward: so we can print the reward later on. string[128]: This creates a variable, with the size "128", we'll use this one to make a message.
DisablePlayerCheckpoint(playerid); // This will destroy the checkpoint, so you only get your reward once
Ccp[playerid] = 0; // This resets the variable, so if you enter a checkpoint right now, nothing will happen
reward = GivePlayerMoney(playerid, GetPlayerMoney(playerid) + random(5000) + 1000);
With this it will change the money.
What does the random function: This will get a random number, between 0 - 5000. After he gets a random number, he will add 1000 to it, and then add that amount of cash to your current amount
format(string, sizeof(string), "You entered the last checkpoint. Reward: $%i", reward);
If the reward is 3676 (example), this will print: You entered the last checkpoint. Reward: $3676
What is the %i? The %i stands for "Integer", also known as a number. If the %i was %s, it only would have print letters, because %s = string
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, string); // This sends the string to the player
return 1;
if(Ccp[playerid] == 3) // This checks if our variable equals to 3, if so: it continues
// This is the same as "if(Ccp[playerid] == 1)", didn't understand something from this? Please look back
Ccp[playerid] = 4;
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, 2791.8650,1231.7740,10.7663, 3.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You loaded your goods, go to the next checkpoint to continue.");
return 1;
if(Ccp[playerid] == 4) // This checks if our variable equals to 4, if so: it continues
// This is all the same as with "if(Ccp[playerid] == 2)", so if you still didn't understand anything from it, please, look back at the Ccp[playerid] == 2
new reward, string[128];
Ccp[playerid] = 0;
reward = GivePlayerMoney(playerid, GetPlayerMoney(playerid) + random(5000) + 1000);
format(string, sizeof(string), "You entered the last checkpoint. Reward: $%i", reward);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, string);
return 1;
if(Ccp[playerid] == 5) // This checks if our variable equals to 5, if so: it continues
// This is the same as "if(Ccp[playerid] == 1 || Ccp[playeird] == 3)", didn't understand something from this? Please look back
Ccp[playerid] = 6;
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, -1573.3285,-2730.4099,49.2886, 3.0);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "You loaded your goods, go to the next checkpoint to continue.");
return 1;
if(Ccp[playerid] == 6) // This checks if our variable equals to 6, if so: it continues
// This is all the same as with "if(Ccp[playerid] == 2 || Ccp[playerid] == 4)", so if you still didn't understand anything from it, please, look back at the Ccp[playerid] == 2 || Ccp[playerid] == 4
new reward, string[128];
Ccp[playerid] = 0;
reward = GivePlayerMoney(playerid, GetPlayerMoney(playerid) + random(5000) + 1000);
format(string, sizeof(string), "You entered the last checkpoint. Reward: $%i", reward);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, string);
return 1;
return 1;
Multiple checkpoints
In this part i'm gonna tell you how you would use multiple checkpoints. If you read the first part of my tutorial, i've said the normal checkpoint limit was 1. But now we want to have multiple checkpoints at a time. Therefore you need a streamer. In this tutorial im gonna use Incognito's streamer. The download link of Incognito’s streamer can be found down the credits.
The functions:
Normal checkpoints:
CreateDynamicCP(Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:size, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:distance = 100.0); Those are the new things that have been added, i’ll explain those, and the rest you would know if you read the tutorial above Worldid – This is the VirtualWorld where the checkpoint will be. If this one is -1, then it will be shown in EVERY VirtualWorld InteriorID – This is the Interior where the checkpoint will be. If this one is -1, then it will be shown in EVERY interior Playerid – Again, this will be the player for who the checkpoint will be, most likely is to leave this at -1 so it is for everyone. Float:distance – This will be the distance from where you will see the checkpoint. If it’s 100 (recommed), then you will see the checkpoint if youre 100 meter (not sure if it’s in meters) away from it. DestroyDynamicCP(checkpointid);
This one is like the same as CreateDynamicCP, just with nextx, nexty, nextz. If you want to know what they mean, scroll up and read the "CreatePlayerRaceCheckpoint"
CreateDynamicRaceCP(type, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:nextx, Float:nexty, Float:nextz, Float:size, worldid = -1, interiorid = -1, playerid = -1, Float:distance = 100.0); DestroyDynamicRaceCP(checkpointid);
Multiple Checkpoints on spawn
pawn Код:
new Checkpoint[2];
Put this above your script out of any callback. This will create a variable that you will use to create the checkpoints.
Also, change the number between the [ ] to the amount of checkpoints you have. But don't forget to add 1 extra to it! Otherwise you get this error:
error 032: array index out of bounds (variable "Checkpoint")
public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid)
Checkpoint[0] = CreateDynamicCP(-2112.7422,-753.4459,32.1719, 4, -1, -1, -1, 100); // Creates a checkpoint at -2112.7422,-753.4459,32.1719 with a range of 4, in any virtualworld, interior and for every player
Checkpoint[1] = CreateDynamicCP(-2112.9177,-760.9539,32.1719, 4, 5, -1, -1, 100); // Creates a checkpoint at -2112.9177,-760.9539,32.1719 with a range of 4, in virtualworld 5, any interior, and for every player
return 1;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid, checkpointid) public OnPlayerEnterDynamicRaceCP(playerid, checkpointid) playerid - This is the action what the player gets when he enters the CP checkpointid - This is the checkpoint id, this will be the variable we used above
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playeird, checkpointid)
if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[0]) // Checks if the checkpointid equals to Checkpoint[0]
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "This is \"Checkpoint[0]\"");
NOTE: The " \ " is needed before the ", otherwise it will give you an error!
You wont see the " \ " though, so dont worry about that
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, + 100);
if(checkpointid == Checkpoint[1]) // Checks if the checkpointid equals to Checkpoint[1]
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "This is \"Checkpoint[1]\"");
GivePlayerMoney(playerid, + 200);
return 1;
Well, this was my tutorial! I hope you guys liked it, and most important, learned something from it. Please rate and comment. If there are any suggestions, please post them aswell so i can add them later

If there is anything that's not clear, anything that can be done better, tell me and i'll take a look at it

Wesley221 - Making this tutorial
Zeex - Making ZCMD
Incognito - Making the streamer plugin
Download links:
Incognito Streamer