[GameMode] [GM] Raven's Roleplay [2.5b]

Best GM ever seen! GJ!! 999999999/999999999!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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check this forum : http://forum-frp.cz.cc/index.php

Cool story bro'
you have to fix some more bugs?

Can someone give me direct link to download Ryans fix version because I can't register on his forum

Stop advertising -.-

Originally Posted by Dragony92
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Stop advertising -.-
what advertising?

Originally Posted by bcretu64
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what advertising?
The forum of the guy that have a clean script xD

I need direct download for the bugless fix, this is pissing me off, I have a little kid that CONSTANTLY steals Bullets and minges, without him being able to, I will be in control. Without the bugs I need to spend ALL MY TIME hunting that little f*cker down.

Btw Brandon I checked the forum for the download, Your friend told me to go on it earlier, I still can't find it.

Wait..whats with you all?? He can do whatever he want. He can advertise his forum in any way he want. The forum is owned by him, and he have all rights to post the script there. If you want the script, just register on that forum, its your problem if you dont want.

This gamemode is just perfect, this can be worth many dollors ! and you just gave it away for free
your just a nice man, all your hard work, and your giving this to the public for free.
I'm going to use your gamemode mabye improve it with some stuff.
This is just a perfect gamemode, keep up the good work

Originally Posted by Brandon Javorsky
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I have the bugless script running on my server ( ) so, if you guys still want it, join it and just report what's buggy, cause nothing is buggy for me!
Lies. I joined. and uhm yeah bugged on spawn. Great fix!

well do you have AIM or MSN or something i have a proposition for you! u may or may not like

Just looked trough 100 pages of comments trying to find a fix. When i enter a store and type /buy nothing happens. Is there an alternative command i can use or is it bugged?


Just looked trough 100 pages of comments trying to find a fix. When i enter a store and type /buy nothing happens. Is there an alternative command i can use or is it bugged?

I think you need to type /buy NUMBER
Im not sure..


well do you have AIM or MSN or something i have a proposition for you! u may or may not like

pcgamemaker@hotmail.com <--MSN

Originally Posted by Mrki_Drakula
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ok i added you! IM me as soon as u accept please


Originally Posted by WG Chinn
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im telling u lol if they took my deal they would have it made i offerd them my domain and all id ask for is admin. and i even hold a IPB licence they would have it made if they would get a hint...
That is an awesome deal. I wonder why they did not take it. I mean a free domain and a free forum program (that's what IPB is, right?), that is a lot!

Originally Posted by Mrki_Drakula
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WTF?! Thats it!

Please, for the love of the god, please, Collin,Brandon..anyone.., are you working on this, or what!?

Please, but please.

Can someone shoot me list of bugs ?!?!
No one knows if he is still working on it. I hope he is. As for the list of bugs, I'm terribly sorry, I do not know all of the bugs (I can't stand playing long enough to find them out ) but I'll be happy to beta test for you if you are going to tackle it.

Originally Posted by Chicken0895
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That is an awesome deal. I wonder why they did not take it. I mean a free domain and a free forum program (that's what IPB is, right?), that is a lot!
Yes IPB is kinda like VB like this forum but i like IPB its about 150$ worth of forums i spent more though i got a lifetime lic.

Originally Posted by WG Chinn
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Yes IPB is kinda like VB like this forum but i like IPB its about 150$ worth of forums i spent more though i got a lifetime lic.
Nice. I'm sure IPB is more reliable then whatever shit Collin is using that keeps crashing.

Originally Posted by Chicken0895
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Nice. I'm sure IPB is more reliable then whatever shit Collin is using that keeps crashing.
YES just look lolhttp://wrecklessgaming.com

Originally Posted by WG Chinn
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Wow that is a really nice forum. Coillin totally should have taken you up on your offer.

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