Server not showing in the internet list but it shows in the hosted list.

Whats wrong here my server have been online none stop for 37 hours. It got announce 1 and query 1 but it still only shows up in the hosted list and not the regular internet list o.0 Also note 37 hours ago where just an server restart and before that it had been on for like an week none stop.
I tested with and it says the server is not on the internet list I also tested to load the internet list by hand and look for it but it's not there

So what can be wrong?

but its good that your server be in host list :O it was always in my dreams!!!

If you are hosting your server on linux VPS, make sure permissions of file "announce" are fine.

All my sa-mp files have 777 as permission so that shouldn't be the problem. Also it shows in the hostedlist and announce most be working to get on there to?

I still got the same problem so I will add some information for you guys that might help you to help me xD

1. The server is located on an cent os vps.
2. All sa-mp files got chmod 777.
3. I runt he sa-mp server as root (yes kill me I know I shouldn't do that)
4. Sometimes I got problems with connecting bots even if my max npc value is higher then the current bots online. Also note on my windows test server the bots never fails. Also note the bots connect from localhost. I think this is the same problem as the announce problem. It seems like the server have problems to run files even if it's running as root and all files got 777 in permission o.0

So got any ideas about what can make problems like this?

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