[FilterScript] My very first fs: Toilet system

v0.5: First release.
v1.0: Poop system added(with the help of jamesmkonger
What is this
This is a small and VERY simpel system that makes you HAVE to pee/poop every hour.
It is still very basic sow i am not realy expecting you guys to like it:P

How does it work
Very simpel, every hour you get this message: "Your blather is full! You need to go to a toilet! Quick!((You got 5 minutes))"
Then after five minutes a special action automaticly starts(the pee action).
You wont be able to just press enter and stop peeing, you have to empty your blather(10 seconds).
But ofcourse if you are in a car, you cant pee(you cant perform a specialaction). Sow you get this message:
"You need to get out and pee! You dont want to pee all over the seats do you?"
Sow when you get out you have 5 seconds to find a place to pee. After that you automaticly start to pee.

Sow this is only peeing?
Not anymore, but i am still working on a system wich alows you to go to a bathroom.

Oke i guess i could try it out, where to download?
Here!: pastebin
v1.0(newer): solidfiles
Feel free to mirror btw!

Aditnional information
You dont have to tell me it's crap.

Me- for the idea and the base
MasterB- The help with the urinate timer and the/pee command
Jay- For his help in general!

The word is "so", not "sow".

Nice One Bro.

Hehe, nice one. Hope to see more fs from you.

It's nice, but you need to improve your grammar.

Yeah sorry my english is not very perfectXD

He toilet Nice idea.

Man I was always expecting you will create something professional and unique and now you make toilet system(Ok, at least it is unique lol).

Hoping better updates.

Haha nice one! But maybe you could add that if you're in a car and need to pee, then after X seconds you will be automatically removed from vehicle and animation would be performed :P

Btw I've found this very funny lol XD
Sow this is only peeing?
For now, yes. But i am working on adding pooping system aswell.


Thanks for the credits!
oh wait a second... there aren't any :O

Nice your first FS xD.any Screens ? or Video?

Good job

This is a very weird system. I doubt anyone would use something like this.

Could you explain that?

Originally Posted by MasterB
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Thanks for the credits!
oh wait a second... there aren't any :O
Shit i forgot! Hold on!


Very funny fs =]

This would not work for multiple people.

Just checked that, and it's true. You need SetTimerEx anywhere.
pawn Код:
forward toilet(playerid);
public toilet(playerid)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Your blather is full, you need to go to the toilet quick!((You got 5 minutes))");
    SetTimer("Hastogo", 300000, false);
forward Hastogo(playerid);
public Hastogo(playerid)

Anyway, nice idea :P - It's different then mine. Mine was (I am re-making the GM) like this: When you are on a toilet, it'll apply an anim which will let the player sit. When you're not near a toilet when you use /gopee, the player'll just stand and pee (just like this one). In a vehicle, the player'll automatic stop (Vehicle Velocity ) and exit the vehicle to pee.
However, this one's also nice.


Originally Posted by Kwarde
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Just checked that, and it's true. You need SetTimerEx anywhere.
pawn Код:
forward toilet(playerid);
public toilet(playerid)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Your blather is full, you need to go to the toilet quick!((You got 5 minutes))");
    SetTimer("Hastogo", 300000, false);
forward Hastogo(playerid);
public Hastogo(playerid)

Anyway, nice idea :P - It's different then mine. Mine was (I am re-making the GM) like this: When you are on a toilet, it'll apply an anim which will let the player sit. When you're not near a toilet when you use /gopee, the player'll just stand and pee (just like this one). In a vehicle, the player'll automatic stop (Vehicle Velocity ) and exit the vehicle to pee.
However, this one's also nice.
Wait you mean like this?
pawn Код:
forward toilet(playerid);
public toilet(playerid)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Your blather is full, you need to go to the toilet quick!((You got 5 minutes))");
    SetTimerEx("Hastogo", 300000, false, "i", playerid);
forward Hastogo(playerid);
public Hastogo(playerid)
        SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "You could not hold it in anylonger! You've started to urinate!");
        SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, 68);
        TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
        SetTimerEx("UrinateTimer", 10000, false, "i", playerid);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_RED, "Quick, get out! You dont want to pee all over de car seat dont you?");
            SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid, 68);
        return 1;

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