SAMP Crashes on loading.

When I try to connect a server, SAMP crashes on loading screen.

Error code:

SA-MP 0.3c-R3
Exception At Address: 0x0040FB80

EAX: 0x0D817CC8	EBX: 0x0D815C80	ECX: 0x00000000	EDX: 0x00000000
ESI: 0x03F98084	EDI: 0x0D815C80	EBP: 0x00000118	ESP: 0x0028FC90
EFLAGS: 0x00010202

+0000: 0x004C6DC5   0x00000030   0x0D815C80   0x0D815C80
+0010: 0x03F98084   0x00000118   0x00001500   0x0028FCF0
+0020: 0x0028FCF0   0x0D817CC8   0x03F98084   0x04DD69D8
+0030: 0x0028FCF0   0x008A62EC   0x008A62EC   0x03F98084
+0040: 0x00001500   0x004C549D   0x04DD6910   0x004C52F0
+0050: 0x0028FCF0   0x0D815C80   0x03F98084   0x0028FF78
+0060: 0x0083BC4B   0xFFFFFFFF   0x004C7369   0x0D815C80
+0070: 0x0D815C80   0x03F98084   0x005373CF   0x0D815C80
+0080: 0x008E48AC   0x00000118   0x03F98084   0x000015E0
+0090: 0x0040C814   0x008E48AC   0x03F98084   0x000015E0
+00A0: 0x00000118   0x00000000   0x008E4A60   0xBF8D4B72
+00B0: 0x0E680800   0x00012000   0x764D1184   0x00000190
+00C0: 0xFFFFFFFF   0x00000000   0x019A31C0   0x0040E2CA
+00D0: 0x0E680800   0xFFFFFFFF   0x00000000   0x00000008
+00E0: 0x00000000   0x769CF9B0   0x00000000   0x00000000
+00F0: 0x00000024   0x0040EAC8   0x00000000   0x00000001
+0100: 0x00000000   0x00863B10   0x005BA263   0x00000000
+0110: 0x00863A6C   0x0086A578   0x00000000   0x0053BCAB
+0120: 0x00863B10   0x00863B10   0x00863A90   0x00863B10
+0130: 0x0000000A   0x0053E593   0x00863B10   0x00748D00
+0140: 0x764D1225   0x00000000   0x0028FF88   0x7EFDE000
+0150: 0x01760000   0x00000008   0x01765450   0x00000008
+0160: 0x00000100   0x00000008   0x00000102   0x43C80000
+0170: 0x43960000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000320
+0180: 0x00000258   0x00000000   0x0028FE54   0x004B0684
+0190: 0x00000200   0x00000000   0x012C0190   0x1A175691
+01A0: 0x00000190   0x0000012C   0x0000002C   0x0028FE2C
+01B0: 0x00825EA4   0x764D1225   0x00000000   0x7EFDE000
+01C0: 0xFFFFFFFF   0x00821D17   0x00000065   0x00000065
+01D0: 0x0028FF88   0x008246F1   0x00400000   0x00000000
+01E0: 0x01943B33   0x0000000A   0x00000094   0x00000005
+01F0: 0x00000001   0x00000A28   0x00000002   0x76726553
+0200: 0x20656369   0x6B636150   0x00003320   0x00000000
+0210: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0220: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0230: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0240: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0250: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0260: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00000000
+0270: 0x00000000   0x00000000   0x00824588   0x00000000

SCM Op: 0x0, lDbg: 0

Game Version: US 1.0

Send this OpCode to Kalcor, Players are unable to read OpCodes, Kalcor only himself created the system. Even the SAMP Development team cant read these codes. Kalcor developed it, and made it possible. He's the only person in this world (unique guy) that is able to read these.

Does your SAMP Crash Or Stop Responding?

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