Please help

I have some problems. In script, are the commands, but in game says "Unknown Command". All the commands are like that. And, i added a lot of object whit MTA, but don't save all of them. How i do to save all? Sorry for my bad english.

Show the commands and be more clearly.

At all the commands say "Unknown Command".

1. You need to add return 1; at the end of EVERY command, for example:
pawn Код:
if( !strcmp( cmdtext, "testcmd", true ) ) {
    SendClientMessage( playerid, -1, "Test. " );
    return 1; // I meant this.
2. You are exceeding the object limit, get a streamer, such as Incognito's streamer.

1. At every command is return 1.
2. Where i can find it, and how it works
Edit : First problem I fixed, now, where i find Streamer?

1. Do you have return 0; at the end of OnPlayerCommandText?
2. Use search button

I download the Streamer. I added object whit CreateObject, and don't save all of them.

For Incognito's streamer, you need to change your objects to CreateDynamicObject.

Click the little replace button, close to compile button and replace all your CreateObject codes to CreateDynamicObject.

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