CreateObejct problem.

Hello, I have a little problem with my public server and I don't know why, I can't understand and I can't find a reason.

Everything it's working fine, but when I'm trying to use CreateObject on a filter script it just won't do NOTHING.
It's not creating the object, there's no errors, logs...nothing.

I know you will tell me: well, use a streamer...etc
I know I can use a streamer, but I want to make a neons system and I can't use it, I can use only static CreateObject.

I also reinstalled my server few times, I'm sure I didn't reached the SA-MP CreateObject limit.
So, any idea ? Any solution ? What else can I try to detect my problem?

Thanks in advance....


Show the script?

Originally Posted by Backwardsman97
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Show the script?
I am trying to make a simple neon scripts, but that's not my problem

I will give you some example.

pawn Код:

#include <a_samp>

new object;

public OnFilterScriptInit()
    object = CreateObject(969,999.23895264,-645.79333496,120.66536713,0.00000000,1.24694824,23.80175781); //
    return 1;

public OnFilterScriptExit()
        return 1;
This code should create the object 969 at that coords, and it works on my local server. But on my public server nothing happens when I load the script.

BUMP, Any idea?

Maybe you have too much objects, maybe a streamer would help?

Originally Posted by geerdinho8
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Maybe you have too much objects, maybe a streamer would help?

Originally Posted by usrb1n
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Hello, I have a little problem with my public server and I don't know why, I can't understand and I can't find a reason.

Everything it's working fine, but when I'm trying to use CreateObject on a filter script it just won't do NOTHING.
It's not creating the object, there's no errors, logs...nothing.

I know you will tell me: well, use a streamer...etc
I know I can use a streamer, but I want to make a neons system and I can't use it, I can use only static CreateObject.

I also reinstalled my server few times, I'm sure I didn't reached the SA-MP CreateObject limit.

So, any idea ? Any solution ? What else can I try to detect my problem?

Thanks in advance....
Well, I already told you on the post that I can't use the streamer here Also I told you that I didn't reached the object limit.

Are you sure you're creating the object at the correct coordinates? Try copying and pasting those coordinates into a SetPlayerPos and see where it takes you.

Originally Posted by Backwardsman97
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Are you sure you're creating the object at the correct coordinates? Try copying and pasting those coordinates into a SetPlayerPos and see where it takes you.
Already did that. And I'm 100% sure because if I use a streamer with the same coordinates it works fine.
It's all about the CreateObject in filterscript, I don't have any idea about what to try, this has just stop working one day...for no reason, no changes.

Is there any debugger? To find some errors or something?

I'm pretty bored right now, and havent contributed much lately; here. If you send me your server in a rar file i will try to fix it. If you dont want to, i hope someone helps you.

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