Orph's skin selector

Hey This is my First filterscript, you've probably seen me around the forums, well anyway, I was asked by a mate to do a skin selector for his Roleplay server, so i came up with this, and it works a treat, and depending on if this is liked by people will depend on wether I edit it and make it better, already got ideas incase I do.

It uses menu's to select a skin, if i do a v2 then it will force you to the spawn screen, and then show the skins as you scroll through, but for now it is what it is, a simple menu system that covers all the skins,
Please don't remove the credits, this has taken AGES to do, so I would appreciate it if you didn't steal it and say you did it...

anyway here's the filterscript, it includes ALL 300 skins that don't crash the game ( 0 - 299)


Features :
/skins to access the skins menu's
/setskin <playerid> <skin id> to set a players skin (Requires RCON ADMIN)
/SkinsReset <playerid> to allow a player to set their skin again (Requires RCON ADMIN)

Comments would be greatly appreciated, as would ideas for V2


V2 is on its way Features will include:
Setting the player to a virtual world whilst they select their skin,
Sending the player to a SPAWN select screen at their current location,
On player spawning after entering the aforementionned spawn screen, it will send the player BACK to the MAIN Virtual world ( that they came from ) and respawning the player with their new skin.

Current V2 process bug, unable to set weapons back to what the player entered the spawn screen with
Process to fix : Attempting everything I can, Wont release until its fixed.

Regards Orph.

hmm... i dont trust that all 299 skins are working :P .. and if it does give us proofs..something like screenshots?

idk.. sa:mp team didn't fixed wrong skins... so i dont believe you yet

LoL! all in menu?
Nice work dude

lol tested about 200 of them, the only unTESTED ones are the peds one cos i cba atm, will get round to it, try it, it all works.. and besides if there ARE errors tell me and i'll fix, i spent the last 3 days do this, so cut me some slack LMAO!

also, I can't screenie atm cos my samp is broken need to redownload LMAO, and busy scripting PM and stuff atm.. lol, when i'm finished theres no point anyway cos there is no garentee that i haven't just spanwed as another skin... so test it for yourself, I assure you it all works

Regards Orph.

nice..this sounds good .. :P

Thanks for the comment, lol i wanted to give something back to the people :P! even tho i've not really used anyones scripts its all my own LMAO!
used some as reference etc lol to LEARN pawno, but my FS car system skinM system, and gamemode, and minigames are all mine

Regards Orph, looks like i'll be doing a v2 LMAO!

Mirror Please!!!

Mirrors :


Nice job, must have taken ages...


15 hours roughly ( i got backups from my origional 1 to my newest( uploaded one)

The orgional link works, its just laggy due to the size of the script

Regards Orph

Glad you all like it

Edit : mis-spelt Link LMAO!

orpheus dis is nice script :P .. i think dis took ya some good hourz ... or maybe days ... i wouldn't had ur patience

Keep up good work,

MAY ( NO garentee cos i'm so awesomly superly proud of it lmao) soon be posting my CAR system, has petrol station's fuel system, can buy up to 3 cars, admin callcar include and stuff like that, but for now this is my only release, Depending on when and IF I upgrade this system first

Regards Orph,

Check back in a couple of weeks for v 2 maybe

Nice thanks i use it for my server

Glad people are using it

Also I'm in need of some assistance people so if ANYONE know how to fix these bugs tha'd be great

bug 1: Weapon data ? how can i make it loop throgh all yur weapon slots?

Bug 2 how can i show skins with out assigning a team to the skin?

All fixes wil be marked in the comments

Regards Orph

Looks cool... but do you need to say LMAO! after everything? LMAO

Course i don't HAVE to say "LMAO" I just do, keeps me entertained

Nah, i just got excitted what with all the good comments on my 1st FS and all :P

V2 is gonna be delayed due to other developments + i plan to finish my gamemode, and Filterscripts before I release my server ...

Regards Orph

SInce many moderntopia users use this, then maby it is possible to make that what skin player chooses, will be saved in mysql database....

Also have one problem sometimes, when user tryes to change skin it sayes "Ask admin bla bla bla" but when i put /resetskins then it sayes to me that user havent choosed skin this session :S

sounds nice

Thx Man!

@ Mixman : /resetskins < id of player you want to reset > and yes it is possible to make it save, how do you currently save payer stuff? if its an enum just add skin, into it, or what not, and also you can make it so they can set either ONCE per join or just ONCE by saving to the file, skin selected, and when the player selects add a 1 and if they try to use the command then make it so that it will check if they have already or not, if you dont understand, then i can try and help Its hard to help when you dont know how the data is saved with mysql ( i run a basic server ) so if you can explain how it saves i can help you ave tha data

~@ everyone else thanks for the comments and glad to see alot of moderntopia servers are using it

Regards Orph

Remember any questions are more than welcome here or pm me

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