28.05.2011, 19:17
Последний раз редактировалось Mike_Peterson; 18.08.2014 в 23:53.

Hey all, i was away from this forums for a few months, so now im kinda bored.
That's why i'm offering my scripting services.
I will give advice and probably snippets of code for free.
And other stuff for a price. I'll say something about my services.
First of all: I am not experienced with MYSQL on sa-mp.. do not ask me questions about it.
The same for IRC stuff and plugins
Second, I can script for the following gamemodes:
and more..
The things i dislike to script are: dialogues, checkpoints, gangzones and textdraws, not saying i will definatelly not do em.
Also, I'm not a very good mapper so don't ask me to map things.