Games you are looking forward to?

Okay, so its pretty straight forwarded. Name the list of games you are looking forward to in 2011 and 2012.

Here is my list:

4.Mortal Kombat 9 - It would be nice, i guess...
3.Max Payne 3 - I REALLY liked the first two games, i hope it would be as good as them.
2.Minecraft - i know you can play it right now, but i am taking a break until its released.
1.Guild Wars 2 - I just CANT WAIT until its released, every time i hear about a new update i pee in my pants, i have never been this exited about a game.

What about you?

1. l.a. noir
2. the sims 3 - Unleashed
3. battlefield 3

  • Battlefield 3
  • Any other BF series

  • Battlefield 3
  • Modern Warfare 3

Battlefield 3
L.A Noire
A new splintercell, I heard rumours
A new GTA, I heard rumours

L.A Noire and Max Payne 3 if it's more than just a rumour.

  • L.A Norice
  • Moder Warfare 3
  • Minecraft ( Out of beta )
  • Dead Island
  • Uncharted 3 ( < Can't wait for this fucker to come out ^^ )

BF 3, Minecraft.

Originally Posted by linuxthefish
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BF 3, Minecraft.
Eww minecraft, i tried playing it but its just so fucking boring that i had no clue what to do.

But I'm waiting for BF3, and hopefully a crysis 3 in a couple years. And the new GTA in a year or so

Originally Posted by Norn
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Then to upset the Arab world even more they chuck is body in the ocean, the ignorance haha!
Burying him at sea was them respecting their religion, by burying him in under 24 hours. I personally do not think that he is dead, cause im going by 'PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN'.

Originally Posted by Hal
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Eww minecraft, i tried playing it but its just so fucking boring that i had no clue what to do.

But I'm waiting for BF3, and hopefully a crysis 3 in a couple years. And the new GTA in a year or so

Burying him at sea was them respecting their religion, by burying him in under 24 hours. I personally do not think that he is dead, cause im going by 'PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN'.
Originally Posted by News Article
A prominent imam in Egypt, Dr Ahmed El-Tayeb, said the US violated Islamic custom by not burying bin Laden on land, a move seen as a US attempt to prevent his resting place from becoming a shrine for extremist followers.

Islamist lawyer Montasser al-Zayat said bin Laden should have been buried in his native Saudi Arabia, home to Islam’s holiest sites.
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