Server doesnt start :(

I have uploaded my server files to VOLThost, all scriptfiles, filterscripts, plugins (.so as it is linux) and server.cfg, gamemode pwn and amx, but when i connect to it, It says Connected to "my server name" but nothing happens which should happed as in my test server when i had run the same from local host

btw it has server.cfg, is a linux system supposed to have something else?

Do you have the linux server package?

I have downloaded it and uploaded, but i dont have plugins folder in that packager nor there is a line calle plugins in server.cfg where do i add plugins?

Does the server work at your home PC?

If so just put the .so files in with the Windows files and FTP the whole server to your host.

I did that man, It doesnt work even, It works in my home pc

Can anyone get on ts for me?

What GM you using
Try Inrigito Streamer Or something..It helped Me too
I runned Many Servers Of others Try it
or tell me your GM then i may help you more
Pm me

dude i am swat server owner u r just admin ^
AnYwayz swiftz can u explain it correctly what error it shows or server runs or not

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