19.04.2011, 13:29
Последний раз редактировалось Seven_of_Nine; 19.04.2011 в 15:57.
SAdmin v1.0
Let's get started:Welcome to my topic!
I've made this script to protect any servers if needed.
I will list how to install, how to configure, how to get it work.
As I said there's more than 60 commands, if we don't count the un- commands as one.
Level 1: spec(off), goto, heal, ashout, ac(# chat), screen, jetpackme
Level 2: kick, warn, (un)mute, (un)jail, asay, burn, slap, disarm, eject, clearchat
Level 3: ban, announce, aasay, write, explode, settempname, get, setcash, fu, akill
Level 4: giveweapon, sannounce, restart, (un)freeze, jetpack, givemoney, nuke, spawn
Level 5: healall, kickall, (un)muteall, jailall, explodeall, slapall, giveweapall, givemoneyall
Level 6: fakechat, fakecmd, fakechatall, fakecmdall, godon, godoff
RCON: setlevel, lvl6 (command to make you lvl6 admin), setname, disablechat, enablechat
Player commands added: pm, report, shout, message(! chat), givecash, admins, level1-6, cmds, credits
Go download here, and extract the folders.
Then you see a server.cfg, open it, and you can find a line says "filterscripts SAdmin" and "plugins sscanf".
Just replace those in your server.cfg with these lines.
How do I make myself an admin
First method:
- Go ingame
- Login with RCON
- Type /lvl6
- You are done!
- Go ingame
- Login with RCON
- Type /setlevel [your current id] 6
- You are done!
- Go ingame
- Register
- Disconnect
- Go to your scriptfiles/Players
- Click on your .ini file
- Modify AdminLevel = 0 to AdminLevel = 6
- You are done!
- Go to SAdmin.pwn
- Open it
- CTRL + F or Find
- Type your command name in
- Search for a line PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdminLevel] >= [a number is here]
- Now edit the number as you want. (max 6)
- You are done!
- Airbreak for level 6 admins with keys
- Easier to configure a command's level
- More commands
- Anti-cheat
- Reworking these commands (like /kick)
- Commands in dialog!
- More features
Lorenc_ - Login script with dialogs (modified by me)
Dracoblue - Dini, dutils.
Kyeman - Spectating.
Zeex - All commands based on ZCMD.
Thanks for all these people!