

I have a register/login system and if you press "Cancel" it kicks you, the registration is fine.

But when I made a weapon dialog list and I press "Buy" it registeres me and when I press "Cancel" it kicks me :O
So I tried to put it in a FS, and still the same.

Help please?

you have rp gamemode ?

No I don't

I had the same problem too. I guess you are using two different filter scripts? If you do so you might think you can use the same dialog id's in them, but you can't. One filterscripts OnDialogResponse can act on an input of a dialog in another filterscript. So change the dialogid's in the two scripts.

Does this answer your question?

EDIT: Nevermind.

Anteino I checked all filterscripts & gamemode nothing had the dialog ID 1337 & 1338.

So right before I post this, I changed it to really random numbers.

Still it registeres me when I press buy and kicks me when I press "Cancel"

Please help

Post both codes please or add me on msn a.debock@skategroup.nl

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