15.04.2011, 15:56
Last edited by Michael@Belgium; 02/09/2017 at 09:50 AM.
Reason: http://forum.multimart.org/showthread.php?tid=5249
Development: -
What is it ?
This filterscript is a control panel for players and server ... It's include a vip system and admin system.
+ ANTI CHEAT !! (added in 1.1)
VIP = level 1
MODERATOR = level 2
ADMIN = level 3
RCON ADMIN = level 4 (display in /admins) (added in v1.2)
Normal player cmds:
The admin can do the cmds above too !
Errors 'n fixes
/cpanel (if youre level = 3)

Then if you click on "Open Players Panel"


Then if you click on "Open Server panel"

Ban notice with textdraws:

- If i find bugs i'll fix them ... (report bugs here plz) - See the quotes below
This filterscript is a control panel for players and server ... It's include a vip system and admin system.
+ ANTI CHEAT !! (added in 1.1)
- y_ini for accounts saving (lower then version 3.0)
- foreach
- 2211 lines (v1.2) || 2347 lines (v1.3) || 2842 lines (v2.0) ||2675 lines (v2.0a) || 2738 lines (v2.0b) || 2803 lines (v2.1) || 2880 lines (v2.1a) || 2870 lines (v2.1b) || 2976 lines (v2.2) || 3129 lines (v2.2a) || 3216 lines (v3.0 - MySQL)
- Easy to use !
- Vip system
- Admin system
- Add PrivateVehicles ! (added in 1.3) (Tuturial at the buttom)
- Save and spawn Tuned Vehicles ! (added in 2.0) (Tuturial at the buttom
- Fallout's 'Advanced Player Info' (in console) (added in 2.0)
- Cmdlog (added in 2.0) (changed in 2.0b)
- Anti-cheat ! (Anti-Spam, Anti-HighPing, Anti-minigun, Anti-Jetpack, Anti-Swear, Anti-ArmourHack, Anti-Speedhack, Anti-Advertisment)
- Reportlog - Reported players are going to be saved in a file (added in 2.1) (edited in 2.1a)
- Suggestionlog - Players who suggested will be saved in a file (added in 2.1)
- MySQL ! (added in 3.0)
VIP = level 1
MODERATOR = level 2
ADMIN = level 3
RCON ADMIN = level 4 (display in /admins) (added in v1.2)
Normal player cmds:
- /admin - Show the online admins
- /stats - Show the stats (id, health,armour,name,adminlevel,money,interior) (added in 1.3)
- /changepassword [newpass] - Change the password of the player (added in 2.1a)
- /bug - The player can report bugs; bugs will be saved in a file (Bugs.txt)(added in 2.2)
- /sug - The player can give suggestions for the server; suggestions will be saved in a file (Suggestions.txt)(added in 2.2)
- /viphelp - To see the vip cmds
- /vipveh - To spawn a vehicle for the VIP
- /vipnos - Add nitro
- /viprepair - Repair the car
- /vipheal - Heal the vip
- /vipflip - Flip the car
- /vip(un)godcar - God the car (added in 1.1 !) (changed in 1.3)
- /vip(un)lock - Lock your car (added in 1.3)
- /vipunlimnos - Unlimted nos for vips (added in 2.0b)
- /ahelp - See the cmds for mod/admin
- /crew - Change the skin to a 'crewmember'
- /spectate - Spectate a player
- /kick [ID] - kick a player
- /freeze [ID] - Freeze a player
- /unfreeze [ID] - Unfreeze a player
- /jail [ID] [REASON] - Jail a player (changed in 2.0)
- /unjail [ID] - Unjail a player
- /mute [ID] - Mute a player
- /unmute [ID] - Unmute a player
- /veh [ID] - To give a vehicle to someone or just /veh for yourself
- /ajetpack - Spawn a jetpack for you
- /setarmour [ID] - Set the armour for someone
- /sethealth [ID] - Set the health for someone
- * Michael@Belgium slaps [ID] - To slap someone around a bit with a large trout.
- /cage [ID] - To cage someone
- /uncage [ID] - To uncage someone
- /announce [TEXT] - Announcement
- /disarm [ID] - Disarm someone
- /eject [ID] - Eject someone out the vehicle
- /burn [ID] - Burn somebody
- /warn [ID] [REASON] - Warn someone (max 3 warns, more = kick) (added in 1.1)
- /(un)freezeall - Freeze all players ! (added in 1.1)
- /spawn(all) - Spawn a/all player(s) ! (added in 1.2)
- /countdown - A simple countdown from 5 to 'gogogo' (added in 1.3)
- /pcountdown - Countdown for player (added in 2.0)
- /ejectall - Eject all players from their vehicle (added in 2.0)
- /whois [ID] - Who is [ID] ? (returns name, level, armour,health, ip, ping, money, skin) (added in 2.0a)
- /set(all)weather ([ID]) [WEATHERID]- Set a weather for someone/all (added in 2.1a)
- /set(all)time ([ID]) [TIME] - Set the time for a certain player / for all (added in 2.1a)
- /(all)music [ID] [YOUTUBELINK] - Stream a youtube song/vid for a player/everyone. (added in 2.1b)
- /reconnect [ID] [REASON] - Force a player to reconnect with a reason. (added in 2.2a)
The admin can do the cmds above too !
- /get [ID] - Teleport somebody to you
- /goto [ID] - Teleport you to somone
- /ban [ID] - To ban somebody (ofcourse)
- /cpanel - The controlpanel for players + server = IN DIALOG !
- /setlevel [1/2/3] - Set someone to level 1,2 or 3
- /setscore [ID] [SCORE] - Set score of player
- /healall - Heal all players
- /sethealth [ID] - Set health to a player
- /getall - Get everyone to you !
- /killall - Kill everyone IG !
- /explode - To explode someone
- /giveweapon [ID] [weaponid] [ammo] - Give the player a gun with ammo
- /weaponids - See all the weapon id's
- /asay [TEXT] - Say something to everyone x)
- /armourall - Armour everyone
- /adminduty - This set the playercolor black and a 3Dtext to the player with: I am admin ! Do not attack !
- /(un)godall - God all players ! (added in 1.1)
- /setskin [PLAYERID] [SKINID] - Sets a skin for a player ! (added in 1.2)
- /setallskin [SKINID] - Setting all player skins ! (added in 2.0)
- /setallscore [VALUE] - Setting player score ! (added in 2.0)
- /adminoffduty - If you don't want to be on duty
(added in 2.0)
- /setinterior [PLAYERID] [INTERIOR ID] - Set someone's interior (added in 2.0)
- /giveallweapon [WEAPONID] [AMMO] - Give a weapon to everyone ! (added in 2.0a)
- /fakechat [PLAYERID] [TEXT] - Sends fakechat (added in 2.0b)
- /crash [ID] [REASON] - Crash a player (added in 2.1)
- /facepunch [ID] [REASON] - Facepunch a player to annoy him (added in 2.2)
V3.0 - Added Anti-Flood (AKA much incomming connections and/or bots) - Fixed /ban (wrong "playerid" shown for the texdraws) - Edited whole script to MySQL V2.2a - CMD: /reconnect - Edited /admins; Online admins are gonna shown in a dialog. - Added textdraw for website / forum. - When you're banned, you'll be noticed with textdraws. - Fixed /bug /sug V2.2 - CMD: /bug /sug (for normal players) - Used DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD - When a players being banned, the players will see a dialog with info. - CMD: /facepunch by JernejL V2.1b - Edited parts of the script were admin abusing was possible, now they can't. - Deleted the "seconds" parameter from /jail. It doesn't work - CMD: /(all)music - Replaced Anti-spam - Tested with 0.3d (and works) - Fixed Minigun issue (see at bottum) V2.1a - Edited Reportlog - CMDs: /set(all)weather /set(all)time /changepassword - Probalby fixed anti-cheat issue about minigun - When a admin/mod/vip uses a minigun, ppl will see it. Then they are able to report if (s)he abuse it. V2.1 - stock SendClientMessageToRconAdmin(msg[]) - Replaced all Ban(playerid) with BanEx(playerid,reason); -> easy use. - Reported players will be logged in a file - CMD: /crash - BUG FIX: + ex.: when you /sethealth [ID]: you are healing the correct player but the SendClientMessageToAll() is wrong) -> /sethealth -> /disarm - ANTI-CHEAT: anti-advertisment V2.0b - Able to Turn on/off anticheat - CMDs: /fakechat /vipunlimnos - Anti-Cheat: Anti-Armourhack, Anti-Speedhack - BUG FIX: cmdlog (it created 3 files 0_o) V2.0a - I found a CountDownForAll-bug -> It's fixed now - /weaponids is in dialog - CMD: /whois /giveallweapon - Cmdlog changed - Cmd mistace/bug fixed ( /stats ) V2.0 - HUGE UPDATE - Anti cheat: Anti-swear - /crew has onother skin - CMDS: /setallskin /setallscore /adminoffduty /setinterior /pcountdown /ejectall - CommandLog added ! - /viphelp is now in a dialog - Well, you already know you can have PrivateVehicle() but now you can spawn TUNED vehicles -> EASY USE ! - Advanced player info (console command) ! BY FALLOUT ;) (https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.ph...3.18887106- /jail [playerid][SECONDS][reason] - as you see: i added seconds parameter :D - Textdraw added for jailtimer - stocks added for countdown :D --> Easy use V1.3 - Cmds: /countdown /vip(un)lock /stats - You can add private vehicles for admins/mods/vips (stock PrivateVehicle()) - /vipgodcar is now Auto-repair in stead of SetVehicleHealth(999999) - Bug fixed in Anti-MG and Anti-Jetpack (i made a loop through all players ! :o If someone had a MG/jetpack ... THEY ALL GONNA BE BANNED xD) V1.2 - Added anti-cheat (anti-MG + anti-jetpack) - New cmds: /spawn(all) /setskin - If you logged in into rcon and someone do /admins then your level is 4 ... - If someone is kicked/banned by the server (because the anti-cheat) then you'll find it in your server.log - Added new stock: IsSkinValid(skinid) V1.1: - Added cmds: /warn /vip(un)godcar /(un)freezeall /(un)godall - Added AntiCheat (Anti HIGH PING + Antispam) - Added stock SendClientMessageToAdmin - Sends the msg to admins and mods (> level 1) V1.0: First release
- Download the RAR-file on the buttom
- EXCTRACT the file with WinRAR or 7zip (7zip recommended !!)
- Put the files in the correct map
- (You can) change this in the script:
pawn Code:#define MAX_PING 800 //max ping allowed ! Above = kick
#define AutoUnmuteTime 5 //How long it takes a player gets unmuted automatically (in minutes)
#define AntiCheat //not commented = on , commented = off
#define Website "patforum.freeforums.org" //change to your forum/website - Add this in your server.cfg:
Code:echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 1 rcon_password xxx maxplayers xxx port 7777 hostname xxx gamemode0 xxx filterscripts [MV]_cPanel2.2a announce 1 query 1 weburl xxx onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc xx logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] plugins sscanf
- Download the RAR-file on the buttom
- EXCTRACT the file with WinRAR or 7zip (7zip recommended !!)
- Put the files in the correct map
- (You can) change this in the script:
pawn Code:#define MAX_PING 800 //max ping allowed ! Above = kick
#define AutoUnmuteTime 5 //How long it takes a player gets unmuted automatically (in minutes)
#define AntiCheat //not commented = on , commented = off
#define Website "patforum.freeforums.org" //change to your forum/website
//mysql config:
#define mysql_host "" //Your mysql host (default: localhost)
#define mysql_user "" //Your mysql username (default: root)
#define mysql_password "" //There is none for wamp unless you set one.
#define mysql_database "" //Your database name - Add this in your server.cfg:
Code:echo Executing Server Config... lanmode 1 rcon_password xxx maxplayers xxx port 7777 hostname xxx gamemode0 xxx filterscripts [MV]_cPanel3.0 announce 1 query 1 weburl xxx onfoot_rate 40 incar_rate 40 weapon_rate 40 stream_distance 300.0 stream_rate 1000 maxnpc xx logtimeformat [%H:%M:%S] plugins sscanf mysql
- Private vehicles:
Well, here a tut about private vehicles:
First add this to the FS:
pawn Code://on the top of the FS
new AdminVehicle[7];//just add 7 AdminVehicles, you can change the number ofcourse
pawn Code://onfilterscriptinit
AdminVehicle[0] = AddStaticVehicle(559,-3344.7705,530.3821,1.4083,1.4312,60,1); // admincar jester
/*AdminVehicle[1] = ...*/
Then you want to add this as your own vehicle, so a private vehicle:
Go to:
pawn Code:public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
//here you add PrivateVehicle();
//like this:
PrivateVehicle(playerid,AdminVehicle[0],"Michael@Belgium");//So my car is AdminVehicle[0] (and owner Michael@Belgium)
} - Spawn/save tuned vehicles
Well let's begin:
So this is already included in the FS:
pawn Code:public OnFilterScriptInit()
TuneCar();//already under OFSI !
return 1;
public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid)
SetTimer("TuneCar",1000,0);// and this is already there too .. :p
return 1;
pawn Code:public TuneCar()
//here you add several things like:
ChangeVehiclePaintjob(AdminVehicle[0],1);//change paint job
AddVehicleComponent(AdminVehicle[0], 1066);//add component ;.;
AddVehicleComponent(AdminVehicle[0], 1068);
AddVehicleComponent(AdminVehicle[0], 1070);
AddVehicleComponent(AdminVehicle[0], 1072);
SetVehicleNumberPlate(AdminVehicle[0],"ADMIN");//and maybe change the numberplate :p
return 1;
Errors 'n fixes
Error: The program can't start because libMYSQL.dll is missing from your computer. Fix: Download this file and past it in your server dir. |
/cpanel (if youre level = 3)

Then if you click on "Open Players Panel"


Then if you click on "Open Server panel"

Ban notice with textdraws:

pawn Code:
| .--------------. ||
| | ____ ____ | ||
| |_ \ / _|| ||
| | | \/ | | ||
| | | |\ /| | | ||
| | _| |_\/_| |_ | ||
| ||_____||_____|| ||
| | | ||
| '--------------' ||
'----------------' V's cPanel
Free to use on the following conditions:
*Do not re-release edited versions without my permision
*Do not and NEVER clame this as your own, not even an edit!
*Say thanks on the sa-mp forums if you like ;)
- [FIXED] Sometimes, in my server ..., i have problems with an issue:
Code:[19/10/2011] [xx/xx/xxxx 21:51:06] [join] Fendy_Dafic has joined the server (0:xx.xx.xxx.xxx) [xx/xx/xxxx 21:51:06] [ANTI-CHEAT] - Fendy_Dafic banned by server (Reason: Minigun)
- At a few people the filterscript won't load.
- If you use /music and/or /allmusic on Linux, it crash the server. (Commented the cmds in 2.2a)