16.07.2008, 19:19
X_Jobs Include By PeaToN^ And [K4L]Leopard.
This include allows you to add players in 12 different jobs!
The jobs are Police, Medic, army, swat, groove, ballas, drug dealer, president, Driver instructor, Hacker, trucker and Carjacker!
Jobs IDs:
•1 = Police
•2 = Medic
•3 = Army
•4 = SWAT
•5 = Groove
•6 = Ballas
•7 = DrugDealer
•8 = President
•9 = Drive Instructor
•10 = Hacker
•11 = Trucker
•12 = Car Jacker
Script Example:SetJob(10, 55); This will add playerid 55 to job hacker
Note!!! I edited this from "SetJob(jobid, playerid) to SetJob(playerid, jobid)" !!!!
Script Example: RemoveJob(11); Its remove playerids 11 Jobs
Script Example: PaymentTime(240000); It sets Time betwen paychecks 240 Seconds(4 Minutes)
Same ids as for SetJob(jobid, playerid).
Script Example: SetPayment(11, 10000); It changes truckers payment amouind too 10k
Script Example: TeamKillOn(1); It makes a Team Kill protection.
Script Example: SetSkin(11, 155); It changes Truckers Skin to Skinid 155.NOTE: It dont change ACTIVE Truckers SKIN!!!
Script Example: if(GetPlayerJobId(11) == 1) It will check if playerid 11 is a cop.
<== Version 1.9 C [2008-11-03 23:14 GMT +1] Recommended for best results!
PASTABIN: http://pastebin.com/f5c8acf2f
Ideas For Next Release:
but for more that 1 suggestion you can post
This include allows you to add players in 12 different jobs!
The jobs are Police, Medic, army, swat, groove, ballas, drug dealer, president, Driver instructor, Hacker, trucker and Carjacker!

- Setjob(playerid, jobid)
Jobs IDs:
•1 = Police
•2 = Medic
•3 = Army
•4 = SWAT
•5 = Groove
•6 = Ballas
•7 = DrugDealer
•8 = President
•9 = Drive Instructor
•10 = Hacker
•11 = Trucker
•12 = Car Jacker
Script Example:SetJob(10, 55); This will add playerid 55 to job hacker
Note!!! I edited this from "SetJob(jobid, playerid) to SetJob(playerid, jobid)" !!!!
- Removejob(playerid)
Script Example: RemoveJob(11); Its remove playerids 11 Jobs
- PaymentTime(time);
Script Example: PaymentTime(240000); It sets Time betwen paychecks 240 Seconds(4 Minutes)
- SetPayment(jobid, Payment)
Same ids as for SetJob(jobid, playerid).
Script Example: SetPayment(11, 10000); It changes truckers payment amouind too 10k
- TeamKillOn(True/False)
Script Example: TeamKillOn(1); It makes a Team Kill protection.
- SetSkin(Jobid, Skinid)
Script Example: SetSkin(11, 155); It changes Truckers Skin to Skinid 155.NOTE: It dont change ACTIVE Truckers SKIN!!!
- GetPlayerJobID(playerid)
Script Example: if(GetPlayerJobId(11) == 1) It will check if playerid 11 is a cop.
PASTABIN: http://pastebin.com/f5c8acf2f
Ideas For Next Release:
- Car Jacker = 100%
but for more that 1 suggestion you can post
[INC]xJobs V 1.9 C: Fixed bug with SetJob(playerid, 1) now it shows right message! ================================ [INC]X_Jobs V 1.9 B: Added Jobs: car jacker Added Function: Orther: Bug fix release. Violation with trucker job fixed now. ================================ [INC]Jobs V 1.9: Added Jobs: Trucker Added Function: Orther: Bug Fix Release, Fixed some Bugs. ================================ [INC]Jobs V 1.8: Added Jobs, Drive Instructor, Hacker Function Added: GetPlayerJobID(playerid); ============================== [INC]Jobs V 1.7: Added Jobs: Drug Dealer, President Added Function: SetSkin(Jobid, Skinid) Orther: A .pwn and .amx included to check how to script those commands. ==================================================Код:[INC]Jobs V 1.6: Added Jobs: Added Function: TeamKillOn(True/False) ================================ [INC]Jobs V 1.5: Added Jobs: SWAT,Groove,Ballas Function Added:PaymentTime(time) ============================== [INC]Jobs V 1.0: Added jobs Police, Medic and Army. Function Added: Setjob(jobid, playerid) Removejob(playerid) SetPayment(jobid, Payment)Код:Script Snippers! Example of SetPlayerJob: if (strcmp("/police", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) { SetPlayerJob(1,playerid); //This command will make player a police officer. return 1; } Example Of RemoveJob(playerid); public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { RemoveJob(playerid); return 1; } Example Of SetPayment(jobid); public OnGameModeInit() { SetPayment(1, 1000); // It will set police payment to 1000 return 1; } Example Of TeamKillOn(tru/false); public OnGameModeInit() { TeamKillOn(1);//It will make able to kill polices if your police. return 1; } public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { if(GetPlayerJobId(playerid) == 0)//This checks if playerid have any job, If not, they jobid is 0, so it means civilian. { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR, "SERVER: Your a civilian!"); } return 1; }