03.04.2011, 20:45
Last edited by sciman001; 04/04/2011 at 01:49 AM.
So basically, the chasecar is a car to chase. The reason to chase it is that if you are in it, you will get 200 bucks a second! So... yeah. its a tuned sultan(i think). It spawns somewhere in los santos. At the top of the script, there is this:
Change these to change the position of the car. This took me about 20 mins because of some bugs. THANKZ!!
SOLIDFILES: http://solidfiles.com/d/8862/
You may need to add this in your gamemode under OnGameModeInit
I did have to use this for some reason. 
So basically, the chasecar is a car to chase. The reason to chase it is that if you are in it, you will get 200 bucks a second! So... yeah. its a tuned sultan(i think). It spawns somewhere in los santos. At the top of the script, there is this:
pawn Code:
new Float:x = 2324.3391; //x position
new Float:y = -1270.5941; //y position
new Float:z = 22.1586; //z position
new Float:rot = 180.6980; //rotation
SOLIDFILES: http://solidfiles.com/d/8862/
You may need to add this in your gamemode under OnGameModeInit
pawn Code:
SendRconCommand("reloadfs ccar");