need fast help!! loop issue!!


i need a solution fast pls!
everytime this loop is used everything in this loop is executed that often how many players are currently on the server.
So e.g. if there are 4 players on the server and the loop would include a SendClientMessageToAll, this message would be send 4 times!
But i only want this to be executed once, pls help!!

pawn Код:
forward pAliveChecker();//this is a timer checking how many players are still alive...
public pAliveChecker()

new Float:survivorhealth[MAX_PLAYERS];

for(new i=0;i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)


if((survivorhealth[i] > 0) && (IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1))//if only one single player is alive the round ends...

ChainsawEnder();//this is a stock and its executed like i wrote on top... But it shall be executed only once

return 1;
regards, Black.
I really need a fast solution pls

pawn Код:
forward pAliveChecker();//this is a timer checking how many players are still alive...
public pAliveChecker()

    for(new i=0;i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        if((survivorhealth[i] > 0) && (IsPlayerConnected(i) == 1))//if only one single player is alive the round ends...
            ChainsawEnder();//this is a stock and its executed like i wrote on top... But it shall be executed only once
            break; // Use break to exit a loop.
    return 1;
Please, indent your code next time. By the way, you can find more information here:

A few things could be improved upon as well

pawn Код:
forward pAliveChecker( );
public pAliveChecker( )
    for( new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; ++i )
        // samp has internal checks to see if players are connected
        // no reason to have an array of health values if they are never compared
        if ( GetPlayerHealth( i, health ) && health > 0 )
            ChainsawEnder( );
    return 1;

thx but...
This does not check if theres only one single player alive right?
Cause there could be also more than one player online having bigger health than 0.
Or am i wrong?

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