20.03.2011, 09:35
Hi. I'm scripting a little server for myself, I have not scripted anything for a long time tho.
My Pickups save to MySQL and load from there fine, but I need a script, that if you step on the pickups (PickupTypes are 1), you'll be teleported to somewhere else.
My MySQL struct:
Code to spawn pickups
It's from [L3th4l]'s gm
Hope you understood my sh*tty English and can help me
My Pickups save to MySQL and load from there fine, but I need a script, that if you step on the pickups (PickupTypes are 1), you'll be teleported to somewhere else.
My MySQL struct:
INSERT INTO `pickups` (`PickupX`, `PickupY`, `PickupZ`, `PickupModel`, `PickupType`)
stock AddPickupFromFile() { new Str[67], PType, PModel, Float:PX, Float:PY, Float:PZ, pTotal; mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `pickups`"); mysql_store_result(); if(mysql_num_rows() > 0) { while(mysql_fetch_row(Str)) { sscanf(Str, "p<|>fffii", PX, PY, PZ, PModel, PType); CreateDynamicPickup(PModel, PType, PX, PY, PZ, -1, -1, -1, PICKUPDISTANCE); pTotal++; } } mysql_free_result(); printf("** %i\t<->\tPickups Loaded From\t<->\tMySQL\t\t **", pTotal); return 1; } stock AddPickupToFile(Float:PX, Float:PY, Float:PZ, PModel, PType) { new Query[200]; format(Query, sizeof(Query), "INSERT INTO `pickups` (PickupX, PickupY, PickupZ, PickupModel, PickupType) VALUES(%f, %f, %f, %d, %d)", PX, PY, PZ, PModel, PType); mysql_query(Query); mysql_free_result(); return 1; }
Hope you understood my sh*tty English and can help me
