15.03.2011, 19:49
Последний раз редактировалось Cypress; 06.06.2011 в 15:04.
The Statue Power UPDATED v0.3
How it works? What does it do?
You should pickup the statue that is located at Los Santos Ocean Docks, up on the ship. After you pick it up a message will be announced "Name has picked up the Statue.". Then you can go and kill anybody and get +$1000. If you'll die the statue will be drop and anyone can pick it up in 15 seconds. After 15 seconds the statue will be re-created at same place (on the ship) , same if someone disconnect while owned it. You can see if someone own the statue by typing /statue. The statue will show you the man who owns it or else if it's not owned then it will show that it's not. It's pretty simple.

There is a define of amount of money you want to give to player who own the statue (killer id).
You will need the following includes.
foreach by ******
zcmd by Zeex
Change log & Credits:
I wont say anything else.
How it works? What does it do?
You should pickup the statue that is located at Los Santos Ocean Docks, up on the ship. After you pick it up a message will be announced "Name has picked up the Statue.". Then you can go and kill anybody and get +$1000. If you'll die the statue will be drop and anyone can pick it up in 15 seconds. After 15 seconds the statue will be re-created at same place (on the ship) , same if someone disconnect while owned it. You can see if someone own the statue by typing /statue. The statue will show you the man who owns it or else if it's not owned then it will show that it's not. It's pretty simple.

There is a define of amount of money you want to give to player who own the statue (killer id).
pawn Код:
//1000 is the cash you want to give, you can change it to any amount you want.
#define MONEY_VALUE 1000
pawn Код:
//With this you can change the statue position. Just replace with X,Y,Z you want.
#define xpos 2845.6782 // The X cordinates
#define ypos -2410.4414 // The y cordinates
#define zpos 19.1922 // The z cordinates
You will need the following includes.
foreach by ******
zcmd by Zeex
Change log & Credits:
pawn Код:
The Power Statue v0.2
- Easy change of the statue position.
- Improved scripting.
- Using foreach for looping though all players.
- Zeex (zcmd)
- ****** (foreach)
- Me (for whole filterscript)
I wont say anything else.