[FilterScript] iAnims - Ingame Animation Creation Kit ( 1811 animations )

What does it do?

With this filterscript you can easily edit any/all animation parameters ingame, and save the animation code to a file. You can save one at a time or save all at once. You can also save the animation as either a zcmd command or ycmd command. Each command processor has its own file, which is saved (.txt file) along with any other files created by this FS to the scriptfiles folder. When you use any save command you will be notified of the filename.

  • Save commands to a file ready to simply copy paste to your script. (ycmd/zcmd)
  • Save "ApplyAnimation" lines to paste into your own commands.
  • Save all 1811 animations to a file. At once.
  • Configure any/every animation and it will save and load next time you start your server.
  • Easily browse through all animations with one command. ( /ba )
The commands
Note: Valid animation indexes are from 1 to 1811.

/ianim [animation index].
Use this to view the animations.

/editanim [animation index][anim parameter][value]
"anim parameter" is the parameter in the animation function you wish to change.
Example usage: /editanim 1000 forcesync 1. - Will set "forcesync" to 1 on animation 1000.

/animspeed [animation index][Float:value] .
Use this to edit the speed of the anim with greater precision. The difference between this and the "editanim" version is this can take a float whereas editanim takes an integer.

/saveanim [animation index][comment]
Save a single animation to a file called "iSavedAnimations.txt"

/saveallanims or /saa
This will save all the animations ( all 1811 ) to a text file called "iSavedAnimations.txt" in "ApplyAnimation" format. ( not the same file as single animation saves).

/saveanimcommand [animation index][command processor][commandname] .
This will save the animation as a ready made command (zcmd and ycmd only). Also use /sac
Example usage: /sac 100 ycmd sit . -Will save animation 100 as a y_command /sit.

>>> UPDATE 1.1: <<<

/browseanims. or /ba
This will put the camera in front of you and play animations. You skip though animations using NUMPAD4 (left) and NUMPAD6(right). This makes it much easier to browse through animations. Textdraws also added to help indentify which animation is being played.

This will bring up a configuration dialog for the animations. It basically does what /editanim and /animspeed does but much more user freindly.

Additional info
It is strongly recommended that you load this filterscript when you start your server. It will without a doubt hang the server for 2 - 6 seconds. This is to load the animation variables from the database and will only happen when the filterscript is first loaded.

includes: zcmd, bud, sscanf2
plugins: sscanf2

pawn Code:
#define LOAD_ON_START   //comment this line to stop the loading when the filterscript starts, avoiding server hang
pawn Code:
//#define ADD_RCON_PROTECTION   //uncomment this line to add rcon protection on the commands.
Slice - BUD
Y_Less - sscanf2 plugin
ZeeX - zcmd
Iggy - OFC
Aelfred - BionixGaming.com

Please post any bugs/suggestions in this thread thanks.

Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/UV9BjVKL

0.3d: iAnims

pretty cool man :P

Thanks , i will add more stuff to it like dialogs, better text ect. I think a dialog would be better than those commands ill probably add that tommorow. And stuff like scrolling through animations with keys.

GoOd Man
You is Good

Good Work!!

Thats awesome

Fuck NICE!!!!1

wow nice

Great work! This is very usefull

How may be 1811 animations when they are only 1755? And the all in my script from signature...

Originally Posted by OKStyle
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How may be 1811 animations when they are only 1755? And the all in my script from signature...
There may be some missing i havn't tested every animation the max animation index is 1811, if there actually are 1811 i don't know. But 1811 unique "ApplyAnimation" lines are created when you /saveallanims so i'm guessing there are 1811 animations (some may not work).

This script is supposed to be more of a tool, than an actual script to run on a live server. Although it can be.

Sorry, my information not full. Thanks. I found 3 new librarys.... And now in my script i have 1854 anims =)

Wooowoowowowowooowoow amazinnnnnn§

Two new commands added that make things much, much easier.

This command will put the camera in front of you and allow you to browse through animtions with NUMPAD4 (left) and NUMPAD6 (right) Making things much easier. Textdraws also added.

Brings up a dialog to configurate animations, its same as using /editanim and /animspeed but much more user freindly than the commands.

I thought it was ANOTHER animation filterscript, untill I saw it more indepth!
Good job, iggy1!

Nice work. Keep going!!


New Revolution Roleplay

Nice thanks for this Iggy.

It's fuckin' awesome man! Thanks, now i don't have to check every animation, and create commands for 'em

Jesus ... amazing one ! Going to find some good animations right now. Thanks alot for this !

Thanks let me know if you run into any problems or have any suggestions. I might add a command where you can use the animation name eg, "/ianim Barcustom_get" but i don't think that will be much better than using indexes.

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