28.02.2011, 20:52
Последний раз редактировалось Commandos; 01.03.2011 в 11:55.
♣ Script Introduction ♣
Today i publied this Gamemode to everyone because it's really nice , it's GF but i modified it perfectly . i fixed all bugs so go check it out .
♣ Script Informations ♣
Login and Register with a dialog with colors . New object added front of any hq of faction . New cars added for PD , NG , FBI and about gangs : 2Sultan , 1Huntely , 1Fcr , 1Helycopter (Maverick) with thier interiors . More car added for Taxi Cab Company and its has a small hq this . If you to enter in a place inside (interiors) do not write /enter ! just tatch the door . PD , NG , FBI has a new command /equip must inside the armoury . Too all people can put a laser on their weapons : /laser , /laseroff , /lasercolor . Vehicle Owner Ship Systeme : I added many personal cars you can find them in the park near bank LS . All bizs fixed and i added more . The Game is only in Los Santos.
Vehicle Owner Ship Commands : /vehiclehelp
♣ Houses ♣: All houses are fixed with their command /househelp
♣ Factions ♣
Are 13 Factions :
1) Police Department : (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /arrest /duty /wanted (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /backupclear(/bkc) /roadblock(/rb) /roadunblock(/rrb) /roadunblockall(/rrball) /showbadge /undercover /backup(/bk) | /laser /shieldarm /shieldback /light /tazeron/tracelastcall(/tlc) /weplicense /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /deliver /ram /swat /authorizeswat /deauthorizeswat /drag /copuntie
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) : (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /arrest /duty /wanted (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /backupclear(/bkc) /roadblock(/rb) /roadunblock(/rrb) /roadunblockall(/rrball) /showbadge /undercover /backup(/bk) | /laser /shieldarm /shieldback /light /tazeron/tracelastcall(/tlc) /weplicense /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /deliver /ram /swat /authorizeswat /deauthorizeswat /drag /copuntie
3) National Guard : (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /arrest /duty /wanted (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /backupclear(/bkc) /roadblock(/rb) /roadunblock(/rrb) /roadunblockall(/rrball) /showbadge /undercover /backup(/bk) | /laser /shieldarm /shieldback /light /tazeron/tracelastcall(/tlc) /weplicense /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /deliver /ram /swat /authorizeswat /deauthorizeswat /drag /copuntie
4) Fireman/Paramedic /Duty /Heal --- It's has a small hq looks pretty
5) Corleone Family : New commands added : /takeguns must be in the hq
6) Paterno Family New commands added : /takeguns must be in the hq
7) Mayor /Surk
8 ) Hitman Agency /Portable
9) News Reporter /Live , /News
10) Taxi Cab Company /Fare
11) School Instructors /Givelicense , /Stoplesson , /StartLesson
12) Barzini Family New commands added : /takeguns must be in the hq
13) Tattaglia Family New commands added : /takeguns must be in the hq
Hey don't forget : PD , NG , FBI has chat inside them the /Radio (chat)and /Depatment (chat)
Too to Mafias has /family (chat) /f
♣ Admin Commands ♣ :
Level 1 Administrator *** /fly /check /setint /setvw /mute /kickres /masked /unfreeze /learn /respawn /cc /ajaillist /event /stopevent
Level 1 Administrator *** /slap /goto /a (/ao)oc /setskin /ajail /freeze /specplayer /checkweapons /mp /kick /ban /adminhold /rp
Level 2 Administrator *** /skydive /noooc /setteam /bigears /respawnthiscar(/rtc) /agl /setjob /update /gotom /gotos /disarm /gotobank
Level 3 Administrator *** /cnn /fourdive /gotols /prison /unprison /aunlock /apark /fuelcars /edit /vehslap
Level 3 Administrator *** /mark /gotomark /gotolv /gotosf /gotog /gethere /oldcar /gotocar /getcar /setage
Level 3 Administrator *** /respawnallcars /respawnrentbikes /respawnrentcars /unban /unbanip /fixveh /gotoxyz
Level 4 Administrator *** /mole /logout /logoutpl /logoutall /asellhouse /asellbiz /sellsbiz /setchamp /mk /sbizentrance
Level 4 Administrator *** /destroycars /sethp /setarmor /forceskin /explode /supervehslap /nos /flip /destroycar
Co-Owner *** /mole /logout /logoutpl /logoutall /asellhouse /asellbiz /sellsbiz /setchamp /mk /sbizentrance
Co-Owner *** /destroycars /setarmor /forceskin /explode /supervehslap /makeleader /bizentrance /unban /unbanip
Owner *** /givemoney /makeadmin /asellcar /setstat /money(sets money)
Owner *** /weather /weatherall /makeircadmin /rpforall /levelforall /moneyforall
Owner *** /givegun /crash /changename /houseentrance /houseexit /tod /startlotto
♣ Credits ♣
Commando : Owner and Scripter (houses script and factions
MiGu3L : Pro-Scripter ( Fix bugs , Adding personal cars and creating bizs )
Aymen : Medium-Scripter : ( Creating objects , Adding Vehicles )
♣ Download ♣
Full Script (0.3c):
Today i publied this Gamemode to everyone because it's really nice , it's GF but i modified it perfectly . i fixed all bugs so go check it out .
♣ Script Informations ♣
Login and Register with a dialog with colors . New object added front of any hq of faction . New cars added for PD , NG , FBI and about gangs : 2Sultan , 1Huntely , 1Fcr , 1Helycopter (Maverick) with thier interiors . More car added for Taxi Cab Company and its has a small hq this . If you to enter in a place inside (interiors) do not write /enter ! just tatch the door . PD , NG , FBI has a new command /equip must inside the armoury . Too all people can put a laser on their weapons : /laser , /laseroff , /lasercolor . Vehicle Owner Ship Systeme : I added many personal cars you can find them in the park near bank LS . All bizs fixed and i added more . The Game is only in Los Santos.
Vehicle Owner Ship Commands : /vehiclehelp
♣ Houses ♣: All houses are fixed with their command /househelp
♣ Factions ♣
Are 13 Factions :
1) Police Department : (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /arrest /duty /wanted (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /backupclear(/bkc) /roadblock(/rb) /roadunblock(/rrb) /roadunblockall(/rrball) /showbadge /undercover /backup(/bk) | /laser /shieldarm /shieldback /light /tazeron/tracelastcall(/tlc) /weplicense /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /deliver /ram /swat /authorizeswat /deauthorizeswat /drag /copuntie
Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) : (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /arrest /duty /wanted (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /backupclear(/bkc) /roadblock(/rb) /roadunblock(/rrb) /roadunblockall(/rrball) /showbadge /undercover /backup(/bk) | /laser /shieldarm /shieldback /light /tazeron/tracelastcall(/tlc) /weplicense /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /deliver /ram /swat /authorizeswat /deauthorizeswat /drag /copuntie
3) National Guard : (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /arrest /duty /wanted (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /backupclear(/bkc) /roadblock(/rb) /roadunblock(/rrb) /roadunblockall(/rrball) /showbadge /undercover /backup(/bk) | /laser /shieldarm /shieldback /light /tazeron/tracelastcall(/tlc) /weplicense /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /deliver /ram /swat /authorizeswat /deauthorizeswat /drag /copuntie
4) Fireman/Paramedic /Duty /Heal --- It's has a small hq looks pretty
5) Corleone Family : New commands added : /takeguns must be in the hq
6) Paterno Family New commands added : /takeguns must be in the hq
7) Mayor /Surk
8 ) Hitman Agency /Portable
9) News Reporter /Live , /News
10) Taxi Cab Company /Fare
11) School Instructors /Givelicense , /Stoplesson , /StartLesson
12) Barzini Family New commands added : /takeguns must be in the hq
13) Tattaglia Family New commands added : /takeguns must be in the hq
Hey don't forget : PD , NG , FBI has chat inside them the /Radio (chat)and /Depatment (chat)
Too to Mafias has /family (chat) /f
♣ Admin Commands ♣ :
Level 1 Administrator *** /fly /check /setint /setvw /mute /kickres /masked /unfreeze /learn /respawn /cc /ajaillist /event /stopevent
Level 1 Administrator *** /slap /goto /a (/ao)oc /setskin /ajail /freeze /specplayer /checkweapons /mp /kick /ban /adminhold /rp
Level 2 Administrator *** /skydive /noooc /setteam /bigears /respawnthiscar(/rtc) /agl /setjob /update /gotom /gotos /disarm /gotobank
Level 3 Administrator *** /cnn /fourdive /gotols /prison /unprison /aunlock /apark /fuelcars /edit /vehslap
Level 3 Administrator *** /mark /gotomark /gotolv /gotosf /gotog /gethere /oldcar /gotocar /getcar /setage
Level 3 Administrator *** /respawnallcars /respawnrentbikes /respawnrentcars /unban /unbanip /fixveh /gotoxyz
Level 4 Administrator *** /mole /logout /logoutpl /logoutall /asellhouse /asellbiz /sellsbiz /setchamp /mk /sbizentrance
Level 4 Administrator *** /destroycars /sethp /setarmor /forceskin /explode /supervehslap /nos /flip /destroycar
Co-Owner *** /mole /logout /logoutpl /logoutall /asellhouse /asellbiz /sellsbiz /setchamp /mk /sbizentrance
Co-Owner *** /destroycars /setarmor /forceskin /explode /supervehslap /makeleader /bizentrance /unban /unbanip
Owner *** /givemoney /makeadmin /asellcar /setstat /money(sets money)
Owner *** /weather /weatherall /makeircadmin /rpforall /levelforall /moneyforall
Owner *** /givegun /crash /changename /houseentrance /houseexit /tod /startlotto
♣ Credits ♣
Commando : Owner and Scripter (houses script and factions
MiGu3L : Pro-Scripter ( Fix bugs , Adding personal cars and creating bizs )
Aymen : Medium-Scripter : ( Creating objects , Adding Vehicles )
♣ Download ♣
Full Script (0.3c):
Have Fun !!!!! !!!!!