Lovely Complex (Most amusing part!)

I'm (i was) watching these Anime, Lovely Complex, hilarious as hell! )
I swear when i saw this i was just,LOOOL, i laughed my ass off.
I did a cut of the video.


Watch till the part where he whispers at his ear.
Please, Anime Haters stay AWAY!!

lol funny

Please purchase fail

Anyways, lolpwnt in his face.

Also, there's already a thread for this:

This is just like Tails's spam threads.

though I love anime, dunno if it was THAT funny.

I had no time to download Sony Vegas or anything as i have a fresh windows still.
I grabbed a free software from a certain site, grabbed video, cut and uploaded.
Though the text doesn't seem to bother .Also, isn't Tails banned?

@Jansish, depends of everyone's taste in Anime, for me for example i love Romance Anime, found this one, + an extra bonus, which was the fact the it was even a comedy one.
I was watching Bleach all the day, until got bored, reached episode 210 and quit ...

Also is really sad when an Anime series feel like you want more, you can't get enough when you like that certain Anime.

I'm a manga/anime addict and i have to say, this is one unique story. Also sarcasm reaches the ceiling...

Lol funny. I like the whole anime thing, my friends say theres an anime for everyone, to me its hard to find 'the anime'.
The closest one i found that matches my taste was 'Full Metal Alchemist', wish it was more militaristic and recent though.

anime is great, and funny just like this

Animeh ftw!

I like the humor in all anime movies. (^.^)

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