Dialog response problem

I have many dialogs in my gamemode, When i use some dialogs in my filterscript with different ids , they dont work. Like only the first dialog appears and when i press any option in the dialog it doesnt work. I tried several times with different dialogs please help . Dialog response doesnt work in fs , dialogs in gm work fine

Shows the codes for further help

Possibly because the dialog ids are conflicting. You may only use one dialog id once. Just a heads up, so in the GameMode you got dialog id 1,2,3 used and then in the FS you got the same ids being used it will not work.

But, GM-1,2,3 FS-4,5,6 will work. So try to keep the dialog ids different

I know codes are right coz they work in my gm but problem isnt it

I'd be sure to check the ids since well...if that isn't the problem its your coding

And i dont have dialog ids same they are different

well then it's your coding. Congratz

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