Help Portforwarding

I need someones help portforwarding my server My Router is a D-Link DIR615

Currently is Portforwarded BUT when i run the game on samp heres what happens on a LOOP:

Connectinggg to
Server is restarting
Connectinggg to
Server is restarting

I get that continuosly Non stop for some reason and i need urgent help from someone please

MSN IS: ADD me and Help me please


Try searching for things before you post, This comes up each day

I know you have tried to port forward but you may have done something wrong.

you forwarded UDP and TCP Port?
also which IP you connect with?
when you host in on your own PC use ur local ip
and when you use it on another PC in the network use the static local network ip
of that pc^^

Try their software
PortForward Checker

Guys i have Its All ports open but when i run server it just Says server restarting after being Connected ... Just doesnt load.. Can someone Add my msn : and control me over teamviewer to see my problem its really confusing i need expert help please

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