Portforwarding problem

before my router was linksys.That time i portforwarded and it doesn't works.
After that i changed the router to D-Link.In that also i portforwarded and in that also its not working.
Some times it will show like this..

Online? No
In internet list? Yes
In hosted list? No

It is on internet list sometimes.Why it is like that?Is it possible to be online?
I should do anything in widows firewall?
help me

anyone plz help me....

i have same problem PLEASE Help us guys!!~~!!

did u add port in ur firwall it can block if u don't make a port open

That the server is in the serverlist means that your server itself is running and reported itself to SAMP
That you are not in hosted list is normal. this is for actual good hosted servers

Your problem is likely with NAT port forwarding.
Go to your router, select port forwarding (or NAT translation, depending on your router it tends to change) and forward your serverport (usually 7777) to your local machine's ip. (make sure your machine allways gets the same ip, to make sure, set a static ip)

If this all sounds gibberish to you, then perhaps you should learn more about networking before trying to run a server.

i didnt add anything on firewall

i dont have skype.i have hotmail account.
can you give me your emailid?
my emailid = prabinraj60@hotmail.com

Well I Can Help You I've Have Port Forwarded Yesterday :P

plz i need your help
can you help me through team viewer?

Get Team Viewer 6 And give me your ip and Pass

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