[FilterScript] Los Santos Speed Controls

Los Santos Automatic Speeding Cameras
I have played plenty on roleplay servers and found very irritating that most of people are driving like 200km/h around the city area and cops don't even notice it. This FS offers little more realism for cases like that. In this FS you can place "speeding camera's" for the position you want. After you have chosen you can choose camera's speed limit. If any vehicle reaches that limit they will be automatically fined, and noticed that they are speeding.


Important Note: I used km/h speedometer (by Destrojer) instead of mp/h so don't get confused about speeds (you can see my speed is 160-180 on screenshots but those are KM/H speeds.) I can't promise that this will work for all speedo's. I probably release later speedo which is perfectly supporting this camera system, but as you can see speedometer I used when I tested this seems working well with this system

1) Download and compile .pwn file to amx (skip this when you download package which contains amx already)
2) Place files to your filterscripts folder
3) Write to the server.cfg, behind filterscripts: speedcam
4) Start the server. System starts automatically on server start

How to add/modify camera's
- Open pawno and speedcam.pwn and look for
You see list of speeding controllers. Start your own line there with this
And next put:
Camera's X position
Camera's Y position
Camera's Z position
Radius ( Keep it at 20)
Your decided speeding limit (mp/h)

So your line should look like this
AddSpeedingCam(i, 1451.7249, -1726.3785, 16.0000, 20, 50);
So now when vehicle bypass speeding camera with more than 50MP/H it gets ticketed.

OPTIONAL: You can add camera object near to the speeding camera system, for realism and good for RP servers. Look CreateObject for this.

Have not found any of them. If you find please post here.

Credits: Bu$ter
Special Thanks: Destrojer for his Speedometer

Download: (Link updated)

Very nice realese.

Hmm i dont find it realistic, just make it so "a x car is going over the speed limit at x" for cops to get there, since irl you wont get fined that way.

Originally Posted by MMiz
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Hmm i dont find it realistic, just make it so "a x car is going over the speed limit at x" for cops to get there, since irl you wont get fined that way.
Well atleast here in my country it works like this, however fine is coming after few weeks, not instantly
But anyways i see no point on it if there are 250+ players online and probably 5-10 cops and when people are speeding at many camera place's around city it goes like mouse and cat thing

nice script

Nice, you should make it dynamic and be able to add camera's IG. Actually that would be kinda hard because of the whole placement thing. But still would be cool

Very Unique 10/10

i like this there used to be a script like this but with actually have a speed camera looking object it has since long gone and im loving this one keep up the good work mate

very nice indeed.

Instead , Why not add a wanted star whenever there speeding , I dont think they can just take his money , Especially if hes a criminal , hes suppose to do bad stuff , this is preventing that.

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