SA-MP won't start

Help me;o

I downloaded gta sa and the latest sa-mp but when I open a server I got strange weird screen where I normally the nvidia reclame comes. And then it opens singleplayer.

My gta version is 1.01 and I am running Windows 7...

u need 1.0. U can downgrade with this patch

I tried but I get a "unknown version"

Well, u downloaded it so illegal
Im not gonna help u further

Use original version of GTA SA to play sa-mp ._.

Hm since when is it protected against against downloaden gta? But I am gonna look for my gta sa CD Thanks for the help! Topic can be closed!

We may just not help you when you're GTA is downloaded

And probably the mistake is in your pirated GTA and not in SAMP.

yeah i also think it isn't in sa-mp... Thanks anyway I am searching hard now xD

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