An dynamical roleplay server for everyone to enjoy, stay, and become a part of the community
The server that has one of the most unique features that has never been seen before
Tierra Robada roleplay is as far as we know the only server that currently has the map around Tierra Robada, with main city Bayside (Where all the RP is mostly happening). Unique server script, with unique administrators assigned to many tasks , including mapping, moderating, administrating, scripting, advertising and more - where every admin has their professional job. The server offers many functions and features (as you may read some of them below) to make the server as DYNAMIC as possible. With just an couple of days the server has increased to a steady player limit to about 10 + on weekly basis. The server is still growing, as long with it's script and custom added objects. The server was previously located in Bone County, Fort Carson but has moved all the businesses, houses, added more functions and commands to improve the RP.
* Achievement system
* Phone applications - such as advertisements with the WAPads function
* Dynamic Houses, Vehicles, and groups - Groups can be made easily by administrators ingame with loads of functions
*Fishing system - Earn money by fishing at the pier, or take a boat !
*Houses, businesses, vehicles around every corner making the roleplay even better!
*Businesses types can be changed by a simple admin command (types such as : clothing, pharmacy, 24/7, gym, restaurant, nude shop and MORE!)
*Custom mappings to improve the Tierra Robada zone
*An improved AFK system, if you write /Afk you will be set to "AFK" mode and you cannot receive paychecks - and if you're AFK for a time you will be automaticly set to AFK to avoid any power leveling/afking in public.
*Improved licensing system for EVERY categorized vehicle (Truck, boat, plane, motorcycle, car) and no long test is required.
*Unique taxi system job for everyone to choose
*Vehicles may be added with simple commands, assigned to any group.
*An drug system that has never seen, smuggle your drugs to the pharmacy store or sell them right on the streets
*Become a lawyer, trucker, cop, medic, detective, gun dealer, drug dealer, taxi driver, mechanic, coastguard member, smuggler, fisher or ANYTHING You want - If you want to create a faction it can be easilly done by some simple commands( You have to discuss it of course

Regarding Factions

There's many types of different factions , with functions scripted and easily added In-game!
Some types of factions
S.A Coastguard
Bayside Police Department
Federal Bureau of Investigations
Bayside Emergency Services((Including the FD!))
And many many more !
Advanced but SIMPLE command menu to get redirected to the commands you need without reading and reading through small texts in the chatbox!
As stated before, custom objects along Bayside and the map
VIP donating system
Donate and you will receive multiple benefits, everything from in-game cash, a free business, a house, a car, 10.000 grams of cocaine / weed. When you speak in the official OOC channel your name, aswell with the text will be complete yellow with a tag [VIP]. By donating you don't only help yourself, but you also help the server.
There's multiple VIP packages to choose between, from 5 euro to 20 euro donations.
Please, atleast take a visit at our server at our IP:
And our current forum:
Best Regards from
Tierra Robada