
I think there is something wrong with the Reputation system. Two days ago i had like 8 reps, some guy repped me and i had 11, and now another guy repped me and i got 21 O,o

I am sure that no more people repped me then that guy.

In "Laatst toegekende reputatie" "Last Reputation Earned" There are like 9 Reps, instead of 21..

It's shit and pointless really. The only thing it helps (actually doesn't help on) is the Advertisement section, it just means that these people wanting to post adverts need to hunt for reputation first.

lmfao I reped some guy with 0 rep the other day and it boosted to 18 I was like holy ****

I got repped once and I have 7 points. I have no idea how its happening, but I agree rep is pointless. Almost every "HELP MEH WIT SCRIPT!" thread has the guy promising rep, and its annoying. The only thing this did is create alot of rep whores.

The amount of reps you can give to someone depends on when you registered, the amount of posts you made and the amount of reps you got yourself. If I give someone rep, I give him 3 or 4 points. If you get one rep from ******, you'd probably get +20 or something like that lol.

Simple search could have resolved your problem

I actually like the reputation system as it shows how much you contribute to the community and how many people are truly grateful for your time; Well thats how i see it. There is nothing wrong with the reputation system, some people give more rep then others. Its all based on certain elements like the date the joined, their post count, and their own reputation.

If reputation is so pointless, why waste energy to complain? Its kind of silly to complain about something that has no point or value in your eyes, especially when its not hurting anyone or anything :P.

Well i just repped you from 21 to 32 so yeah.....

It depends how much does that guy has... if he has 10 or more you'll get more then 2 reputation... weird thingy actually.

Well, i am sorry for complaining, but I now understand how the system works. I thought it was a bug, but I were wrong.

Another of these topics. The reputation explaination by Gam3ov4r should be stickied.

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