09.04.2010, 01:31
Last edited by CuervO; 10/08/2013 at 06:56 PM.

Image by TheToni
♣ Script Introduction ♣
I've decided to start to work on something so i could learn the ways of PAWN. I decided to download the LA-RP and modify it so it would look nicer and cool. After a few months of work I've run out of ideas and finally finished the GM. Now i am here releasing it so the people can judge all the work that i did so i can now improve my Scripting Skills in a good way. I know people just hates GF Edits, but who cares, i did this to learn, not to steal credits and etcetera. The script has lots of new things, lots of fixed things and lots of NICE things; though i think that i "Moved" a bit from the idea of serious roleplay, anyways i really hope that you like the Script that took me Few Months to make.
♣ Script Information ♣
Lines: 83684.
New Features: Login & Register Compatible with Bots; Totally re-written gun system; Totally re-written cop system; Re-written most parts of the admin script; New brand anticheat; Robbing Places; Testers; Logs; Gym; Ammunations; 3d Textdraws; New Properties; New LSPD, FBI Base & Army Base; Airport; Vehicles; New Lotto; Hydra/Hunter/Rhino/Predator Features; New SWAT, Tactical and Special Forces System; New organization; Arrest re-wroten; Tutorial; Achievements; Firemen, Sons of Anarchy; Freecop System; Passport System; Car System; Dynamic Houseing System; New Bizz System; Vehicles System; Car Lock System; Licensing Faction; GPS System; Destruction derby official event; Anti bunny jump system; Regular players; Regular players lounge; Cop suspension system; wanking; using dildos; MOTD textdraws; Weapon training system; Changing names systems; Newbie chat; Re-wrote chat system; Speedo Textdraws; Dialogs on /equip, /buy; Drunk system; New Criminal System; Developers Area; Spectating System; HP & Armour System; Death Messages; Entering Places; Calendar; Fight Styles; Lots More.
♣ Features ♣
## References ##
• Working Perfectly
• Half Working / Buggy
• Not Done / Not Working
• Login & Register Compatible with Bots - Yes, now you can easily add bots without having to worry about the disconnection.
• Totally Re-Written Gun System - You can now carry up to 6 vweapons in your inventory, you can put/take guns from your inventory with /putgun /takegun, weapons in inventory will be saved till' you die; Weapons are saved on Disconnect, /update and /gmx, but NOT in /rcon gmx. Until i find a way to save the weapons when the gmx is called, this will not change.
• Totally Re-Written Cop System - Yes, the 90% of the cop commands and things were modified, You need to /duty to use Cop Commands. The Duty Room is marked by a Yellow Star Pickup. SAPD Has /undercover, Which gives them undercover Clothes. SAPD Has /equip, Which gives them equipment depending their rank. FBI has /agent, Which gives them different Agents Clothes. FBI Has /equip, Which gives them equipment depending their rank. FBI also has /undercover, Which gives them Undercover Clothes. Army has /soldier, Which gives them different Soldier Clothes. Army Has /equip, Which gives them equipment depending their rank.
• Re-Written Most of the Admin System - The whole admin system is modified by Logs routine, all, but Literally ALL admin commands are logged into different logs (You'll see later). All the commands were adapted into the new level system, Also every admin command also alerts to the admin chat about what you typed. The new Tree of Ranks is: Moderator (1), Global Moderator (2), Administrator (3), Senior Administrator (4), Main Administrator (5), Server Developer (6), Server Owner (133

• New Brand Anticheat - I re-wrote the whole DUCK anticheat, It's new name is Peter Griffin; He will detect Weapon hackers, Speed hackers, Money Hackers, Interior Switching Hackers, Jetpack Hackers, Fake kill hackers, Laggers, Bunny jumpers, Driver DB Kills, Spammers, Flooders, People that is AFK and Invalid Names. The method of the anticheat is pretty unique and effective; the anticheat is called every ten seconds and does a loop thru all players to check for cheats, if he detects a cheater the anticheat will advise the admins about this possible hacker, the possible hacker will be added to the Suspected Players List and admins will have to check him. The admins will determine if the possible hacker is hacker or not, if the player is hacker well, then ban, if not, the admin will set a variable on the player that when the anticheat gets called, the player will get ignored. For security reasons this variable gets reseted after 10 mins. Also once the anticheat detects a possible hacker, it wont advise the admins of it again until the next 10 mins to prevent spam. If there aren't admins online, the anticheat will proceed to kick the player, as long the anticheat is not fully tested because i don't have cheats to use... Due to repeated advise of bugs with the anticheat, Any admin level 6 Can disable certain features of the Anticheat at /turn. If there is any AFK Admin (Auto Detected by the Anticheat or by doing /afk) The Anticheat will kick the cheater.
• Robbing Places - If you're a civilian and are off duty as cop (if you're one) You can go to certain locations and rob it. Places that can be robbed are the city hall, the bank, burger shoots, cluckin bells, pizza stack, alhambra and grove's bar. You can use /robcityhall, /robbank, /robburger, /robcluckin, /robpizza, /robalhambra and /robbar. You will have to stay in the pickup for the determined amount of time. If you leave the pickup you will fail the robbery. You have a 50% Chance of failing the Robbery, if you fail the robbery you'll have to wait 600 seconds before robbing a place again. The time cannot be by-passed because it gets saved to the player's file. Once the place is robbed, it cannot be robbed again in some minutes.
• Testers - Due to a nice Suggestion, i added The Testers System. They are able to read /atalk, use /tpm, /tduty and /tester (or ///) for Tester Chat which can be readed by admins. I will make so testers with different levels will be able to use certain admins commands. Currently there are three levels, Lead Tester, Tester and Trial Tester.
• Logs - Every Command is logged into the server. Administrative commands will go on certain .txts, explosions will go on explosions.txt, slaps will go to slaps.txt and so on. Things that are logged are Admin / this will log all the administrative commands that aren't logged on the others files; action / this logs all the /me, /do, /try actions; adminchat Admin chat; announces / announces made by /td or things that use GameTextForAll/player; apm / all admin pms; ban / all bans; ck / character kills; commands normal user commands; chat /shout, /local, /say, /whisper and OnPlayerText is logged here; explosions / all the explosions; family / family chat; freeze / freezes and thaws; jails / ajails, prisons and jails from cops; kick / kicks from admins or anticheat; logins all log-ins and or important things related to the account of a player; moves / /up /down /left /right /fly; mute / all mutes; pay / all transactions of any kind of money; pm / all pms; public / /p chat; radio / all /radio, /d and /gov; sets,gives / anything related to any set or give from the administrations (e.x: /sethp); slaps / all the slaps; teleports / all admin commands where teleport-to-player is involved (/goto, /gotomark); warn / all admin warnings; reports / all reports; local / local chat; places / all admin commands where teleport-to-palce is involved (/gotols, /gotolsch); allcommands / All the commands that are typed (OnPlayerCommandText call)
• Gym - Yes, gym has a purpose now, you can now go there and train your skill on fight styles. Once you choose to train you will be taken to 'training', once the training is finished you will have your fight style, which you can switch between the others you already had.
• Ammunations - Ammunations now re-added, you can buy weapons, they are more expensive than the creation and you need a gun license to buy them, but they're legal. You can also train your weapon skill on there (explained later).
• 3d Textdraws - Properties now have 3dTextdraws in houses and important places. Each house, business and special business will have his own textdraw at the door. SALES Vehicles and doors of state buildings will also have this textdraw.
• New Properties - All the houses were re-viewed personally by me and TheToni, there are now 650 houses and you can add lots more.
• New LSPD, FBI Base & Army Base - I have added windows and new doors at the LSPD, to open a windows/door you must press KEY_LOOK_BEHIND (MMB By SA Default), to close it again press that; also re-wrote the elevator of the LSPD and the FBI HQ. Now the army has a base added, they have their custom interior and jail like the other departments.
• Airport - Idea mainly from Crazybob's CnR, You can now go to the airport and buy a ticket to the desired places. When you buy a ticket you will get teleported to the Shamal interior / andromeda interior depending the destiny and you'll have to wait depending the distance to arrive to your location. From LS, SF & LV you can buy skydiving tickets. You cannot choose the diving options in the abandoned airport. I've also added a plane to return to LS after being prisoned. Shamal from abandoned airport and andromeda from area 69 can be only driven by admins on duty that are lvl 6+
• Vehicles - There are now vehicles that aren't ownable and drive-able by everyone. I have added them around los santos. Each city airport has cars on it's parking. Each airport has special planes and helicopters. Each location that you can dive has special cars and vehicles. added also vehicles at the DD stadium just in case you need to go back home. New vehicles for the special teams added and more police vehicles too.
• New Lotto - Admins lvl 5 can now /setjackpot <1-2500000>, /startlottoex, /lottoann and /lottosay. (will be explained later), Admins 1338 can /setlotto <1-75>.
• Hydra/Hunter/Predator/Rhino Features - Idea mainly taken from Argonath RPG, SWAT, Tactical and Special Forces member that haves rank 3+ on it can spawn a hunter / hydra / rhino at any of the helipads in the LSPD, FBI HQ or army base. SAPD, FBI and Army players that has rank 6+ can spawn them at any of those helipads. To spawn a predator you must meet the rank needed and be at verona beach pier. These vehicles can be only driven by police Leaders (rank 6+/3+ on special services) or admins on duty that are lvl 6+. Administrators and police leaders can grant anyone with special rights to drive these vehicles. (explained later).
• New SWAT, Tactical and Special Forces System - Totally re-wrote of the old system, Police Leaders (SAPD, FBI, Army) can give rights of SWAT(SAPD), Tactical(FBI) and Special Forces(Army). Each one has special skins, weapons and vehicles. To enter on 'special' duty you must have Special rights(swat,tactical,spefor) and type /equip on the duty room of your police faction. Depending your rank (1-3) you can choose between the equips, light = 1, medium = 2, heavy = 3, snarpshooter = 1 (ranks requiered). Rank 3 of any of the special teams can give rights (later explained), spawn heavy aircraft and drive the heavy aircraft. Admins lvl 6 can set swat/specialf/tactical just in case. (this also was added for test purposes)
• New organization - Instead of single files at scriptfiles, the server has now full organization at the folder LARP in the script files, there is a folder for properties, vehicles , logs , users , channels ,families, ck, bizzes, sbizzes, trunks, turfs, papers and others.
• Saving location - When you disconnect or the server gets restarted you will be put back on your last location where you disconnected or when the server restarted. You can also change your spawnpoint to your house, your faction HQ, your family HQ or the last position you did /resetspawn on (or logged in).
• Arrest re-wroten - Each department has it's own arrest point marked by two skulls at one desk near the cells, if you enter those skulls and you're not a faction member of the building you'll get teleported out... anyways Each department has it's own arrest, SAPD - /arrest || FBI /farrest || Army - /sarrest || each one with more time and bail allowed than the other.
• Tutorial - I have played plenty Roleplaying servers and i haven't found nothing more annoying than the tutorial... It's now why i have made an interactive tutorial that can be made when one player wants to do it. Making a tutorial will give you an achievement (explained later) and will give you some money, The tutorial will be driving around The main areas, you will have to drive to certain located checkpoints and when you reach there it will explain you what is the location about. If you crash you will re-do the tutorial at the last step that you went in, you can pause it and continue it whenever you want.
• Achievements - Making the things funnier, I've added achievements. These are the following:
Achievement 0 "Silent Kill" - Kill someone with a Silenced Colt45.
Achievement 1 "I can Shout" - Shout in the Chat for First Time.
Achievement 2 "For the Team" - Talk in the /radio for first Time.
Achievement 3 "Admin Loves You" - Get Blinded by an Admin.
Achievement 4 "Admin Hates You" - Get Unblinded by an Admin.
Achievement 5 "One Hour!" - Play One Hour.
Achievement 6 "Five Hours!" - Play Five Hours.
Achievement 7 "Regular Player" - Become a Regular Player.
Achievement 8 "Regular Player Level 2" - Become a Regular Player lvl 2.
Achievement 9 "Newbie Killer" - Kill One Person.
Achievement 10 "Serial Killer" - Kill 75 Persons.
Achievement 11 "Assassin" - Kill 150 Persons.
Achievement 12 "Acme Dinamyte" - Get Exploded by an Admin.
Achievement 13 "A black Hole" - Get Admin Killed.
Achievement 14 "Illegal Weapon" - Buy a Weapon in the Ammunation.
Achievement 15 "Fitness" - Train yourself in a Gym.
Achievement 16 "At the End" - Finish your Tutorial.
Achievement 17 "Finally, A Job!!!" - Get your First Job.
Achievement 18 "Home Sweet Home" - Buy Your First House.
Achievement 19 "A Dirty Mind" - Wank
Achievement 20 "You're a Hooker, Sir" - Make a Blowjob.
• Firemen & Sons Of Anarchy - These are two new Factions (ID 12 & 13), Firemen have their HQ at Rodeo, They have cars and a duty system which gives them firemen weapons. Sons of anarchy have their HQ at dillimore, they have Ten bikes for theyselfes and a bar.
• Freecop System - Like Argonath RPG, There is a free officer system, where any citizen can be atleast a security guard. If you wanna be a freecop, You must go to the City Hall, take the Officer lessons (optional) and then take the Officer Test, on it you will have to answer to ten questions, nine out of ten are needed to get a Police License. If you succeed, go to the LSPD Open the door with /opendoor or NUM1 in the Numpad and go to the lockers, then type /duty. Free Officers have minimal Rights, and only a few commands, not the same as the official LSPD.
• Passport System - To have any license you must have a passport. Passports are given by admins or Any law enforcement player that is rank 4 or above. You cannot receive or buy any license without a passport, You can take a test at the City hall, if you pass it you will receive a passport. The test is free, if you fail, you will have to wait five hours to re-do the test.
• Dynamic Car System - There are 151 Cars Models that can be bought around the dealerships in San Andreas. There are Eight Dealerships, Grotti, Which sells sport Cars, Coutz And Shoutz, Which sells saloon cars, BikeZ, which sells any kind of motorbike and bicicle and specials, All TerrainZ, which sells any kind of all terrain vehicle and others, Airport Dealerhsip, which sells aircrafts, Bob's Lowriders, Which sells lowriders, Seaman, which sells Boats, And Big Trucks, which sells trucks and special vehicles. Dealership never ever runs out of cars, and the vehicles are unlimited, a player gets in the vehicle that he wants, Types /v buy and his car will get deliveried to SF Docks or LVAP depending the type. Any player can own two cars which are always spawned, and any player can own any model of cars, except emergency and public service cars.
• Dynamic Houseing System - There are 653 houses set around Los Santos and the county, and more can be set simply with /sethouse. The price and level of the house is determined automatically depending the Area of the House.
* Commerce
Level: +1 ; Price +17500
* Conference Center
Level: +1 ; Price +22500
* Downtown Los Santos
Level: +2 ; Price +25000
* East Beach
Level: 0 ; Price +6500
* East Los Santos
Level: 0 ; Price +7000
* El Corona
Level: 0 ; Price +45000
* Ganton
Level: 0 ; Price +3500
* Glen Park
Level: 0 ; Price +10000
* Idlewood
Level: 0 ; Price 0
* Jefferson
Level: 0 ; Price +13000
* Las Colinas
Level: 0 ; Price +1250
* Marina
Level: +2 ; Price +35000
* Market
Level: +1 ; Price +20000
* Mullholland
Level: +5 ; Price +85000
* Pershing Square
Level: +1 ; Price +55000
* Richman
Level: +6 ; Price +90000
* Rodeo
Level: +3 ; Price +65000
* Santa Marina Beach
Level: +3 ; Price +45000
* Temple
Level: +1 ; Price +32500
* Verona Beach
Level: +2 ; Price +25000
* Vinewood
Level: +3 ; Price +45000
* Willowfield
Level: 0 ; Price +17500
* Blueberry:
Level: 0 ; Price +7500
* Dillimore:
Level: +1 ; Price +14500
* Montgomery
Level: 0 ; Price +5000
* Palomino Creek
Level: +2 ; Price +25000
The interior is defined randomly depending the type of house that you choose, it can be Style 0 (Apartment), 1 (Small House), 2 (Medium) and 3 (Big). Very big houses are to be setted manually.
The final value is the sum of the Interior Price + The Area Price.
• New bizz System - Bizzes aren't setted IG like houses, due to them requiering special scripting if they have an special interior, however, There are now 30 player ownable bizzes, which includes clothes stores (binco, sub urban, ZIP and victim), Food Stores (cluckin bell, pizza stack, burger shot), Sex Shops, Etc. There are no longer state owned bizzes.
• Vehicles System - One player can no longer own 3 vehicles, the limit is now Two vehicles. The vehicle gets saved on position, color, PAINTJOB (new) and virtual world (new) and Components (New). Any player that is lvl 2 can own any car They just have to go to the dealership, get in on the wanted car and type /v buy, their new car will be imported at SF Docks or LV Airport. Anyone can use your car if you haven't locked it. If you have locked it, remember to set a password! Because they can decode your vehicle password with a /decoder!
There is now also a /getin and /getout command, This makes Planes (Shamal,AT-400,Andromeda) Now Enterable For Passports, Cars (Trailer1,Trailer4, SWAT Truck, FBI Truck, SWAT Enforcer, Some trucks) Enterable for more passangers (Seat Capacity 5), Helis (Leviathan, Raindance,Cargobob) Enterable for more passangers (Seat Capacity 10), Boats (Marquis, others) Enterable for passangers (Seat Capacity 8 ). /GETOUT must be used if there is two or more passangers in the car, Else the client will crash.
• Car Lock System - There is also a totally unique Car Locking System. If you leave your car unlocked, ANYONE may use your car freely. If you lock your car, The only way of other people driving is by using a code. You must set your vehicle's security code to something only you know. Anyone with a decoder can get in your car and decode your security code, this takes a while, But it's possible! The one that hacks your code will know your vehicle code and unless you change it, he can use it whenever he wants! Faction cars has a random code every server restart, you can drive them if you get to undecode the code!
• Licensing Faction - Re-added this faction, i don't know why it was disabled but it comes pretty usefull almost all the times.
• GPS System - You can now do /gps in any car, if you haven't bought the GPS addon, you can trace only legal and basic positions. If you buy a GPS Addon (24/7) you can trace Illegal jobs positions AND any X Y Z that you type. Commands are /gps and /gpsfind. It will display you the distance and the direction that you have to take to get to the point.
• GPS System - You can now do /gps in any car, if you haven't bought the GPS addon, you can trace only legal and basic positions. If you buy a GPS Addon (24/7) you can trace Illegal jobs positions AND any X Y Z that you type. Commands are /gps and /gpsfind. It will display you the distance and the direction that you have to take to get to the point.
• Destruction Derby - Thanks to Argonath too for this idea, i've practically copied (i'm sorry but your script is too awesome) the destruction derby event, i made a few changes of course... Administrators lvl 4 can give anyone rights to be a DD manager. DD managers are allowed to use the doors, give/remove/check tickets of the players. To access the DD stadium you will need a ticket, that ticket is granted by the dd managers. If you are going to spectate you will need a spectation ticket and walk without a car to the entering point. to partake you'll need a partaking ticket. DD Managers and admins can access the stadium without a ticket. DD managers can blow up someone for "nascaring", make a dd countdown that only people on the stadium will see, dd message in console, and others things.
• Anti bunny jump system - This should work Perfectly, but due to sa:mp lag this is sometimes buggy. Anyways, are you tired of bunny jumpers in your server? This feature will prevent bunny jumpers. How? OnPlayerKeyStateChange!, when a player jumps, a variable will be set to 1 and will be resetted to 0 after 3 seconds. If the player jumps again within the three seconds, the A-BJ will appear and will apply to the jumper an "fallback" anim that will throw him back. also a message will appear in his screen and admins also will be advised of bunny jumping. Administrators level 1338 are able to enable / disable this feature on /turn, it will be saved even after server restarts.
• Regular players - Idea taken from all the CnR's that existed, anyways Every player will be a regular player after playing Certain amount of time; there are three kinds of regular players; Regular Player (1), Regular Player Level 2 (2), Platinum Regular (3); each one has custom pickups in the RPL (later explained). You can get To Regular Level 1 After playing 20 Hours; You can Get to Regular Level 2 After Playing 30 Hours; You can Get To Regular Level 3 After Playing 40 Hours. There is no way of fooling the timer.
• Regular players Lounge - Regulars player will have a lounge where they have custom pickups and free drinks. Regular Player I Can Pickup a Parachute, and 150$; Regular Player II Can pickup a Parachute and $500; Regular Player III Can Pickup a Parachute, 666$ and a Body Armour.
• Cop suspension system - Once again, idea taken from Argonath; For abusive cops or suspension of them, admins and cop leaders have /copsuspend and /copunsuspend. They will be suspended from cop duty and wont be allowed to do them until unsuspended.
• Wanking - If you're a male you will be allowed to wank. This part is interactive, once you type /wank you will be allowed to Literally wank by pressing KEY_SPRINT (Space by SA Default). The more times you wank, the more HP you get at the end.
• Use Dildo - If you're a female you will be allowed to use a dildo that can be bought at el corona sex shop. The bigger is the dildo, the bigger is the hp amount that you get at the end

• MOTD textdraws - MOTD Message for when you connect at the bottom. You can change it dinamically with /setmotd.
• Weapon Training System - When you start to play, all your guns -except sniper- will have Skill 0, You will have to go to the Market ammunation to train the skills. You can only do one train each 15 minutes; Training costs money and doesn't gives much much skill. By statics, each train gives you atleast 35 of skill in the weapon that you choosed. In this way, you will have always something to spend on the money and something to do. (Your skill increases 2+ on the weapon that you used if you killed someone also)
• Changing Name System - The last thing that has been took from Argonath, To change your name you will have to go to the city hall. It will cost you 10000$. Admins can also grant you with a shiftname right, It will save. A shiftname right means that you can change your name wherever you want for free, used on bad nicknames.
• Newbie Chat - There is a /n Chat. To become a Helper you must be a Regular Player. When you automatically get promoted to regular player, you will be granted with Helper Rank; Also once you become Platinium regular, you will become a Master. If you get promoted to admin you will be automatically promoted to Administrator rank in /helper. Admins can also dinamically make helpers in game.
• Re-Wrote of the Chat System - I've made it so logs gets called on the OnPlayerText, also if there is an admin on duty, on the chat and actions instead of displaying the name it will be * Admin, just like Stranger.. (e.x Admin Says: Hi!).
• Re-Wrote of the Speedo System - Thanks to Misa for the GetPlayerSpeed, the speedo now uses a textdraw, it also displays the fuel (Full dashboard). To have an speedo you will need to buy it at any 24/7, then enable it with /speedo. Fuel display is free, enable/disable with /fuel.
• Dialogs on /equip, /buy - Added dialogs on /buy, /drink, /equip, /undercover, /agent, /soldier, its now easier to find the things and looks better.
• Drunk system - Automatic check to see if you're drunk. SetPlayerDrunkLevel is used now. Cops can also check your drunk level with a breathlizer test.
• New Criminal System - Criminals are now Orange. Criminals can give up to the police whenever they feel that they lost with the command /surrender (/sur), Cops can now /cuff them while on foot. When a criminal surrenders he gets frozen, and handsup animation gets applied and a darker orange gets applied to the name too, to prevent cops that think that they didn't gave up. Cops can /cuff the criminal to let him move and follow the cop. If the criminal doesn't follows the cop after /sur, cop can Kill him or report him to the administration, however he chooses. Cops can also /uncuff the criminal and let him Escape again. /uncuff will remove the "Surrender" status from the criminal.
• Developers Area - Developers has now an area to chill out or just to stay there and do not get disturbed, IT has special vehicles that can be only accessed by developers and above (in case that someone dives in there) and an openable gate. Vehicles that are for developers are hydra, hunter, stretchs, fbi trucks, swat trucks, nrgs, mountain bikes, dumper, monster, combine, etc.
• Spectating System - Renewed Spectating System, when you are speccing you will get automatically refreshed every 1.5 seconds. A text will appear (if the player is on foot) with the HP, Money and Armour. Else if the player is in a vehicle, it will appear vehicle id and car hp health. Once you are done of spectating, you can type /endspec <the id> and you will be teleported to the position that you typed /spec, and your weapons will be given back. So you do not need to go around marking or saving your weapons.
• HP & Armour System - HP & Armour now Saves, making it useless the use of /q to get HP back. Your HP will save when the server Restarts (/upload, /gmx), when you disconnect/crash. But same as Position and weapons, it wont be saved on rcon gmx or sever clousure. Impossible to make it save, Sorry.
• Death Messages - Death messages are now displayed to the administrator whenever a player kills another player, or a player dies. Every administrator knows when a player gets killed or dies, with the reason.
• Entering Places - You now have to press the VEHICLE ENTERING key to enter a place (F and Enter by Default). Also, you have to Press Sprint Key (Space by Default) to get the info of a pickup if it says so.
• Calendar - The main idea came up from the Beta tester TheToni, he released a simple calendar script, then he showed me it. We decided to make it better, the main idea was to set the events automatically depending the month and the day, but due to a miss calculation on the time, we couldn't do it, so we ended up with the current system, which highlights current date, displays the month and the date. Administrators 4+ can set events at the calendar, they have 4 slots to make them, an example is /setevent 1 ~r~17th August ~n~~l~-<insert event here>, if the setevent is correctly used, you'll have a perfect calendar with upcoming events!
• Fight Styles - Once you train it on the Gym, you can use it whenever you want. You can chose the skill you want to use with a command, and every trained skill will appear on a list, then you can chose the one you want.
• Lots More - There are also other things that maybe i didn't mentioned, check in game and maybe you discover lots of things
♣ Commands ♣
• Administrative Commands •
Moderator (1)
SYNTAX: /check [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Display the player's stats
SYNTAX: /setint [playerid] [interiorid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the interior of the Player.
SYNTAX: /setvw [playerid] [worldid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the virtual world of the Player.
SYNTAX: /mute [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Mute/Unmute a player and will prevent him of speaking.
SYNTAX: /kick [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will Kick a player off the server for the written reason.
SYNTAX: /nick[playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Kick a player off the server for "Change your name" reason.
SYNTAX: /warn [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will Warn a player for the written reason -3 warns = KICK-.
SYNTAX: /unwarn [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Remove the player's warnings for the written reason.
SYNTAX: /jailed
FUNCTION: Will Display the list of Jailed People.
SYNTAX: /blinded
FUNCTION: Will Display the list of Blinded People.
SYNTAX: /reports
FUNCTION: Will Display a list of the last 6 Reports.
SYNTAX: /masked
FUNCTION: Will Display all the masked players online
SYNTAX: /apm [playerid] <text>
FUNCTION: Will Send a private message to the player designed under ADMIN name.
SYNTAX: /freeze [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will freeze a player and prevent him of moving
SYNTAX: /unfreeze [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will unfreeze a player and let him move again
SYNTAX: /learn [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will kick the player and enable the tutorial for him again.
SYNTAX: /sr [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Display the rules textdraw to the playerid.
SYNTAX: /checked [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player as checked (See anticheat feature).
SYNTAX: /notchecked [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player as non-checked (See anticheat feature).
SYNTAX: /muted
FUNCTION: Will Display a list of muted people.
SYNTAX: /frozen
FUNCTION: Will Display a list of frozen people (by comnads).
SYNTAX: /suspectlist
FUNCTION: Will display the list of the players that got spotted by the Anticheat.
SYNTAX: /richlist
FUNCTION: Will Display all the players that have over 1 Million.
SYNTAX: /slap [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Slap a player.
SYNTAX: /kill
FUNCTION: Will Suicide.
SYNTAX: /messages
FUNCTION: Will display the list of messages that the player can use.
SYNTAX: /admin [text] or // [text]
FUNCTION: Admin chat between admins, will send the [text] to all the other admins.
SYNTAX: /warned
FUNCTION: Will Display a list of warned people.
SYNTAX: /ajail [playerid] [time(minutes)] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will administrative jail the playerid for the designed minutes & reason.
SYNTAX: /checkweapons [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Display a list that the playerid contains.
SYNTAX: /spec [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Spectate a player.
SYNTAX: /turn
FUNCTION: Will display the TURN dialog.
SYNTAX: /givetime
FUNCTION: Will display the Time and Date for everyone.
SYNTAX: /ip [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will display the player's id.
SYNTAX: /unjail
FUNCTION: Will unjail the player.
SYNTAX: /trace [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will display the last 5 player's punishments.
SYNTAX: /afk
FUNCTION: Will set the admin AFK or Back.
SYNTAX: /pending [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will kick the player and set a pending ban on him.
SYNTAX: /registred [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will display registration date of the player.
Global Moderator (2)
Moderator Commands + :
SYNTAX: /skydive
FUNCTION: Will drop the administrator in the sky with a parachute.
SYNTAX: /kickres [level]
FUNCTION: Will Kick anyone that is above of the level designed.
SYNTAX: /unprison [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Remove a player from the Prison.
SYNTAX: /punch [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will drop a player in the air and kill him.
SYNTAX: /setjob [playerid] [jobid]
FUNCTION: Will Set a player on the jobid that the administrator typed..
SYNTAX: /update
FUNCTION: Will Update the players accounts
SYNTAX: /agl [licensename] [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will give a license (to be chosen) to the playerid chosen.
SYNTAX: /agivepassport [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will give a passport to the player.
SYNTAX: /shiftname [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will give a free name change to the player.
SYNTAX: /skick [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Secretly kick a player
SYNTAX: /nopub
FUNCTION: Will Disable the /public chat.
SYNTAX: /txt [message]
FUNCTION: Will display a console message under ADMINISTRATOR Name.
SYNTAX: /bigears
FUNCTION: Will Set the admin on bigears mode and the admin will hear everything.
SYNTAX: /fine [playerid] [money] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will Fine the choosen player a chosen amount of money for a custom reason.
SYNTAX: /fban [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will Fake ban a player.
SYNTAX: /respawnthiscar(/rtc)
FUNCTION: Will Respawn the car that the administrator is using.
SYNTAX: /disarm [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will disarm the chosen player.
SYNTAX: /asu [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will administrative issue a warrant on a player.
SYNTAX: /cancelcontract [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will cancel the hitman contract on a player.
Administrator (3)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + :
SYNTAX: /ban [playerid] [reason]
FUNCTION: Will ban a player for the reason typed.
SYNTAX: /hog [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Kill the player.
SYNTAX: /announce [text]
FUNCTION: Will announce the text in the screen of everyone.
SYNTAX: /fourdive [playerid1] [playerid2] [playerid3] [playerid4]
FUNCTION: Will send the chosen players to dive.
SYNTAX: /mole [text]
FUNCTION: Will send a MOLE message to everyone.
SYNTAX: /fuelcars
FUNCTION: Will Refill all the cars with 100% fuel.
SYNTAX: /giveddtk [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Give the player a DD Ticket (See DD Feature).
SYNTAX: /remddtk [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Remove the player's DD Ticket (See DD Feature).
SYNTAX: /atake [item] [palyerid]
FUNCTION: Will remove the selected item from a player.
SYNTAX: /mark
FUNCTION: Will Set a mark at the player position.
SYNTAX: /gotomark
FUNCTION: Will teleport the admin to his previously set Mark.
SYNTAX: /oldcar
FUNCTION: Will Tell the Player his old player id.
SYNTAX: /gotocar [carid]
FUNCTION: Will Teleport the admin to the car id.
SYNTAX: /write [color] [text]
FUNCTION: Will send a console message to everyone with the chosen colour.
SYNTAX: /teles
FUNCTION: Will display a list with the teleports available to the administrator.
SYNTAX: /setage [playerid] [age]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's age to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /prison [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will send a player to Fort DeMorgan (Prison)
SYNTAX: /vehslap [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will slap a player's vehicle and drop it in the air.
SYNTAX: /burn [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the player and everyone near on fire.
SYNTAX: /goto [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the administrator to the playerid chosen.
SYNTAX: /god
FUNCTION: Will send the god's message in the console.
SYNTAX: /chuck
FUNCTION: Will send the Chuck Norris message in the console.
SYNTAX: /respawnrentbikes
FUNCTION: Will respawn all the bikes that are for rent.
SYNTAX: /respawnrentcars
FUNCTION: Will respawn all the cars that are for rent.
SYNTAX: /giveddstk [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will give a DD Spectation Ticket to the chosen playerid.
SYNTAX: /remddstk [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will remove the DD spectator ticket to the chosen playerid.
SYNTAX: /srall
FUNCTION: Show the rules to everyone.
Senior Administrator (4)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + Administrator Commands +:
SYNTAX: /setteam [playerid] [teamid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid's team to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /anews [text]
FUNCTION: Will announce the breaking news in the screen of everyone.
SYNTAX: /gates
FUNCTION: Will display the gates that the Admin can open.
SYNTAX: /givemats [playerid] [mats]
FUNCTION: Will give the chosen amount of mats to the chosen player.
SYNTAX: /carreset
FUNCTION: Will Respawn all the cars that are unused.
SYNTAX: /setskin [playerid] [skin]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid's skin to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /ddrights [playerid] [level(0-1)
FUNCTION: Will set the player dd rights to 0(non dd manager) or 1 (dd manager).
SYNTAX: /atcrights [playerid] [level(0-1)
FUNCTION: Will set the player ATC to 0 (non ATC) or 1 (ATC).
SYNTAX: /getincar [carid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the player inside the vehicle.
SYNTAX: /setskin [playerid] [skinid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's skin to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /setmats [playerid] [mats]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's materials to the chosen ones.
FUNCTION: Will Clear the console chat.
SYNTAX: /sethp [playerid] [health]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's health to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /setarmor [playerid] [armour]
FUNCTION: Will Set the player's armour to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /forceskin [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will force the skin of the player to the faction one.
SYNTAX: /explode [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will explode the player.
SYNTAX: /cnnn [style] [text]
FUNCTION: Will send a GameText with the chosen style.
SYNTAX: /cnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the top of the screen.
SYNTAX: /acnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will do the same as /cnn but will add Admin: to the start of the text.
SYNTAX: /gethere [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will get the playerid chosen to the administrator position.
SYNTAX: /td [style] [text]
FUNCTION: Will Display something similar GameTextForPlayer, but this has own styles and locations; this uses textdraws.
SYNTAX: /supervehslap [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Super Slap the player's vehicle by setting it higher than /vehslap.
SYNTAX: /asellhouse [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the houseid chosen.
SYNTAX: /asellbiz [bizzid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the bizzid chosen.
SYNTAX: /setdrugs [playerid] [drugs]
FUNCTION: Will set the drugs amount chosen to the playerid.
SYNTAX: /givedrugs [playerid] [drugs]
FUNCTION: Will give the drugs amount chosen to the playerid.
SYNTAX: /asellsbiz [sbizzid]
FUNCTION: Will sell the sbizzid chosen.
SYNTAX: /setchamp [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Set the playerid as Boxing champion.
SYNTAX: /copsuspend [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Suspend the player from cop duty (See Cop Duty Feature).
SYNTAX: /copunsuspend [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will Unsuspend the cop from Cop Duty.
Main Administrator (5)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + Administrator Commands + Senior Administrator Commands +:
SYNTAX: /unbanip [ip]
FUNCTION: Will Unban the ip chosen.
SYNTAX: /startlotto
FUNCTION: Will start the lotto rolling.
SYNTAX: /startlottoex
FUNCTION: Will start the lotto but with a 12 seconds delay.
SYNTAX: /bizentrance [bizid]
FUNCTION: Will set the bizid's entrance to the administrator's position.
SYNTAX: /sbizentrance [sbizid]
FUNCTION: Will set the sbizid's entrance to the administrator's position.
SYNTAX: /moves
FUNCTION: Will Display the Moves Commands (/up,/down,/left,/right,/forw,/back).
SYNTAX: /tod [time]
FUNCTION: Will set the world time to the chosen time.
SYNTAX: /restartcars
FUNCTION: Will respawn all the ownable vehicles.
SYNTAX: /lottosay
FUNCTION: Will display the lotto say in the console.
SYNTAX: /asellcar
FUNCTION: Will Sell the car the admin is currently in.
SYNTAX: /weather [weatherid]
FUNCTION: Will set everyone's weather to the chosen weatherid.
SYNTAX: /house [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the administrator to the houseid.
SYNTAX: /biz [bizid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the administrator to the bizid.
SYNTAX: /houseo [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the administrator outside the houseid.
SYNTAX: /setdesc [houseid] [text]
FUNCTION: Will set the house description.
SYNTAX: /xgoto [x] [y] [z]
FUNCTION: Will set the player's position to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /say [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the console just like /rcon say.
SYNTAX: /houseentrance [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will set the houseid's entrance to the administrator's position.
SYNTAX: /housexit [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will set the houseid's exit to the administrator's position.
SYNTAX: /lottoann
FUNCTION: Will announce the lotto in the player's screen.
SYNTAX: /payday [amount(1-1000)]
FUNCTION: Will give the chosen amount to every player.
SYNTAX: /crash [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will crash the playerid's game.
SYNTAX: /adv
FUNCTION: Will completely destroy the vehicle that the admini is driving.
SYNTAX: /houseint [houseid] [interiorid]
FUNCTION: Will set the houseid's interior to the Choosen one. (You can see interiors at /house 501-542).
SYNTAX: /(un)setcar [carid]
FUNCTION: Will set the choosen car to buyable, editable at /edit.
SYNTAX: /(un)sethouse [houseid]
FUNCTION: Will set the choosen house to buyable, editable at /edit.
SYNTAX: /dvehicles
FUNCTION: Will delete every created car.
Server Developer (6)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + Administrator Commands + Senior Administrator Commands + Main Administrator Commands +:
SYNTAX: /getcar [carid]
FUNCTION: Will teleport the carid's to the administrator position.
SYNTAX: /veh [vehid] [color1] [color2]
FUNCTION: Will create the vehicleid with the chosen colours.
FUNCTION: Will start the engine of the car without having to press space.
FUNCTION: Will stop the engine of the car.
SYNTAX: /edit [name] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will edit the stat selected of the house that the administrator is standing at.
SYNTAX: /upload
FUNCTION: Will restart the server announcing an update.
SYNTAX: /createpickup [model-id] [type]
FUNCTION: Will create a pickup with the model id & type chosen.
SYNTAX: /makehelper [playerid] [level0-2]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's helper rank to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /(bank)reward [playerid] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will give to the playerid the chosen amount of money.
SYNTAX: /ccnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the screen of everyone under chuck norris name.
SYNTAX: /gcnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the screen of everyone under god's name.
SYNTAX: /(bank)money [playerid] [money]
FUNCTION: Will set the player's money to the chosen amount.
SYNTAX: /taxday [money]
FUNCTION: Will remove the amount of money From the whole server.
SYNTAX: /setcarhp [playerid] [health]
FUNCTION: Will set the player's car HP to the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /setcarpj [paintjob]
FUNCTION: Will set the paintjob of the car that the administrator is currently in.
SYNTAX: /givefight [fight]
FUNCTION: Will give the fight style to the player.
SYNTAX: /setlottonumber [playerid] [number]
FUNCTION: Will set the player lotto number.
SYNTAX: /setstat [playerid] [statid] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will set playerid's statid to the chosen amount.
SYNTAX: /makeleader [playerid] [faction]
FUNCTION: Will set the player as leader of the Chosen Faction.
SYNTAX: /(bank)tax [playerid] [money]
FUNCTION: Will remove the amount of money chosen from the playerid.
SYNTAX: /setjackpot [cash]
FUNCTION: Will set the lotto jackpot.
Server Owner (1338)
Moderator Commands + Global Moderator Commands + Administrator Commands + Senior Administrator Commands + Main Administrator Commands + Server Developer Commands +:
SYNTAX: /setadminlevel [playerid] [level]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's admin level to the chosen amount.
SYNTAX: /makeircadmin [playerid] [channel]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid as admin of the chosen channel.
SYNTAX: /rcnn [text]
FUNCTION: Will display a message in the console under Raven's RP name.
FUNCTION: Will body and psychically repair the car that the administrator is in.
SYNTAX: /setlotto [number]
FUNCTION: Will start the lotto and set the winning number as the chosen one.
SYNTAX: /(bank)moneyall [money]
FUNCTION: Will set everyone's money to the choosen amount (CAN BE NEGATIVE).
SYNTAX: /resetofficertimer [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's officer test time to 0.
SYNTAX: /resetammutimer [playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's ammunation time to 0.
SYNTAX: /setweapskill [playerid] [weapon] [amount]
FUNCTION: Will set Skill of the playerid weapons to the desired amount.
SYNTAX: /gotoammu
FUNCTION: Will Teleport the player to the ammunation.
SYNTAX: /spayday
FUNCTION: Will force the payday.
SYNTAX: /resetpassporttimer[playerid]
FUNCTION: Will set the playerid's passport test time to 0.
SYNTAX: /setalllotto [number]
FUNCTION: Will set everyone's lotto number.
:: ACCOUNT :: /rules /stats /account /changename /rules /information :: GENERAL :: /pay /charity /time /buy /unrentcar /unrentbike /switchkey /id /drink /clothes /doro /wo /knock /doorshout /resetspawn /resetupgrades(50k) /buygun /lock /skill /licenses /showlicenses(/sl) /report /atalk /animlist /stopanim /fuel (/re)port /cancel /accept /eject /usedrugs /contract /fill /admins (/f)actionlist /gps /chatmode /fightstyle (/wi)ndows /coin /trunk (/inv)entory /knock /knockout /give /gateopen /sid /smoke /(sur)render /cophelp /selectspawn :: CHAT :: (/o)oc /me /(ad)vertise (/cw)hisper (/s)hout /(w)hisper (/b) /(l)ocal (/f)action /me /do /togfam /togpm /togphone :: BANK :: /balance /withdraw /deposit /wiretransfer /atm :: SAPD :: (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone /arrest /duty /wanted (/cu)ff /undercover /drugtest /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /ram (/su)spect /drag /copuntie /mir givepassport /showbadge /tracelastcall(/tlc) /weplicense /mdc (/ta)zer /backup(/bk) /checkspeed /breathtest /backupclear(/bkc) /createroadblock(/crb) /removeroadblock(/rub) /removeroadblockall(/rrball) :: FBI :: (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /farrest /wanted /friskinv /frisk /take /ticket /ram /drag /copuntie (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /showbadge /agent /checkspeed /mir /createroadblock(/crb) /removeroadblock(/rub) /removeroadblockall(/rrball) (/gov)ernment /duty /tracelastcall(/tcl) /backup(/bk) /backupclear(/bkc) /breathtest /drugtest /givepassport :: Military :: (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc /sarrest /wanted (/cu)ff (/ta)zer /frisk /friskinv /take /ticket (/gov)ernment /ram /drag /copuntie /equip /duty /checkspeed givepassport /soldier /createroadblock(/crb) /removeroadblock(/rub) /removeroadblockall(/rrball) /showbadge /tracelastcall(/tcl) /backup(/bk) /backupclear(/bkc) /breathtest /drugtest /mir :: Security Guard:: (/r)adio (/d)epartments (/m)egaphone (/su)spect /mdc (/cu)ff /wanted /backup(/bk) /backupclear(/bkc) /mir /arrest /duty /checkspeed :: Law Leader :: /hunter /hydra /rhino /predator /dv /hydrarights /hunterrights /rhinorights /predrights. :: Destruction Derby :: /dd /dd2 /dd3 /dd4 /opendd /giveddtk /remddtk /giveddstk /remddstk /ddcount(/ddcd) /ddfire /ddexplode /ddann /ddsay :: Yamaguchi :: (/r)adio (/jap)aneese /steal :: Chornaya Bratva :: (/r)adio (/rus)sian :: Surenos :: (/r)adio (/spa)nish /steal :: La Famiglia Sinatra :: /gateopen /tuningopen (/r)adio /italian :: JOB - Detective :: /find :: JOB - Lawyer :: /free :: JOB - Whore :: /sex :: JOB - Drug Dealer :: /selldrugs /get drugs :: JOB - Car Jacker :: /dropcar :: JOB - Waiter :: /showmenu /cookuniform :: JOB - News Reporter :: /paper /papers /live /news [text] :: JOB - Mechanic :: /repair /refill /duty /tow :: JOB - Bodyguard :: /guard :: JOB - Car Dealer :: /sellcar :: JOB - Stuntman :: /startstunt /stopstunt :: JOB - Boxer :: /fight /boxstats :: JOB - Taxi Driver :: /fare /®adio :: JOB - Bus Driver:: /fare :: JOB - Paper Boy :: /papers /bring /deliver :: JOB - Trucker :: /buyprods /sellprods /load :: JOB - Pizza Boy :: /duty /sellpizza :: JOB - Farmer :: /startharvest /stopharvest :: JOB - Illegal Farmer :: /startdrugharvest /stopdrugharvest :: JOB - Drugs Smuggler :: /smuggledrugs /selldrugsto :: JOB - Street Sweeper :: /startsweep /stopsweep :: JOB - Materials Smuggler :: /smugglemats :: JOB - Arms Dealer:: /creategun /buymats :: HITMAN :: /portable :: LESSON :: /startlesson /stoplesson /givelicense :: SAMD :: (/r)adio (/d)epartments /heal /duty /tracelastcall(/tlc) :: OTHER :: /cellphonehelp /househelp /notehelp /vehiclehelp /renthelp /businesshelp /leaderhelp /fishhelp /cookhelp /irchelp /hidetds /cophelp
♣ Factions ♣ Faction ID: [1] Faction Name L.S.P.D (Los Santos Police Department) H.Q Location: Pershing Square. Cars: Black & White L.S.P.D Car / Rangers / HPV-1000 / Black & White Police Maverick / Blue Bicycles. Special Faction Team: S.W.A.T (Special Weapons and Tactics) H.Q Location: Pershing Square. Cars: Black & Blue Enforcer / Blue S.W.A.T Hydro Car / Black & Blue Police Mavericks / Black & Blue Raindances. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [2] Faction Name F.B.I (Federal Bureau of Investigation) H.Q Location: Commerce. Cars: Black L.S.P.D Cars / Black Federal Ranchers / Black Bicycles / Black Police Mavericks / Black Washington / Black Premiers. Special Faction Team: T.T (Tactical Team) H.Q Location: Commerce. Cars: Blue Premiers / Blue Federal Transport Cars / Blue & Black Police Mavericks / Blue & Black Raindances / Blue Federal Ranchers. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [3] Faction Name L.S.A (Los Santos Army) H.Q Location: Ocean Docks. Cars: Brown Barracks / Brown & White L.S.P.D Cars / Brown Premiers / Brown Bicycles / Brown Coastguard Boats / Green Cargobobs. Special Faction Team: S.F.T (Special Forces Team) H.Q Location: Ocean Docks. Cars: Brown Federal Ranchers / Brown Predators / Brown Rhino / Brown Mavericks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [4] Faction Name L.S.M.D (Los Santos Medical Deparment) H.Q Location: Market. Cars: White & Red Federal Ranchers / White & Red Ambulances / White & Red Mavericks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [5] Faction Name Los Sureсos 13 H.Q Location: El Corona. Cars: Two Light Blue Voodos, One Lightblue Burrito and One Light Blue Quad. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [6] Faction Name La Famigla Sinatra. H.Q Location: Richman Mansion. Cars: One Yellow Banshee, One Yellow Burrito and One Yellow Remington. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [7] Faction Name Los Santos Government. H.Q Location: Los Santos City Hall. Cars: Classified. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [8] Faction Name Hitmen. H.Q Location: Red County , Bacon Hill. Cars: Two black & white oceanics. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [9] Faction Name News Reporter H.Q Location: Downtown Los Santos. Cars: News Van / News Helicopter. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [10] Faction Name Los Santos taxi Co. H.Q Location: El Corona. Cars: Yellow Cabbies / Buses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [11] Faction Name Licensing Center. H.Q Location: Little Mexico Cars: None. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [12] Faction Name L.S.F.D (Los Santos Fire Department) H.Q Location: Rodeo Cars: 5 Firetrucks, 3 Red FBI Ranchers, 2 Firetruck LA, 3 Red Mavericks. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [13] Faction Name Sons of Anarchy. H.Q Location: Dillimore. Cars: 12 Green Freeways. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [14] Faction Name Yamaguchi H.Q Location: Vinewood Tennis Club. Cars: One White Broadway, One black Burrito, Two White ZR-300 and Two Black FCR-600. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [15] Faction Name Chornaya Bratva H.Q Location: Verdant Bluffs. Cars: 2 Black PCJ-600, One White Huntley, Two Black ZR-300 And One White Infernus. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Faction ID: [16] Faction Name La Vice H.Q Location: Santa Marina Beach Cars: 4 Black Premiers, One Black Super GT * Classified means that i haven't checked exactly the locations, i will do that as far i can get some time
♣ Script Bugs & Changelog ♣
Known Bugs:
○ If you have found a bug post it here or send it via pm, i don't care which one... but its most likely that i check my PM inbox.
v1.0 - • Server Release ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.1 - • Fixed some minor bugs • Added /hidetds ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.2 - • Fixed the Location when the server Restarted. • Removed the Gun Save on Disconnect System. • Fixed some other minor issues. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.3 - • Fixed some minor bugs • Fixed the Anticheat alarms with the anti bunny jump. • Modified /suspectlist • Modified /login & /register ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.3b - • Fixed the bug that you get frozen when you register. • Fixed the Anti bunny jump kicks. • Modified /setadminlevel, fixed some string bugs. • Modified some other minor things. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.4 - • Fixed the Anticheat and Bunny jump things. • Fixed the Interior Kick when you register. • Added /factionlist • Removed the Streamer ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.4b - • Fixed the Anticheat and Bunny jump things Critical Error. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.4c - • Fixed Compatibility with Linux. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.5 - • You will only see the Admin messages if you're on admin duty. • Fixed /admins • Fixed the Unlog Position Save • Added Show/Hide in admin list at /turn • Some fixes to the /r and /f. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.6 - • Fixed The 3d Textdraw on houses. • Added Enable/Disable Anti Bunny Jump at /turn. It will be saved on server restart. • Fixed the OnPlayerUpdate Issue, its now Called when needed. • Changed the Messages Admin Messages, you will receive Anticheat Warnings and important messages even if you're off duty. • All non important admin messages will be displayed to lvl 5+ admins that are on duty. • Fixed the bank. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.6b - • Removed kick for interior/world possible hacks, it was not stable. • Fixed minor things with the admin chat ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.6c - • New fix for the Bank. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.7 - • Total Re-write of the money and interior anticheat. • Fixed the /wank bug. • Fixed unnecessary money and interior hacks calls. • Added SafeSetPlayerInterior function for anticheat. • Script now uses Serverside money. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.7b - • Re-Write of a bit of Anticheat • Fixes to /warn ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v1.8 - • Added /turn for the Anticheat, All the AC Features can be enabled/disabled. • Changed the size and location of /td 4. • Added /tduty /settesterlevel /tpm and /tester (///) • Added a random weather change (Ranges from weather 0 to 20). • Added /tax • Fixed /payday and /taxday. • Added /moneyall. • Added Robbing Places, /robburger, /robcluckin, /robcityhall, /robbank, /robbar, /robalhambra. • Added Tester Rank. • Added Testers to the /admins. • Added that testers can get /atalk messages. • Added SendTesterMessage and SendTesterAdminMessage. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.0 - • Added Turfs. • Added Areas. • Added Textdraws • Fixed lots of Admin Commands. • Fixed Some player commands. • Added Some cop commands. • Added /setlottonumber and /setalllottonumber • Fixed some Admin things. • Changed some admin Commands. • Crime will now save. • Tester & Helper Rank will now save. • Added /whyleft to see the last reason of the player leaving. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.1 - • Law Enforcement Turfs Removed. • Added icons at illegal jobs (red circle), Cop helipads and gangs HQ. • Removed Name Textdraw. • Added Faction TD. • Removed unused Player Textdraws. • Added Level references at /turn and added admin innmunerability. • Added /area. • Location textdraws will now save. • Re-Writed mySQL support. • Added death reasons on player death • Modified the version TD. • /arrest fixed • Added /banktax and /bankreward. • Added /mir for cops to read the player's rights. • Moved /td 4 & 2 • Sprunks are now 25$, and gives you 20 HP only. • Money Ac Fixed totally, will no longer display warnings for non cheaters. • Better design for /ah • Fixed LSPD Helipad ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.1b - • Fixed some onplayerconnect error • Fixed money AC within the spawn. • Added /bankmoneyall & /bankmoney • Added /chatmode ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.2 - • Turfs - Removed the Uneeded turfs (LSPD, Army, LSCH, FBIHQ) • Added /f for firemen. • Bug Fixes • Added Welcome Money • Added Cars Around LS • Changed Icons • Added Faction Sons of Anarchy. • Fixed the 3d Textdraws - Some of them were bugged. • Changed lots of Admins Functions • Freecop System (Commented) • Passport System • Added /givepassport & /agivepassport • Typos Fixes • /f for Chornaya Bratva • Changed yamaguchi's cars. • Changed size of turfs. • New Car System - 369 Ownable Cars • Dealerships Modified; Added 6 Dealerships Around LS • New Bizz System - All the shops are now player ownable. • Bug Fixes • Bank Account Money is now Mod-Able IG • Added /setcarhp, /setcarpj • Removed Cop Colours • Added /(sur)render • Added /cuff and /uncuff • Dynamic Houseing System • Added /houseint • Paintjob Saves • All owner commands are usable by scripter (1337) • Modified Developers Area • New Spectating System • Dynamic Car System; 500 Set-Able cars. • Added /setcar, modified /edit. • Added /findcar, /foundit • HP and Armour will Save • Money anticheat Warnings Fixed. • Admin chat Colours Change; Yellow, Green and Lightred for different messages. • Added Anti AFK at /turn anticheat. • Added Anti RP Name at /turn anticheat. • /lottoann uses textdraws. • Debt money is removed from bank account. • Typos Fixes. • Code Optimization. • Added /getin and /getout. • Modified Areas. • Added /doorshout and /knock. • Added Streamer Plugin. (Thanks Incognito) • Added New hospital interior. • Added new ABC offices interior. • Added decoration at Market hospital. • Added decoration at LSPD. • Added a car graveyard at East Los Santos Sewers. • LSPD Garage Door at the right is now open-able • Removed the gate at loco low co. • Removed medic and firemen colors. • Removed useless textdraws • Death messages now appear for the admins in console. • Connecting Messages for Normal users. • Added flashing money textdraw. • Lotto Every Three Hours automatically. • On payday, the amount of the lotto jackpot has been decreased. • LSPD can no longer spawn the hydra or the rhino ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.3 - • Added GPS • Added /gps • Added /gpsfind • Fixed the Doors bug • Removed some map icons • Added <ammo> at /give gun • Pickups at houses • New Spectator() ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.4 - • SpikeStrip.inc not needed. • Login/Register with Dialogs. • Reduced Houses. • Added /sethouse. • Added /unsethouse. • Bug Fixes. • 3d Text Added for Admins/Testers on duty. • To enter a place its now needed to press VEHICLE_ENTERING_KEY. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.5 - • Added /Trace. • Added (again) 500 Houses. • Changed some Logs. • Changed the Colour of the 3d Textdraws. • New tutorial for "new" owners. • Added /clearrecord. • Increased the size of the saving arrays. • Added /savecar to save car mods. • Better Security for Money & Weapon Anticheat. • Added /atc, /atcradio and /atcrights. • Changed the tutorial • Added /rban • Added /cage and /uncage • Added /Pending. • Fixed Regular Rank seconds • Added /taketest. • Added /helmet. • Changed /belt. • Changed entering vehicle messages. • Added 3d Textdraws to sellable vehicles. • Removed the Textdraw at the top of the screen. • Fixed the Login / Register bug. • Added /atake • Changed /createpickup • New AFK Kicker and System • Added /afk and Back for admins. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.5b - • Added Terms And Conditions • Added logs for Login and Register • Fixed some Bugs ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.6 - • Massive Fixes to SetPlayerSpawn • Massive Fixes to /aduty & /spec • Massive Fixes to UpdatePlayerPosition • Added /givefight • Added /officercourse • Added /officertest • Added Freecops • Added /fightstyle • Added /aeject • Changed Training System • Added /selectspawn • Changed the spawn system • Better Spectating System • Better Money anticheat • Dashboards Changes • Added another kind of Advertisement. • Added /account • Removed /changepass & /levelup. • Increased by 150% the Account Security. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v2.7 - • Fixes to the Anticheat. • Fixes to /suspectlist. • Modified /suspectlist. • Added More Protection against money hackers. • Added the status "ON CASH INBALANCE" • Added /fixmoney. • Modified the Shop Robberies. • Added a new Logo for the Script. • Fixed the SQL OnPlayerUpdateEx. • Fixed the SQL OnPlayerLogin. • Added /tazer. • Modified Rcon Security. • Added Punishments (More). • Modified the Register Dialog. • Clock Textdraw Added. • Added /countdown. • Added /cancelcoutdown. • Jail Time textdraw Added. • warning reason Textdraw Removed. • New Anticheat Functions (Anti DB / Anti Fake Death / High ping Kicker) ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ vFinal - • Fixes to the clock. • Renewed the whole car system. • Increased car limit to two. • Modified /v buy & /v sell. • Added /gotolvap • Added /gotosfdocks. • Added trailers around some areas. • Changed the Vehicles textdraws. • Optimizated OnPlayerKeyStateChange. • Added /votekick for everyone. • Added /voteban for regulars. • Added /cancelvote for Admins. • Added /quitfaction. • Added Scrap yard. • Added /setmotd. • Modified /gps. • Optimized OnPropUpdate. • Modified the house Pickups. • Added OnHousePickupUpdate. • Optimized OnPropTextdrawUpdate. • Added /countdownkick • Added /calendar • Added /setevent • Modified /edit • Revaluated All Houses Prices. • Added More gang Cars. • Enchanced the Jobs • Enchanced /radio • Enchanced /departments • Added 611 Houses. • Modified /sethouse • Callback EvaluateHouse added. • Renewed the whole House System. • Added GetVehicleName • Enchanced Vehicle Entering System • Balanced /equip. • Re-Added job colours. • Enchanced Jobs. • Added more jobs Cars. • Modified /bizentrance. • Fixes to /changename. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ vFinal-2 • Fixed Tazer. • Fixed freecops entering cars issue. • Fixed some typos with /agivepassport. • Changed the achievements. • Script converted into 0.3b. • GPS renewed. • Improvements to Heavy Vehicles. ЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇЇ v3 • Added /use. • Fixed /v park. • Fixed /v color. • Added /v setcode. • Changed /v paintjob. • Added /attachweapon. • Added /deattachweapon. • Fixed Tazer ammo bug. • Added /acheckcode. • Added /carcode. • Added /checkcode. • Added /security. • Added /getdecoder. • Added /alias. • Added /ips. • Added /getips. • Added /getaliases. • Added /upload. • Added /unban. • Fixed /gps. • Modified /store. • Modified /load. • Modified FBI HQ. • Modified /turn. • Fixed /clothes Bug. • Added /anticheat. • Added /adminarea. • Added anti flood kicker. • Passwords are now Hashed. • Fixed MOTD Last Character. • Re-Written the car system. • Modified /asellhouse. • Modified /asellbiz. • Modified /asellsbiz. • Modified /asellcar. • Added a new Car Lock System. • Added F.B.I Garage & Helipad. • Fixed House storing System. • Modified the max ping settings. • Optimizations to various codes. • Better Protection to the Anticheat. • Modified vehicle spawning commands. • Dini is now used on The new Changes. • Rhino can now only be spawned at Army HQ. • Massive Graphical decorations all over LS. • Re-Wrote The Stats/Register/Login Saving/Load system. • Re-wrote The Car/House/Bizz/Sbizz saving/Load System. • Law Enforcement Leaders can now any special vehicle.
♣ Credits ♣
Kye - SA:MP
FeaR - Original Godfather
Scrocher - Original LA-RP.
Blewert - You inspired me to Script
Mikep - Same as blewert, you inspired me to script.
Seif - Some of your scripts helped me a lot.
Ryder - I took part of some of your scripts to make the current ones
Crazybob - Airport System inspired on your server
Ronnel, RON, CBFasi, Xcasio - Some scripts are inspired out of your server too
Zamaroth - Your Object Creation script and your textdraws maker made things pretty easier for me.
DebugFS Creator - You really helped me there.
ElBoricua, Sammir, Battle, Didrik - Beta Testing, you made me found lots of bugs
Chase - Scripting Help, beta testing.
Moker - Support and Helping
The Toni - Beta Testing
Incoginto - Streamer Plugin
Creator of the Maps - The ones included
Creator of "RoadBlock it" FS - Included it to the current roadblock system.
Leth4l - Used the /aka command that the Filterscript "lAdmin" uses.
If i miss someone i am truely sorry, please tell me if you have to be added here

• Installation Guide •
1) Download the Full Script (v2.7)
2) Unzip it wherever you want.
3) Go to server.cfg and change the port to your's.
4) Add the Streamer Plugin.
5) Run your Server!
How to Fix this?
Script[gamemodes/larp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
Do not modify "Special Thanks" at /credits.
This script is not recommended for Scripting Beginners.
_________________________________________________This script is not recommended for Scripting Beginners.
♣ Staff ♣
Me Retired
Beta Testers:
The Toni
- For all their support towards me since the Start of the Gamemode, helping me to find bugs and providing solutions. They deserve to be the official Beta Testers of all my betas, They, and only them will be advised in case i decide to release a new version, and they will be in charge of testing it.
♣ Black List ♣
Terms and Conditions
1 - Do not remove the Initial Server Terms and Conditions.
1.2 - Obey the Terms and Conditions imposed by the SA:MP Team.
2 - Do not remove the "Special Thanks" Section at the Credits.
2.2 - Do not change the names of the "Special Thanks" Section of the Credits.
3 - Do not impersonate me in any way, nor claim that you're the official Server.
3.1 - Change all the lines that says <change me>
3.2 - Do not use the name "Raven's Roleplay" as your official Server Name.
♣ License ♣
Click here to see the legal Code

This code can be Distributed;
This code can not be used for commercial purposes;
This code may have derivations;
You must provide recognition of the original author.
♣ Download ♣
Yes! Finally at the End!! Well to Download the Script just click the Image. The package Does not include the Streamer plugin so you will need to download it (unless you downloaded it before) Here, without this your server WONT Work, and will give you the Famous error.
Script[gamemodes/larp.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"