[Plugin] [REL] SA:MP MySQL Plugin 2.1.1 - Released (1/25/2011

Please help me in my query problem:

I also have the problem with mysql_close(). the server exe crashes when i call this function.
my OnGameModeExit looks just like this:

pawn Код:
public OnGameModeExit
        return 1;

[Mon Jan 03 23:26:08 2011] MySQL closed. Logging ended.
[Mon Jan 03 23:26:08 2011] MySQL closed. Logging ended.
as several people before have reported the same bug, I think it's a problem caused by the plugin, not the script.
(maybe related to sa-mp 0.3c).

I'm not sure, it might be with the plugin. For now if you're having this problem, just don't use mysql_close, the plugin is programmed to do this manually if not called, so you should be safe not not call it for the time being until I can work on it.

whats the syntax for Replace?
i mean for slect,insert,delete... what abt replace?
i know its not " replace(FIELD_NAME, ‘find this string’, ‘replace found string with this string’);"


Why the server crashes, when i create over 3 connections to the same database ?

Originally Posted by Steamator
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Why the server crashes, when i create over 3 connections to the same database ?
Why would you need to connect 3 times to the same database? One connection via defines is perfectly fine.

Example, you'd make some defines, like the
pawn Код:
#define HOST_ADDR ""
#define HOST_USER "usernameofdatabasehere"
#define HOST_PASS "passwordhere"
#define HOST_DATA "databasehere"
Then connect when the gamemode starts by adding the following to your OnGameModeInit.

pawn Код:
new MySQL:connection = mysql_init(LOG_ONLY_ERRORS);
mysql_connect(HOST_ADDR, HOST_USER, HOST_PASS, HOST_DATA, connection, 1);
If you wanted to connect to certain Tables within the database; example you have Accounts, Bans, Cars in one database, and you want to connect to one of those tables, you could define the tables as well, and connect to them within your code as and when you need them.

pawn Код:
#define TABLENAME1 Accounts
#define TABLENAME2 Bans
#define TABLENAME3 Cars

Links in the first post are broken, can anybody re-upload latest version of mysql.so and mysql.inc? Thanks.

enfall: http://outbreak-network.com/files/samp/mysql.zip (has latest mysql.so and mysql.inc)

If StrickenKid wants this link removed once his links are back up, I will remove it.

After a DDoS attack on the server that hosts the files, the server went down. I'm not sure when it will be back up but people are working on it.

Thanks Burridge, I'm fine with the mirror; here also are some other mirrors:

Let me know if any of them go down,
Sorry for the inconvenience.

How to change the connection port?

@ HACKHERS: this is the wrong topic i think
you're using the plugin of ADreNaLiNe-DJ (topic: https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=7106 )

@acuworld: i think there is actually no solution.

I have re-done my mirrors. I am now mirroring all of StrickenKid's mediafire links. Horrid advertisements xP.

Links are as follows:
Downloads are now obsolete as StrickenKid's website is back online. I have uploaded the latest downloads (2.1.1) to my site in case of download links going down again; I will only post them if StrickenKid's links go down.

acuworld: I think you could change the port it connects to via the source code and re-compiling (I'm only speculating). If that's correct, maybe the mysql_connect function needs an extra param for port? Even though the majority of hosters use the default MySQL port.

Why does this version not work for me and the old on did?
It says failed to connect database. But when I run with old version it works, so the problem is not by the database.
Do I have to add/change/delete something in this version?
And wiki sucks so that did not solve anything.

KaleOtter: Which download are you using? Windows, Linux, or Linux Static? If you're using Linux, try using the static version.

Links back with new domain(http://www.strickenkid.com)

Updated to version 2.1.1 - Server crashes after OnGameModeExit fixed.


plugin: mysql.so
[12:20:21] Failed (/usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version `GLIBCXX_3.4.9' not found (required by plugins/mysql.so))

Help ME


Loaded log file: "server_log.txt".

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3c, ©2005-2010 SA-MP Team

[12:33:36] Server Plugins
[12:33:36] --------------
[12:33:36] Loading plugin: mysql.so
[12:33:36] SA:MP MySQL Plugin v2.1.1 Loaded.
[12:33:36] Loaded.
[12:33:36] Loaded 1 plugins.

[12:33:36] [MySQL] Thread running. Threadsafe: Yes.
[12:33:36] Filter Scripts
[12:33:36] ---------------
[12:33:36] Loading filter script 'adminspec.amx'...
[12:33:36] Loading filter script 'vactions.amx'...
[12:33:36] Loaded 2 filter scripts.

[12:33:36] Script[gamemodes/UNG.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[12:33:36] Number of vehicle models: 0

Im using Static Linux Plugins For Hosted Server.. [it is hosted]
help me

That means you're missing another plugin that the gamemode requires. You've got everything else loaded fine it seems.

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