[FilterScript] [FS]L.A.S LuX Admin System |UPDATE: 7/03[v1.6]|Whirlpool+Many CMDS+VIP+Much More

Originally Posted by LULU
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luxurion hello, good work =)
I have a question, have any system as "OnDialogResponse"in the "login" type window to enter password whenever you connect?
if not, then some form of wear? I think it would be nice =)

sorry, my English is bad
L.A.S already got a "Login/Register" system by Dialog. Just enable it on top of the fs.

Just a little something to let you know, if you do not know it yet. When spectating a player, you teleport to his location after stopping.

Originally Posted by XtremePlanet
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Just a little something to let you know, if you do not know it yet. When spectating a player, you teleport to his location after stopping.
Well. I'm sure you changed something. I tested it now with 2 players and worked fine.

ok ok, I used the v1.5 so there was :P
Dialog shame that only appears when you type the command login (matter of taste). well good job =)

Note: I made a small change for this to happen, I hope it does not matter :P

(sorry, use ****** translator ..)


Hi Lux first sorry for my bad englisch.

i have a question: How i can Protect the local saved Account data i have every day over 50 Peoples how change the settings or copy the values from the higest savegame?

Bsp. 1 Player connect first time 2 Player Disconect 3 Hack 4 Connect with high status. (How this fuckers do that?)

My Solution: I have rebuild the hole luxsys and make it SQL compatible in my version no Local files are saved all
Stuff is in a Database. can i post this?

Other Solution: Change all vars... and so fucking scriptkiddiefuck progs dont work

Grezz Nate

nice job man keep it on

Luxadmin is the best, very nice good work man.

The admin system is EPIC but when i tried to compile it, It had the following error..

Pawn compiler 3.2.3664                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1317) : warning 209: function "dcmd_CMD_LOGIN" should return a value
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1323) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1522) : warning 209: function "dcmd_CMD_CHANGEPASS" should return a value
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1524) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1534) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1535) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1544) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1544) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp")
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1545) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1545) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp2")
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1548) : warning 209: function "dcmd_setpass" should return a value
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1552) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1563) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1564) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1542) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Index"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1542 -- 1566) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1823) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1823) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp")
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1824) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1824) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp2")
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1829) : warning 209: function "dcmd_cage" should return a value
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1836) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1839) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1842) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1859) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1860) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(1822) : warning 203: symbol is never used: "Index"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(2019) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(2019) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp")
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(2020) : error 017: undefined symbol "strtok"
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(2020) : error 033: array must be indexed (variable "tmp2")
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(2022) : warning 209: function "dcmd_setarmour" should return a value
C:\Users\L3\Desktop\Runegaet RPG\filterscripts\LuxAdmin.pwn(2026) : error 078: function uses both "return" and "return <value>"

Compilation aborted.
26 Errors.

Compilation Time: 2.50 sec
I also know that for the strtok error, i need to type in

stock strtok(const string[], &index,seperator=' ')
	new length = strlen(string);
	new offset = index;
	new result[MAX_STRING];
	while ((index < length) && (string[index] != seperator) && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
		result[index - offset] = string[index];
	result[index - offset] = EOS;
	if ((index < length) && (string[index] == seperator))
	return result;
However, I didn't edit it yet because there might be more errors coming from additional lines of code :P
Please help xD

No erros for us maybe you have deleted something in, it compiles here with 0 errors and warnings.


where can I find the whole list of commands available to the player ?

:S I extracted the file from WinRar then compiled it without changing or deleting anything.. :S

i needed to change the second rcon password. then compile it again.
Doesnt work for me.

Got this error.

E:\SA-MP\Rockstar Games\GTA San Andreas\Server\pawno\include\ldudb.inc(20) : fatal error 100: cannot read from file: "dutils"

Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664	 	 	Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase

1 Error.
Without even changing 1 thing?

plz help

You read the readme?

I wAit The NeW VerSion :X

Originally Posted by LuxurioN
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I forgot to add it to "enable/disable". So, you'll need find all lines (Ctrl+F) that have: "AccInfo[playerid][NoQuestion]" and remove them! Pm me if need help.
Thanks Lux. I wait for 1.7

Awesome!! Best admin script

I have everything correct in my FTP i just added it on a blank gamemode but people cant register the dialog comes up they type in password then the dialog disappears.

Looks very nice..


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