[FilterScript] Drift Point Counter

What is this?: When you drift you get cash and it shows the number
A Picture or a video please?

New Textdraw position
now has money
and setplayerscore as that amount
after finsh drifting it will go red for 5 seconds then disappear








pawn Код:
#include a_samp
#define DRIFT_MINKAT 10.0
#define DRIFT_MAXKAT 90.0
#define DRIFT_SPEED 30.0
#pragma tabsize 0
#pragma unused GetPlayerTheoreticAngle
new Float:ppos[200][3];
enum Float:Pos{ Float:sX,Float:sY,Float:sZ };
new Float:SavedPos[MAX_PLAYERS][Pos];
new DriftPointsNow[200];
new PunktyDriftuGracza[200];
new Text:DriftTD[200];
new Text:DriftTD2[200];
new Text:Textdraw0;
forward LicznikDriftu();
forward clock();
forward PodsumowanieDriftu(playerid);
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    for(new x=0;x<200;x++) {

        Textdraw0 = TextDrawCreate(3.000000, 435.000000, "~n~");
        TextDrawBackgroundColor(Textdraw0, 255);
        TextDrawFont(Textdraw0, 1);
        TextDrawLetterSize(Textdraw0, 0.500000, 0.999997);
        TextDrawColor(Textdraw0, -1);
        TextDrawSetOutline(Textdraw0, 0);
        TextDrawSetProportional(Textdraw0, 1);
        TextDrawSetShadow(Textdraw0, 1);
        TextDrawUseBox(Textdraw0, 1);
        TextDrawBoxColor(Textdraw0, 1344814160);
        TextDrawTextSize(Textdraw0, 639.000000, 0.000000);

        DriftTD[x] = TextDrawCreate(6.000000, 433.000000, " ");
        TextDrawBackgroundColor(DriftTD[x], 255);
        TextDrawFont(DriftTD[x], 1);
        TextDrawLetterSize(DriftTD[x], 0.750000, 1.400000);
        TextDrawColor(DriftTD[x], -1);
        TextDrawSetOutline(DriftTD[x], 0);
        TextDrawSetProportional(DriftTD[x], 1);
        TextDrawSetShadow(DriftTD[x], 1);

        DriftTD2[x] = TextDrawCreate(340.000000, 430.000000, " ");
        TextDrawBackgroundColor(DriftTD2[x], 255);
        TextDrawFont(DriftTD2[x], 1);
        TextDrawLetterSize(DriftTD2[x], 0.830000, 1.900000);
        TextDrawColor(DriftTD2[x], -1);
        TextDrawSetOutline(DriftTD2[x], 0);
        TextDrawSetProportional(DriftTD2[x], 1);
        TextDrawSetShadow(DriftTD2[x], 1);
    SetTimer("AngleUpdate" , 700, true);
    SetTimer("LicznikDriftu", 500, true);
    return 1;

    new model = GetVehicleModel(vid);
    switch(model) {
        case 443:return 0;
        case 448:return 0;
        case 461:return 0;
        case 462:return 0;
        case 463:return 0;
        case 468:return 0;
        case 521:return 0;
        case 522:return 0;
        case 523:return 0;
        case 581:return 0;
        case 586:return 0;
        case 481:return 0;
        case 509:return 0;
        case 510:return 0;
        case 430:return 0;
        case 446:return 0;
        case 452:return 0;
        case 453:return 0;
        case 454:return 0;
        case 472:return 0;
        case 473:return 0;
        case 484:return 0;
        case 493:return 0;
        case 595:return 0;
        case 417:return 0;
        case 425:return 0;
        case 447:return 0;
        case 465:return 0;
        case 469:return 0;
        case 487:return 0;
        case 488:return 0;
        case 497:return 0;
        case 501:return 0;
        case 548:return 0;
        case 563:return 0;
        case 406:return 0;
        case 444:return 0;
        case 556:return 0;
        case 557:return 0;
        case 573:return 0;
        case 460:return 0;
        case 464:return 0;
        case 476:return 0;
        case 511:return 0;
        case 512:return 0;
        case 513:return 0;
        case 519:return 0;
        case 520:return 0;
        case 539:return 0;
        case 553:return 0;
        case 577:return 0;
        case 592:return 0;
        case 593:return 0;
        case 471:return 0;
    return 1;

forward AngleUpdate();
public AngleUpdate()
    for(new g=0;g<200;g++) {
        new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
        if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(g))GetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(g), x, y, z); else GetPlayerPos(g, x, y, z);
        ppos[g][0] = x;
        ppos[g][1] = y;
        ppos[g][2] = z;

    new Float:sin;
    new Float:dis;
    new Float:angle2;
    new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
    new Float:tmp3;
    new Float:tmp4;
    new Float:MindAngle;
    if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
        dis = floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(x,ppos[i][0])),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(y,ppos[i][1])),2));
        if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i))GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), angle2); else GetPlayerFacingAngle(i, angle2);
        if(x>ppos[i][0]) {
        else {
        if(y>ppos[i][1]) {
        else {
        if(ppos[i][1]>y && ppos[i][0]>x) {        //1
            sin = asin(tmp3/dis);
            MindAngle = floatsub(floatsub(floatadd(sin, 90), floatmul(sin, 2)), -90.0);
        if(ppos[i][1]<y && ppos[i][0]>x) {        //2
            sin = asin(tmp3/dis);
            MindAngle = floatsub(floatadd(sin, 180), 180.0);
        if(ppos[i][1]<y && ppos[i][0]<x) {        //3
            sin = acos(tmp4/dis);
            MindAngle = floatsub(floatadd(sin, 360), floatmul(sin, 2));
        if(ppos[i][1]>y && ppos[i][0]<x) {        //4
            sin = asin(tmp3/dis);
            MindAngle = floatadd(sin, 180);
    if(MindAngle == 0.0) {
        return angle2;
    } else
    return MindAngle;

public PodsumowanieDriftu(playerid)
    PunktyDriftuGracza[playerid] = 0;

    DriftPointsNow[playerid] = 0;
    TextDrawSetString(DriftTD[playerid],"~r~ Drift Money Cash~w~: Loading");
    TextDrawSetString(DriftTD2[playerid],"~r~ Drift Points~w~: Loading");

    new Float:Ang;
    if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Ang); else GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Ang);
    return Ang;

public LicznikDriftu()
    new Float:Angle1, Float:Angle2, Float:BySpeed, s[256];
    new Float:Z;
    new Float:X;
    new Float:Y;
    new Float:SpeedX;
    for(new g=0;g<200;g++) {
        GetPlayerPos(g, X, Y, Z);
        SpeedX = floatsqroot(floatadd(floatadd(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(X,SavedPos[ g ][ sX ])),2),floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(Y,SavedPos[ g ][ sY ])),2)),floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(Z,SavedPos[ g ][ sZ ])),2)));
        Angle1 = ReturnPlayerAngle(g);
        Angle2 = GetPlayerTheoreticAngle(g);
        BySpeed = floatmul(SpeedX, 12);
        if(GetPlayerState(g) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && IsCar(GetPlayerVehicleID(g)) && floatabs(floatsub(Angle1, Angle2)) > DRIFT_MINKAT && floatabs(floatsub(Angle1, Angle2)) < DRIFT_MAXKAT && BySpeed > DRIFT_SPEED) {
            if(PunktyDriftuGracza[g] > 0)KillTimer(PunktyDriftuGracza[g]);
            PunktyDriftuGracza[g] = 0;
            DriftPointsNow[g] += floatval( floatabs(floatsub(Angle1, Angle2)) * 3 * (BySpeed*0.1) )/10;
            PunktyDriftuGracza[g] = SetTimerEx("PodsumowanieDriftu", 3000, 0, "d", g);
        if(DriftPointsNow[g] > 0) {
            format(s, sizeof(s), "Drift Money Cash~y~: %d", DriftPointsNow[g]);
            TextDrawSetString(DriftTD[g], s);
            format(s, sizeof(s), "Drift Points~y~: %d", DriftPointsNow[g]);
            TextDrawSetString(DriftTD2[g], s);
        SavedPos[ g ][ sX ] = X;
        SavedPos[ g ][ sY ] = Y;
        SavedPos[ g ][ sZ ] = Z;

//Split(s1[], s2[], s3[]=""){new rxx[256];format(rxx, 256, "%s%s%s", s1, s2, s3);return rxx;}
//tostr(int){new st[256];format(st, 256, "%d", int);return st;}
floatval(Float:val){new str[256];format(str, 256, "%.0f", val);return todec(str);}
todec(str[]){return strval(str);}
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
    if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {
        TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD[playerid]);
        TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD2[playerid]);
        TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw0);
    return 1;

forward DMCDP(playerid);
public DMCDP(playerid)
    TextDrawSetString(DriftTD[playerid]," ");
    TextDrawSetString(DriftTD2[playerid]," ");
    return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    new x;
    TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD[x]);
    TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD2[x]);
    TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, Textdraw0);
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"MONEY: Drift for money easy way to earn money Drift Counter by luby edited by kitten");
    return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    new x;

    if (strcmp("/driftoff", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) {
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"You Have Disabled Drift Counter");
        TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD[x]);
        TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD2[x]);
        return 1;

    if (strcmp("/drifton", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) {
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"You Have Enabled Drift Counter By Luby edited by kitten");
        TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD[x]);
        TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD2[x]);
        return 1;
    return 0;
pawn Код:
#include a_samp
#define DRIFT_MINKAT 10.0
#define DRIFT_MAXKAT 90.0
#define DRIFT_SPEED 30.0
#pragma tabsize 0
#pragma unused GetPlayerTheoreticAngle
new Float:ppos[200][3];
enum Float:Pos{ Float:sX,Float:sY,Float:sZ };
new Float:SavedPos[MAX_PLAYERS][Pos];
new DriftPointsNow[200];
new PunktyDriftuGracza[200];
new Text:DriftTD[200];
forward LicznikDriftu();
forward clock();
forward PodsumowanieDriftu(playerid);
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    for(new x=0;x<200;x++) {

        DriftTD[x] = TextDrawCreate(42.000000, 304.000000, " ");
        TextDrawBackgroundColor(DriftTD[x], 255);
        TextDrawFont(DriftTD[x], 1);
        TextDrawLetterSize(DriftTD[x], 0.480000, 3.000000);
        TextDrawColor(DriftTD[x], -1);
        TextDrawSetOutline(DriftTD[x], 0);
        TextDrawSetProportional(DriftTD[x], 1);
        TextDrawSetShadow(DriftTD[x], 1);
    SetTimer("AngleUpdate" , 700, true);
    SetTimer("LicznikDriftu", 500, true);
    return 1;

    new model = GetVehicleModel(vid);
    switch(model) {
        case 443:return 0;
        case 448:return 0;
        case 461:return 0;
        case 462:return 0;
        case 463:return 0;
        case 468:return 0;
        case 521:return 0;
        case 522:return 0;
        case 523:return 0;
        case 581:return 0;
        case 586:return 0;
        case 481:return 0;
        case 509:return 0;
        case 510:return 0;
        case 430:return 0;
        case 446:return 0;
        case 452:return 0;
        case 453:return 0;
        case 454:return 0;
        case 472:return 0;
        case 473:return 0;
        case 484:return 0;
        case 493:return 0;
        case 595:return 0;
        case 417:return 0;
        case 425:return 0;
        case 447:return 0;
        case 465:return 0;
        case 469:return 0;
        case 487:return 0;
        case 488:return 0;
        case 497:return 0;
        case 501:return 0;
        case 548:return 0;
        case 563:return 0;
        case 406:return 0;
        case 444:return 0;
        case 556:return 0;
        case 557:return 0;
        case 573:return 0;
        case 460:return 0;
        case 464:return 0;
        case 476:return 0;
        case 511:return 0;
        case 512:return 0;
        case 513:return 0;
        case 519:return 0;
        case 520:return 0;
        case 539:return 0;
        case 553:return 0;
        case 577:return 0;
        case 592:return 0;
        case 593:return 0;
        case 471:return 0;
    return 1;

forward AngleUpdate();
public AngleUpdate()
    for(new g=0;g<200;g++) {
        new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
        if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(g))GetVehiclePos(GetPlayerVehicleID(g), x, y, z); else GetPlayerPos(g, x, y, z);
        ppos[g][0] = x;
        ppos[g][1] = y;
        ppos[g][2] = z;

    new Float:sin;
    new Float:dis;
    new Float:angle2;
    new Float:x,Float:y,Float:z;
    new Float:tmp3;
    new Float:tmp4;
    new Float:MindAngle;
    if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) {
        dis = floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(x,ppos[i][0])),2)+floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(y,ppos[i][1])),2));
        if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(i))GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(i), angle2); else GetPlayerFacingAngle(i, angle2);
        if(x>ppos[i][0]) {
        else {
        if(y>ppos[i][1]) {
        else {
        if(ppos[i][1]>y && ppos[i][0]>x) {        //1
            sin = asin(tmp3/dis);
            MindAngle = floatsub(floatsub(floatadd(sin, 90), floatmul(sin, 2)), -90.0);
        if(ppos[i][1]<y && ppos[i][0]>x) {        //2
            sin = asin(tmp3/dis);
            MindAngle = floatsub(floatadd(sin, 180), 180.0);
        if(ppos[i][1]<y && ppos[i][0]<x) {        //3
            sin = acos(tmp4/dis);
            MindAngle = floatsub(floatadd(sin, 360), floatmul(sin, 2));
        if(ppos[i][1]>y && ppos[i][0]<x) {        //4
            sin = asin(tmp3/dis);
            MindAngle = floatadd(sin, 180);
    if(MindAngle == 0.0) {
        return angle2;
    } else
    return MindAngle;

public PodsumowanieDriftu(playerid)
    PunktyDriftuGracza[playerid] = 0;

    DriftPointsNow[playerid] = 0;
    TextDrawSetString(DriftTD[playerid]," ");

    new Float:Ang;
    if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid))GetVehicleZAngle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid), Ang); else GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Ang);
    return Ang;

public LicznikDriftu()
    new Float:Angle1, Float:Angle2, Float:BySpeed, s[256];
    new Float:Z;
    new Float:X;
    new Float:Y;
    new Float:SpeedX;
    for(new g=0;g<200;g++) {
        GetPlayerPos(g, X, Y, Z);
        SpeedX = floatsqroot(floatadd(floatadd(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(X,SavedPos[ g ][ sX ])),2),floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(Y,SavedPos[ g ][ sY ])),2)),floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(Z,SavedPos[ g ][ sZ ])),2)));
        Angle1 = ReturnPlayerAngle(g);
        Angle2 = GetPlayerTheoreticAngle(g);
        BySpeed = floatmul(SpeedX, 12);
        if(GetPlayerState(g) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER && IsCar(GetPlayerVehicleID(g)) && floatabs(floatsub(Angle1, Angle2)) > DRIFT_MINKAT && floatabs(floatsub(Angle1, Angle2)) < DRIFT_MAXKAT && BySpeed > DRIFT_SPEED) {
            if(PunktyDriftuGracza[g] > 0)KillTimer(PunktyDriftuGracza[g]);
            PunktyDriftuGracza[g] = 0;
            DriftPointsNow[g] += floatval( floatabs(floatsub(Angle1, Angle2)) * 3 * (BySpeed*0.1) )/10;
            PunktyDriftuGracza[g] = SetTimerEx("PodsumowanieDriftu", 3000, 0, "d", g);
        if(DriftPointsNow[g] > 0) {
            format(s, sizeof(s), "DriftCash~y~: %d", DriftPointsNow[g]);
            TextDrawSetString(DriftTD[g], s);
        SavedPos[ g ][ sX ] = X;
        SavedPos[ g ][ sY ] = Y;
        SavedPos[ g ][ sZ ] = Z;

//Split(s1[], s2[], s3[]=""){new rxx[256];format(rxx, 256, "%s%s%s", s1, s2, s3);return rxx;}
//tostr(int){new st[256];format(st, 256, "%d", int);return st;}
floatval(Float:val){new str[256];format(str, 256, "%.0f", val);return todec(str);}
todec(str[]){return strval(str);}
public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid, newstate, oldstate)
    if(newstate == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER) {
        TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD[playerid]);
    return 1;

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    new x;
    TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD[x]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"MONEY: Drift for money easy way to earn money Drift Counter by luby edited by kitten");
    return 1;

public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
    new x;

    if (strcmp("/driftoff", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) {
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"You Have Disabled Drift Counter");
        TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD[x]);
        return 1;

    if (strcmp("/drifton", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0) {
        SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_LIGHTBLUE,"You Have Enabled Drift Counter By Luby editied by kitten");
        TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, DriftTD[x]);
        return 1;
    return 0;


Simple, but effective, good release.
Keep up the good work.


Nice kitten!

You rock D:
Awesome script :]

Sweet script

chocolate Script :P

thanks guys

How do you detect if player crash? It efective?

This is pretty cool. It seems to be accurate as well, which is a plus. Good work!

Very cool, I use
Looking much something like that.


How do you detect if player crash? It efective?

if u crash or stop the textdraw wtih numbers will stop and hide

I recommand, if you crash - the textdraw gets RED and freezes. after 5sec it disappears.

Interesting. If it's really that accurate, +1 :P

Originally Posted by Kitten
Посмотреть сообщение
if u crash or stop the textdraw wtih numbers will stop and hide
And how do you detect if the player crash? Btf, nice FS


I recommand, if you crash - the textdraw gets RED and freezes. after 5sec it disappears.

thanks ill add that in v2 of the verison

Verison 2 Released

Very very awesome script excellent work, exactly what wanted.

glad i helped

Very inefficient!
pawn Код:
        case 443:return 0;
        case 448:return 0;
        case 461:return 0;
        case 462:return 0;
        case 463:return 0;
        case 468:return 0;
        case 521:return 0;
        case 522:return 0;
        case 523:return 0;
        case 581:return 0;
        case 586:return 0;
        case 481:return 0;
        case 509:return 0;
        case 510:return 0;
        case 430:return 0;
        case 446:return 0;
        case 452:return 0;
        case 453:return 0;
        case 454:return 0;
        case 472:return 0;
        case 473:return 0;
        case 484:return 0;
        case 493:return 0;
        case 595:return 0;
        case 417:return 0;
        case 425:return 0;
        case 447:return 0;
        case 465:return 0;
        case 469:return 0;
        case 487:return 0;
        case 488:return 0;
        case 497:return 0;
        case 501:return 0;
        case 548:return 0;
        case 563:return 0;
        case 406:return 0;
        case 444:return 0;
        case 556:return 0;
        case 557:return 0;
        case 573:return 0;
        case 460:return 0;
        case 464:return 0;
        case 476:return 0;
        case 511:return 0;
        case 512:return 0;
        case 513:return 0;
        case 519:return 0;
        case 520:return 0;
        case 539:return 0;
        case 553:return 0;
        case 577:return 0;
        case 592:return 0;
        case 593:return 0;
        case 471:return 0;
should be
pawn Код:
case 443,448,471,593(etc): return 0;

Well I recommend to add in new version faster timer, what loads it to player cash and if you crash or something like that, the points will be red and hides points after 1-2 second, then player can earn points again.

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