30.03.2008, 01:26
Second Chatbox!!
What is it:
This filterscript creates a total new chatbox in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
The chatbox will use 15 or 30 textdraws. (depending on the line-mode you're using)
Messages will scoll from down to top.
What's wrong with the normal one?

Basically nothing, but sometimes it's annoying when you want to view for example a /command pages
Such command sometimes takes up all 10 lines in the normal chat, and when someone else is typing a message, you already lost the first line

So this filterscript prevent players from chatting in the normal chat, and instead their messages will be shown in this new chatbox.
For some people it's very useless, but it may be usefull for some (busy) servers.
There are 2 diffrent modes:
- Single-lines
- Double-lines
Why? Because it allows you to type much longer messsages:
With Single-line mode your messages can not be longer than about 30 characters.
With Double lines, messages can be around 90 characters long.
Only with singlelines, 30 messages will be shown, doublelines (only) 15 (normal chat has 10 lines).
If a player connects, he/she can see the last 15 or 30 messages!
How to instal:
- Download Chatbox.pwn
- Place it in your 'filterscripts' folder
- Open it, optionally you can comment or delete the line "#define AllowDoubleLines"
- Compile it, run it as filterscript and you're ready to chat!
- /clearchat (rcon admin only)


- Chatbox.pwn (MediaFire)
- Chatbox.pwn (MyFreeFilehosting.com)
Known Bugs:
- When you restart your gamemode (with gmx) you may crash
- When you type after a messages 2 (or more) spaces, the message will not be shows

I fixed 1 space, but more are still buged.
If someone knows how fix this, help would be appreciated
- This is the very first release, had not very much time to test with multiple players so there may be more bugs
- I think i will release a new version soon, including more configuration.
- The small lettersize of the messages may be problematic for some users with bad eyes, you can eventually change the lettersize in the filterscript by yourself. (Search for: "TextDrawLetterSize(Message[line], 0.20, 0.70);" (2x)
- I hope you will like this Filterscript, and if you're going to use this: PLEASE GIVE ME CREDITS!!!!
- I also would like to receive comments about this Filterscript.
