What to do when bored?

Hello, i am bored and i have ran out of ideas how to un bore my self and i am failing to do that doe anyone have any suggestions to give or anyone else who is bored reading this post who's is bored any advice to give out?

Sleep. You can do amazing things in your dreams! Like... Well I don't know because it's hard to remember. Alternatively, do what the above poster said and alternatively again, watch a movie or, create a cartoon. Something ambitious!

Lol, you're asking on the forum for a game, what answer do you think you're going to get?

Other than the obvious what about reading a book? Watching a movie? Finding a new TV show to get into? Play some different games? Learn a scripting language? Work out? Tidy the house? Make some food? Go for a walk? Draw? Paint? Go out with friends? Blog?


Eat icecream

Do your homework.

Vist ur girlfriend.. or if u dont have one just vist friends. If u dont have those get a life

Listen to music , hangout with friends , watch a movie , alot of good stuff you can do

Take a walk, bring a camera with you and do some photography.

Originally Posted by Jansish
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Take a walk, bring a camera with you and do some photography.
oww real thoughs. I will too try those surely in my summer break.

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