Script Request Thread #5

I need script for trunk like CMD:TrunkPutgun and CMD:trunktakegun
When player is on foot and is at trunk he can place it in car and everyone can take it. THX REP+

Hello everyone,
I was looking for a whispering script with some of the features below.
  • Should need a player to beside whispering guy, else it says "None can't hear you".
  • Gives message like ***[Player] whispers: [Message].
  • Should gives a message in the color below, so I need a color define for that.

The color would be the darker one, don't know how to add the defines. :P

Thanks for reading.

Add looking for a /changename cmds using any include but it must be set to be used with yini to delete the old file and create a new one

Can you make for me level system ? 1 minute = 1 expirience point pls

Originally Posted by imnoob
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Can you make for me level system ? 1 minute = 1 expirience point pls
pawn Code:
// Somewhere in your script
new pExperience[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnGameModeInit()
    SetTimer("GiveExp", 1000 * 60, true);
    return 1;
forward GiveExp();
public GiveExp()
    for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
        pExperience[i] ++;
        SendClientMessage(i, -1, "You received 1 experience point for playing 1 minute.");
    return 1;

Originally Posted by [HLF]Southclaw
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Here's what I knocked up in a few minutes, feel free to change the colours etc
pawn Code:
CMD:w(playerid, params[])
    // The entire string minus the '/', 'w'and ' ' should be 125 max right?
    if(sscanf(params, "s[125]"
    // A counter to check how many players the message was sent to
    // in order to give a return message if the player is just talking to no one.

    foreach(new i : Player)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, WHISPER_RANGE, x, y, z) && i != playerid)
        // If the currently iterated player ID is near the player who typed the command
        // And the iterated player ID doesn't equal the command player ID, proceed:
            SendClientFormatMessage(i, 0xF2F5A9FF, "***%P {FFFFFF}whispers: {F2F5A9}%s", playerid, params);
    if(count == 0)SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x, "None can't hear you! You will be forever alone. :c");
    return 1;
This script gives like 26 errors xD. :P Can someone try to fix it?

Originally Posted by Goldilox
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This script gives like 26 errors xD. :P Can someone try to fix it?
This might fix.
Note:you need foreach and sscanf2 include.

All credits to SouthClaw.
pawn Code:
CMD:w(playerid, params[])
    // The entire string minus the '/', 'w'and ' ' should be 125 max right?
    new wtext;
    if(sscanf(params, "s[125]",wtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "Usage: /w [whisper text]");
    // A counter to check how many players the message was sent to
    // in order to give a return message if the player is just talking to no one.
    new count[MAX_PLAYERS];

    foreach(new i : Player)
        if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(i, WHISPER_RANGE, x, y, z) && i != playerid)
        // If the currently iterated player ID is near the player who typed the command
        // And the iterated player ID doesn't equal the command player ID, proceed:
            SendClientMessage(i, 0xF2F5A9FF, "***%d {FFFFFF}whispers: {F2F5A9}%s", playerid, params);
    if(count[playerid] == 0 ) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000, "None can't hear you! You will be forever alone. :c");
    return 1;
I hope this wont have errors.


i am searching for a derby system but i can't find it. has someone a good simple join and leave derby? with random maps and winner money.

(i want a derby system but someone where you can vote for a map , spawn in a map if you fall in the water of from the building burn or leave you spawn on a place and wait there for you can vote. the last person is the winner and gets points and money.)

gr pascal boy

Originally Posted by Sliceofdeath
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This time i need only script no filterscript .pwn .amx i need script..This time dont ignore me please atleast give script

Can i have Gun laser for Sa-Mp 0.3e ?


/lcar - to load car which we /scar
/scar - save car with /scar


/go system

/go [id] : Go to player..this should work for every player not only admins


group system
can make group


/id - /id [player name]
when we do /id [playername] we will get that player id in chat box


/w menu
i have bugged weapon menu so make it one for me
but /cam should also there
/cam - camera
Laser here:

umm not sure about the /go, i am new to scripting, but try this if you want. You must have zcmd include if you want to keep the COMMAND:go(playerid, params[]) and the sscanf include is needed.

COMMAND:go(playerid, params[])
new gotarget;
new Float:gX;
new Float:gY;
new Float:gZ;
if(sscanf(params, "u", gotarget)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, "[ERROR] /go [ID] ");
GetPlayerPos(gotarget, gX, gY, gZ);
SetPlayerPos(playerid, gX, gY, gZ);
return 1;

I need an advertisement system! Please help. Thanks

Originally Posted by edgargreat
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I need an advertisement system! Please help. Thanks
pawn Код:
// Advertisement system.

#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>

new AdWait;

forward AdWaitOff();

CMD:ad(playerid, params[])
    if (AdWait != 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAFAFAFFF, "You must wait 30 seconds before posting another ad.");
    if (isnull(params))
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, "USAGE: /ad [advertisement]");
        return 1;
    new string[152], playername[24];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, playername, sizeof(playername));
    format(string, sizeof(string), "Advertisement: %s, Contact: %s", params, playername);
    SendClientMessageToAll(0x33AA33FF, string);
    AdWait = 1;
    SetTimer("AdWaitOff", 30000, false);
    GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -50);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x33CCFFFF, "You have placed an advertisement. It costed you $50.");
    return 1;

public AdWaitOff()
    AdWait = 0;

a enum with foward/stock using fcreate a faction safe

Fguns,(with ammo)
and need it to be successful loaded and saved can anyone help me i tried but my server crash

I need an FS or something to let me give a TEMPORARILY vip i have three types of vip in my script: bronze, silver and gold but when i /setvip to someone it goes to him PERMANENTLY but i want to give as i choose like giving a brozne for 1 month or 2 and like giving silver for 1 year and so on
and thanks


I need a function or something to compare some integers like " Compare ( 1, 71, 32, 21 ); " and the function returns the biggest integer ( 71 ).


Where can I find a autofix for vehicles?

you should be avaiable to type /auftofix or af to enable the command

I'll put it in the gamemode file

a CMD command

Originally Posted by JEkvall95
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Where can I find a autofix for vehicles?

you should be avaiable to type /auftofix or af to enable the command

I'll put it in the gamemode file

a CMD command
pawn Код:
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>

new bool: IsAutoRepairEnabledForPlayer[MAX_PLAYERS];

public OnFilterScriptInit() { print("Vehicle Repair by [jS]Thomas loaded"); return 1; }
public OnFilterScriptExit() { print("Vehicle Repair by [jS]Thomas unloaded"); return 1; }

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
    IsAutoRepairEnabledForPlayer[playerid] = false;
    return 1;

    #pragma unused params
    if(IsAutoRepairEnabledForPlayer[playerid] == false)
        IsAutoRepairEnabledForPlayer[playerid] = true;
        SendClientMessage(playerid,0xAFAFAFAA,"Auto fix enabled!");
        IsAutoRepairEnabledForPlayer[playerid] = false;
        SendClientMessage(playerid,0xAFAFAFAA,"Auto fix disabled!");
    return 1;

public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
    if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid) && IsAutoRepairEnabledForPlayer[playerid] == true)
    return 1;

I need a small Filterscript for blinkers like this one:


Hotkeys : Numpad 4 For left and Numpad 6 For right

Numpad 5 For hazard.

Hello! can someone make a filterscript that when you go to the back wheels of the AT400's or Androm's and when you type /at400 and you get into the plane directly without using ladder or what ever.

Thanks in advance.


Hello there everyone, i have been looking for a special "Vehicle Storage system" And a special "Neon" system.

As i where going trough all the "vehicle storage systems & Neon Systems" I found that none of them really fits a RolePlay server.

As i would need a vehicle storage system nearly like Next generation's vstorage system. Also the neon system they have.

The neon system to start with: As the player dissconnect or time out, the neon will disable and remove's, aslo when they login they will be able to do "/disableneon" and admin's could only be able to do "/neon" to add neon's on a players vehicle. Then we come to the color swifting system, as system inside the neon system that makes the neon swift color every 10 minutes.

And as i sayd, neon's could only be added by a specifyed admin level, As my highest admin level on my script is "99999"

I would like somthing like this,
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >=99999)
So only that level admin could add. And so the player could use a command like "/disableneon" and so the neon removes but saves to the account.
So they may use it more then 1 time only.

Vehicles Storage System: I where looking for a Vstorage system basicly like this.
Player's will get a dialog with there vehicle's and they may "de-spawn" and "storage" the vehicle's, just as the NG:RP system. That would be awesome. Never found any system as they befor.

Well that's my request/idea. Thanks for checking this out.

here is some code's that i have for the neon system i'm using right now. perhaps you may use those for the help.

Neon System
CMD:neon(playerid, params[])
	if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin] >=99999)
       if(GetPlayerState(playerid) != PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
	       SendClientMessageEx(playerid, COLOR_YELLOW, "You need to be a driver of a car to use this command!");
	       return 1;
	   else if(GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER)
           ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_NEONAMENU, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Neon Shop | Neon Tokens","Dark Blue\nRed\nGreen\nWhite\nViolet\nYellow\nCyan\nLight Blue\nPink\nOrange\nLight Green\nLight Yellow\nDelete Neon","Select", "Cancel");
	return 1;
Unfortunly i don't have any vehicle storage system to give you a help with. Well thanks for checking this post out. Hope you could help

Please send me a private message if you have it, won't be easy to find on this thread as everyone is posting here..

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