12.01.2010, 18:36
Последний раз редактировалось LuxurioN™; 02.07.2012 в 22:36.
Причина: 1.7 stopped.

(v1.5) Released In: 07/03/2010 | Development: 1.7 (Stopped) for some days, maybe.
For those who dont want to wait 1.7, feel free to edit the AdminScript, just keep the credits.
Basic Info about 1.7:
- YCMD, Sscanf,Foreach,y_ini.
- Fixed "TwoRcon" bugs.
- Fixed Some Linux Bugs.
- Added + Alot of dialogs.
- 100% for 0.3c SA-MP
- Fixed some things to improve performance. (Thanks ******).
- Some things removed. Believe me, you will not miss them!
- Fixed a mistake with "Security Question" system.
- Changed GPS System (Oh, u'll really like the new

- Fixed "Flying Cam" by Sandra to be 100% compatible with 0.3c
- AntiCheats Improved (Now I'm using some funcions from JunkBuster).
And alot of new things that maybe will make you happy.
- Menu
- Script
- Functions
- Commands
- Log
- How To Use
- Installation
- Bugs
- Download
- Additional Credits
Type: Administration FilterScript
Version: 1.6 Beta
Last Update: 07/03/2010
Created By: LuxurioN
Licence: In end of post
+ Whirlpool Hashed Passwords (Greater security)
+ Account System (Register, Login, Changepass)
+ Save Player Statistics (Deaths+Kills+Weapons+Money+Position+TimeInServer+ Ip+Health+Armour+Score+WantedLevel)
+ Automatically Login!
+ Anti WeaponsHack (Easy to configure forbidden weapons in File)
+ Create Teleport System (Easy Create/Delete/Use new teleports InGame)
+ Lock/Unlock Server (With Dialog)
+ Many Dialogs (Vehicles,Teleports,Weapons,Server Time & Weather, and more...)
+ Anti Forbidden Names,Words and Clan (Easy to Configure in File)
+ InGame RCON Console (With Dialog)
+ Easy to configure more important options (In File and InScript).
+ Register & Login in Dialog! (GUI) (Only MustLogin is enabled)
+ Easy to Enable/Disable script functions InGame (In Dialog or in Command)
+ Anti CaPsLock, Anti Spam, Anti Swear and Anti Bot System
+ All Reports saved in Files.
+ Administration System per Level and Position
+ Save in Log: Cars Spawned, Kicks, Bans, TempBans, Bad Rcon Logins, Teles Createds, PmChat, AdmChat, SetLevel, and more...
+ Level System (SetLevel and SetTempLevel)
+ TempBan System (Ban Player for specified Days)
+ Dueling System
+ Rcon attempts System. (Configure number of attempts)
+ Warn System (Ban after the specified number of warnings)
+ All commands show the function of the command (When no syntax is typed) (Except some commands without necessary (Example: kill,savepos)
+ Highest Administrators is immune from all commands
+ GiveWeapon support the Weapons Names
+ Commands very well organized in levels (/level 1/2/3/4/5) (Ex: /level 4)
+ Administrators can save your skin, for use in other Time
+ Most commands accepts the player's name or the ID
+ Dialogs simple Diasable/Enable in top of your script
+ New Rcon Commands! (For use in Control Panel or InGame)
+ Loads of the configurations and more important Functions
+ Hide/UnHide commands (Hide you from Admins List, and remove 'admin' from your messages. If 'ADM_InMSG' is enabled)
+ Cage System! (Hold player in Cage) (Hight Security)
+ Gps System (City and Meters Distance) Find player meters from you! (In TextDraw and Radar CheckPoint)
+ Professional Spectating System (With TextDraw)
+ Many Lists - Wanteds, Muteds, Miniguns, Richs, Jaileds,...
+ Visible/Invisible System!
+ Anti Advertisements System (Ips, Links, ...) (+Warnings, +Easy to Enable/Disable in 'Config.cfg' file)
+ Only one TextDraw! (For Gps System and Spectating System)
+ When AdminScript is Started, Show All Configurations in Console!
+ Advanced VIP System! (When Account Types: Silver, Gold and Premium) (+Functions)
+ Execute Commands (Run any command! (From FS and your GM) (+Dialog,+Key,+Cmd)
+ Fighting Styles (In Dialog) (+Current Style)
+ Second Rcon System (Two RCON Passwords for more Security!) (Simple disable and config in top of script) (No Bugs!)
+ Safety Question + Response (For case you forgot your password) (+Response in Whirpool Hash - Impossible to hack)
+ VIP Players List, and VIP Players Chat! (*)
+ Duty System - Administrators now can enter in "Duty" or "Playing" Mode!
+ Flying Camera System (CamHack) (Only for Administradors) (Simple to disable in top of script)
+ Announcements System! (+In TextDraw) (+Enable/Disable in Dialog) (+Simple to Config Announces in FS) (+Enable/Diable in 'Config' File!)
+ Admins MultColors in /admins Command! (Only if you change the colors in top of script)
+ Register & Login Commands with Dialog (Even if "MustLogin" and "MustRegister" is disabled)
+ Countdown System - With Seconds and Freeze or Unfreeze players!
+ Private Message (PM) (Simple disable in top of Script)
And many other functions!...
Some Screens and Basic explanation:
Administration System per Level and Position
Level 1: Basic Moderator
Level 2: Moderator
Level 3: Master Moderator
Level 4: Administrator
Level 5: Master Administrator
Rcon: Rcon Administrator

Gps System (I Tested with Npc)

Spec System

See more in log category!...
Level 1: Basic Moderator
Player: getinfo, weaps, ping, ip,
Vehicle: fix, repair, addnos, tcar
Tele: saveplacae, gotoplace
Adm: onduty, saveskin, useskin, dontuseskin, setmytime, adminarea
Other: lconfig, viplist, morning, reports, richlist, miniguns
Level 2: Moderator
+ Level 1 commands.
Player: giveweapon, setcolour, burn, spawn, disarm, highlight, jetpack, flip, fu
Player: warn, slap, (un)mute, laston, lspec, lspecoff
Vehicle: acar, abike, aheli, aboat, aplane, lspecvehicle
Tele: goto, vgoto, lgoto
Adm: lmenu, clearchat, write, announce, announce2, screen, (un)lockcar
Other: wanted, jailed, frozen, muted, fstyles
Level 3: Master Moderator
+ Level 1 and 2 commands.
Set: set(health/armour/cash/score/skin/wanted/name/weather/time/world/interior/ping/gravity)
All: setallskin, armourall, setallskin, setallwanted, setallweather, setalltime, setallworld
All: setallscore, setallcash, giveallcash, giveallweapon, clearallchat, healall, disablechat
Player: ubound, duel, akill, aka, caps,(un)freeze, kick, explode,(un)jail, force, eject, (s)removecash
Vehicle: car, carhealth, carcolour, destroycar, vget, givecar
Tele: teleplayer, gethere, get, move, moveplayer
Other: gps, lcam, setpass, lammo, countdown, aweaps, invisible, visible
Level 4: Administrator
+ Level 1,2 and 3 commands.
All: spawnall, muteall, unmuteall, getall, killall, freezeall, unfreezeall
All: kickall, slapalll, explodeall, disarmall, ejectall
Player: cage, ban, rban, tempban, settemplevel, crash
Adm: ctele, lockserver, enable, disable, spam, god, godcar, botcheck, forbidname, forbidword, fakedeath
Other: uconfig, die, hide, unhide
Level 5: Master Administrator
+ Level 1,2,3 and 4 commands.
+ Level 5 is Immune for all commands
Player: setlevel, fakechat, fakedeath, fakecmd
Adm: god, sgod, console
Other: pickup, object, respawncars
Rcon: lrcon (Only Rcon Admins) (Use: /rcon lrcon)
And some more!...
Version 1.6:
- Added Safety Question + Response(For case you forgot your password) (+Response in Whirpool Hash - Impossible to hack)
- Fixed 'TwoRcon' System (Some Bugs)!
- Added VIPList Command (Show all online VIP players)
- Added "Duty Mode" - Administrators now can enter in "Duty" or "Playing" Mode!
- Fixed Spectating System small bug
- Added Flying Cam System (CamHack) (Only for Administradors) (Simple to disable in top of script)
- Announcements System! (+In TextDraw) (+Enable/Disable in Dialog) (+Simple to Config Announces in FS) (+Enable/Diable in Config File!)
- Added Function to change the Administrators colors (In command /admins) (Change in configuration, top of script)
- Fixed VIP Function small Bug! (+
- Added dialog in "Register" & "Login" command! (Even if "MustLogin" and "MustRegister" is disabled)!
- Safety question is optional, if you forget the password the first time, you can use your answer as the password!
- Fixed "Enable/Disable" command Bugs!
- Update in Countdown Command - Added Seconds and Freeze or Unfreeze players!
- Added VIP Chat! (Use '*' to talk in VIP chat - only if you is VIP Player) (Ex: *hi)
- Fixed "/setvip' command small Bug!
- Fixed Conflicts between the GPS and Spectator Systems!
- Fixed Dialogs Conflicts with other scripts!
- Added Private Message (PM) System (+Send Message in Dialog) (+Comatible with Admin Commands (Ex: Mute) (+Simple to disable in script top)
- Added Show All AdmScript Configuration in Console!
- Added VIP System (With three Account Types) - Silver, Gold and Premium!
- Added New Functions in ladmin.inc - IsPlayerVipMember and IsPlayerVipType (See more in "How To Use")
- Added System to simple change account commands (Login,Register and Changepass, in top of Script!
- Added Execute Command Dialog (Run any command of FS,GM,... ) (Per Cmd: /execcmd or using Keys (Simple disable in Top)!
- Added Fighting Styles (In Dialog)
- Added Second Rcon System (Two RCON Passwords for more Security!) (Simple disable and config in top of script)
- Fixed SetLevel command Bug! (MaxLevel)
- Added System to easy change account Commands (Ex: register, login)
How To Use
- Make a new player VIP
- Making Command/Function only for VIP Members
- Making Command/Function only for specified VIP Account (Silver,Gold,Premium)
- Make yourself Admin
- Using Admin Level in another script
- Change Level of a LuxAdmin command
- Change Account Commands
- Connect to your server
- Register new Account
- Log in RCON Admin
- Type /setvip [PlayerID] [AccountType]
Making Command/Function only for VIP Members:
1. Add in top of your Script:
pawn Код:
#include <ladmin>
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/healme", true) == 0)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
return 1;
pawn Код:
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/healme", true) == 0)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ERROR: You not is a Vip Member!");
return 1;
Making Command/Function only for specified VIP Account (Silver,Gold,Premium):
1. Add in top of your Script:
pawn Код:
#include <ladmin>
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/healme", true) == 0)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
return 1;
pawn Код:
//1 - Silver Account
//2 - Gold Account
//3 - Premium Account
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/healme", true) == 0)
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ERROR: You not is a Silver or Gold Member!");
return 1;
Make command for only administrators level 4 use:
pawn Код:
if (IsPlayerLuxAdm(playerid, 4))
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/help", true) == 0)
//Function Here
else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ERROR: You not is Administrator Level 4");
return 1;
Make yourself admin:
- Connect to your server
- Register new Account
- Log in RCON Admin
- Type /setlevel [YourID] [Level]
- Connect to your server
- Register new Account
- Disconnect
- Go to your Account file "LuxAdmin/Accounts/YourName.sav
- Open file then change "Level=0" to "Level=5"
- Reconnect in your server
- Ready! You are level 5 (Master Administrator)
- Add "<ladmin> in top of your script
- Then, add line to your command:
pawn Код:
if (IsPlayerLuxAdm(playerid))
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/help", true) == 0)
//Function Here
else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ERROR: You not is Administrator");
return 1;
pawn Код:
if (IsPlayerLuxAdm(playerid, 4))
pawn Код:
if(strcmp(cmd, "/help", true) == 0)
//Function Here
else SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_WHITE, "ERROR: You not is Administrator Level 4");
return 1;
Change Level of a LuxAdmin command:
- Open LuxAdmin.pwn file
- Press CTRL+F and search a command (Ex: dcmd_giveweapon)
- Change number in Line: "
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 4)
pawn Код:
if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3)
Change Account Commands:
Just change the Command of your preference (Lines 90-92):
pawn Код:
#define RegisterCommand register // Define the Register Command
#define LoginCommand login // Define the Login Command
#define ChangePassCommand changepass // Define the ChangePassword Command
- Download the file!
- Unzip the Files! (Recommended use Winrar)
- Put 1LuxAdmin.amx' in your 'filterscripts' folder
- Put plugin 1Whirlpool' in your 'plugins' folder
- Put 'lfuncs', 'ldudb' and 'ladmin' in your 'pawno/include' folder
- After, put the folder 'LuxAdmin' in your 'scriptfiles' folder
- Open 'Server.cfg'
- Go to in line 'filterscripts;
- Add 'LuxAdmin' (filterscripts LuxAdmin)
- Then add 'Whirlpool' in plugins line (plugins Whirlpool)
- Save the file!
- Done!
- Copy all folders 'filterscripts,pawno,scriptfiles,plugins'
- Replace the folders of your server for them.
- Open 'Server.cfg'
- Go to in line 'filterscripts'
- Add 'LuxAdmin' (filterscripts LuxAdmin)
- Then add 'Whirlpool' in plugins line (plugins Whirlpool)
- Save the file!
- Done!
If you found a bug in this code. Please, report it here! For I fix in next Version
Version 1.6 Beta:

Version 1.5:

Additional Credits
- ****** - Whirlpool Plugin
- Some commands & some functions are based in LAdmin v4
- Kyeman - Spectating
- Rcon Cmds - Yom
- TempBan based on sBanMachine
- Luby - Meters Distance
- Sandra - Flying Cam
- Testers - Regalado_xD, [H8]Knight, [LT]Scorpion