[FilterScript] [FS]L.A.S LuX Admin System |UPDATE: 7/03[v1.6]|Whirlpool+Many CMDS+VIP+Much More

I found a bug in new Beta version... When abut 2 players are rcon login in same time, then for one of them rcon commands are working, and for one of them not..
i checked my server it work fines, and when is only one player rcon logged in, then all commands are works for him.

Originally Posted by Or@Kul
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I found a bug in new Beta version... When abut 2 players are rcon login in same time, then for one of them rcon commands are working, and for one of them not..
i checked my server it work fines, and when is only one player rcon logged in, then all commands are works for him.
If so make sure that he has it's level / setlevel becouse 0nly rcon cant use all commands of admin.Rcon is just to some Serious working such as /setlevel, /gmx adn much more....

Originally Posted by sysWOW64
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If so make sure that he has it's level / setlevel becouse 0nly rcon cant use all commands of admin.Rcon is just to some Serious working such as /setlevel, /gmx adn much more....
To do /setlevel you dont need to be exactly rcon logged, for it you have to be only lvl 5 admin... and any player can loggin as rcon if he knew password what you set, and the admin level doesnt give any matter for rcon login.

Originally Posted by Or@Kul
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To do /setlevel you dont need to be exactly rcon logged, for it you have to be only lvl 5 admin... and any player can loggin as rcon if he knew password what you set, and the admin level doesnt give any matter for rcon login.
Before some one can be lvl 5 who setted to lvl 5 ? Exactlly RCON admin lol and what commands are not working for other player logged with rcon ? And fore sure you have to change the password of rcon after using lol and fore sure this system has 2 rcon with protected mode !

Originally Posted by Ironboy
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Just type /lspecoff ,thats all.

- That doesn't work.
- No buttons get me out.
- The clock stops.
- I can't spec anybody or any other vehicle.
- I can't do /kill.
- I can pause and quit game but SA:MP still shows me as in-game.
- When I re-enter the server, it just stops at the screen where it shows a sky view of San Andreas.
- The ONLY way out is to restart the server.

If you don't believe me, I can make a video.

It must be conflicting with my gamemode or another FS. So I'd like to know how I can disable /lspecvehicle so this doesn't happen to other admins on my server. Its not an important feature anyway. I can live without it.

Now to my other question. /lspec works just fine so I want to keep that... but I also want ALL PLAYERS to be able to use it (not just admins).

Originally Posted by Incog_Nito
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- That doesn't work.
- No buttons get me out.
- The clock stops.
- I can't spec anybody or any other vehicle.
- I can't do /kill.
- I can pause and quit game but SA:MP still shows me as in-game.
- When I re-enter the server, it just stops at the screen where it shows a sky view of San Andreas.
- The ONLY way out is to restart the server.

If you don't believe me, I can make a video.

It must be conflicting with my gamemode or another FS. So I'd like to know how I can disable /lspecvehicle so this doesn't happen to other admins on my server. Its not an important feature anyway. I can live without it.

Now to my other question. /lspec works just fine so I want to keep that... but I also want ALL PLAYERS to be able to use it (not just admins).
you should pm Luxirion or talk to him ! He might be knowing this all solution !

Originally Posted by sysWOW64
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you should pm Luxirion or talk to him ! He might be knowing this all solution !
Why? He doesn't check this thread?

Anyway, I learned something else about this issue.

/lspecoff DOES work as long as I don't hit the jump/sprint buttons while spectating a vehicle.

When I hit either of those buttons, thats when this issue occurs.

I understand that when you spec a player, those are the buttons to change player.

this is insane script awsome!

Good Job.. This Looks Cool

I want 1.7

I have found one (bug) its that player can't register or sign in...i see that no one has had this problem....
please can you tell me whats the problem?

Why when i use LSpec the server restart?

Originally Posted by Giokky
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Why when i use LSpec the server restart?
plzz it\'s urgent..

Nice bro


OMG so nice this is own man! THX!!!! i using this to my server and it work good no bugs if i find bug i will report!

please game mode eror..

please name game mode nya..?

thx 100% work >.<

please i need /getteam scr

Hey can someone help me , i installed it the way it is (i think) when my a friend connected ti the server he registered but the fs didnt created any account and if he connected again the server said he had to register, the same happens when i try to login as admin whe i put my rconpassword and the secon password which is changeme it doesnt login me as admin PLEASEEE HHELPPPP

My question is this, I cannot enter the

server with rcon

they ban me if I\'m wrong 3 times and I am the administrator of the server

Sorry for the English use ****** translator

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