19.08.2010, 01:12
Last edited by PSPgamer_10; 11/02/2011 at 05:39 PM.

spriTe (foXfunc)
This Include was named foXfunc, and now it's spriTe!
This is version 4.
What's this ?
This is a really useful Include, wich includes useful Functions, like SendFormattedClientMessage...
Declaration of some Functions
- SendRepeatedClientMessage/ToAll(playerid,color,repeating,string):
- Sends a repeated Client message.
(If you type '5' for repeating, the string will be sent 5 times) - PlaceLight(x,y,z): Places a Light-Pickup, good for dark places (i used the Pickup in my iBump-FilterScript, its really useful)
- PlacePlayerIntoCemetery(playerid,TIME): Places a player into the Cemetery in Los Santos (near Temple), with all needed things (VirtualWorld, Worldbounds....) - (Time in Miliseconds)
- IsPlayerOnCemetery(playerid): Returns 1 if the Player is in the Cemetery, returns 0 if not.
- RemovePlayerFromCemetery(playerid): The Player spawns again, will be removed from Cemetery. (In the Example-Script, i show how you place a Player to the Cemetery on the Death and remove him on the Spawn)
- SetKillerSpectatingForPlayer/ForAll(playerid, TIME): If TIME is 0, the Killerspectate is deactivated, if higher as 0, it's activated. Killerspectate: If a Player die, he spectates his own Killer.
- GMX(interval): This is GMX with Timefunction. Example: If you typed 10000 (10 sec) as interval, after 10 Seconds will be GameMode-Restart.
- IsPlayerInWater(playerid): Returns 0 If the player is not in Water, returns 1 if the Player is swimming ON the Water, returns 2 if the Player is UNDER water.
- TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, mode); There's now a new mode (2): Player is unconntrollable, but Camera is controllable.
- Callback: OnPlayerChangeWeapon(playerid,newgun,oldgun) This will be called if the Player changes his weapon.
Download the .rar-Package, open the folder in it, open the "spriTe_v4.inc" Folder, copy the spriTe_v4.inc data into your pawno/include-Folder.
Open your Script and
add under "
Download the .rar-Package, open the folder in it, open the "spriTe_v4.inc" Folder, copy the spriTe_v4.inc data into your pawno/include-Folder.
Open your Script and
add under "
#include <a_samp>" this: #include <spriTe_v4>
Pastebin spriTe_v4.inc - pastebin.de
(I recommend the Downloadlinks below, there are Example-Scripts!)
Download spriTe_v4.rar - RapidShare
Download spriTe_v4.rar - SendSpace
There are really useful Functions like ToggleAntiBikeFallForPlayer, IsPlayerInWater or TogglePlayerGodmode !
Have fun, and don't forget:
I'm Open for your Bugreports and Suggestions !
By FoxHound aka PSPgamer aka Gцkhan Akin
Pastebin spriTe_v4.inc - pastebin.de
(I recommend the Downloadlinks below, there are Example-Scripts!)
Download spriTe_v4.rar - RapidShare
Download spriTe_v4.rar - SendSpace
There are really useful Functions like ToggleAntiBikeFallForPlayer, IsPlayerInWater or TogglePlayerGodmode !
Have fun, and don't forget:
I'm Open for your Bugreports and Suggestions !
By FoxHound aka PSPgamer aka Gцkhan Akin