15.08.2011, 17:00
Last edited by MadeMan; 05/05/2012 at 10:44 AM.
AVS - Advanced Vehicle System
Features- Dynamic vehicles - add/edit in-game
- Ownable vehicles - tune, park, sell to other players, edit license plate
- Dynamic vehicle dealerships - add/edit in-game
- Fuel system
- Dynamic fuel stations - add/edit in-game
- User-friendly dialogs
- Full vehicle control - engine, lights, lock, alarm, trunk
- Vehicle trunk - store weapons (5 slots)
- Vehicle dashboard - including GPS, health, fuel, engine/alarm/lock status, speedometer (kph or mph)
- Vehicle mods/paintjob saves
- Vehicle tracking system - see where your vehicle is on your minimap
/avshelp - access all the commands available
Player commands:
/v /vlock /fix /flip /tow /eject /ejectall /valarm /fuel /trunk /kph /mph /clearmods /sellv /givecarkeys /trackcar
/addv /editv /setfuel /rac (respawnallcars) /rtc (respawnthiscar) /adddealership /deletedealership /movedealership /gotodealership /addfuelstation /deletefuelstation /movefuelstation /gotofuelstation
1. Download avs.amx file and put it to your server filterscripts folder
2. Add it to server.cfg
filterscripts avs
pawn Code:
#define MAX_PLAYERS 100
#define MAX_DVEHICLES 200
#define VEHICLE_FILE_PATH "AVS/Vehicles/"
#define DEALERSHIP_FILE_PATH "AVS/Dealerships/"
#define FUEL_STATION_FILE_PATH "AVS/FuelStations/"
#define FUEL_PRICE 5
#define GAS_CAN_PRICE 500
#define ALARM_TIME 10000 // alarm duration in milliseconds (1 second = 1000 milliseconds)
Just add this function to the admin script
pawn Code:
public GetPlayerAVSAdmin(playerid)
return PlayerInfo[playerid][pAdmin];
You need at least SA-MP 0.3c R3 server - https://sampforum.blast.hk/showthread.php?tid=271586
If you want to restart your gamemode (gmx), first unload AVS, restart the gamemode and then load AVS again. Else your vehicles might be bugged.
Common Problems
P: Nothing happens when I click a button in dialog.
S: This is most likely caused by ANOTHER filterscript. Quick fix for it is to remove all other filterscripts from server.cfg and try then. If you want to keep them, you must EDIT OTHER FILTERSCRIPTS and make sure the LAST return in OnDialogResponse is 0.
P: I can drive with engine off.
S: Use ManualVehicleEngineAndLights in your GAMEMODE script - https://sampwiki.blast.hk/wiki/ManualVehicleEngineAndLights
P: I can drive with a dealership vehicle.
S: Admins can drive them, so if you are admin, there is nothing wrong.
P: Server shuts down after adding a vehicle, dealership or fuel station.
S: Make sure you have created the AVS folder inside scriptfiles and also another 3 folders inside AVS (shown above in Installing section step 3)
P: Money doesn't decrease when I buy a vehicle.
S: You are probably using a server-side money for anti-cheat purposes. There is no simple fix for it. You need some scripting knowledge to hook AVS money functions with server-side script.
****** - sscanf
ZeeX - zcmd
See the attachments
See the attachments