The carmine challange [for anyone that can make gamemodes]

Ever heard of a little game called Kane And Lynch? Well the multiplayer was probably one of the most original and badass ideas evarz! Anyone whos played it knows.

just ******* it and find out what you can about it. its very complex but fun as all hell.

also one quick feature that has to be in it is the traitor stuff.

my challange if for anyone to make a gametype for sa:mp like fragile alliance.

heres some ******* vids

Kane & Lynch - Dead Men - Fragile Alliance (xbox live!)
Kane & Lynch Fragile Alliance Strategy
Kane & Lynch: Fragile Alliance multiplayer interview [the most detailed]
i doubt anyone will do it but its worth a shot!

Make it yourself? its a huge projekt if you want to make something like that

not that talented =/

Well people are not going to make it for you .
So sorry to say but its not going to happen.


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