Detect Vehicle Sirens

Is there a definition or variable in SAMP already that detects if a player is in a vehicle and has their sirens on

i know i can create a variable to toggle on/off when a player is in a vehicle and presses the horn button, however, i believe it would be faulty at best since the secondary siren would cause the toggle to become inaccurate.

I was hoping there may be a function preset in SAMP that already detects since its synced for everyone already!

No, there isn't. As far as the Wiki says.

you can detetc if a person is in a vehicle with sirends but theres no way of telling if they are turned on or not

The best you can do is determine whether or not a player is in a vehicle and has hit the 'h' key. but the problem with that is not everyones horn (siren) is set to h. But if I am not mistaken there is a way to detect if a player hits the horn key, so you could do that actually.

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