[Map] [MAP] The Bad Streets

I was Thinking...(Again Lol) Thats theres not alot of cool hang outs for RP Servers . Etc Grove street doesnt look ruff and a nasty place to live if you understand what i mean? Well i made you a couple
IMPORTANT TO ME: Put me in your credits if your using My maps/stuff,And give me ip of your serve
Behind Ammo-Nation(LS)
Near Grove Street(LS)
Next To Ocean Docks(LS)
Look on the mini map or pictures and you should Know the places

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Nice add on's

greetz im2fast4u

Ty guys

yea thats looking nice

Originally Posted by Death_Itself
yea thats looking nice
Thank you

:P :P :P :P

Lol thaanks America


Looks good mate, well done.

Nice man

Thanks Guys

Very simple to make, But its awesome... Each country have a Bad Streets.

PS: Thank you for creating this map my mate.

Np Check out 'crack den' in my Sinature you should like it

P.S if you have a server Please Send

Wow! Thats also a nice map!

Im Just Doin Dis For you guys But sadly im Like Retired.... Lol but i do Personal Shit For Cheap $$$

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