NPC is lagging

Hey all, I have a little problem with my created NPC.

I recorded a bus-line with a coach and used the tutorial. It works fine, the bus is driving around. But there is one little problem.
After a few seconds the coach disappears and the bot is standing around. A few moments later the coach continues his route.

It is a little hard to describe, they are some kind of lagging. If you can't understand what I mean, i will make a short video and upload it.
I tried with the bot driving several cars and I implemented the code in LVDM and Grand Larceny, same problem everytime.

The .rec file is 426kb big, i could also upload it if you want to.

I hope someone can help me.

Excuse my English, I'm not a native speaker :P

Here is a little video of the bug



Originally Posted by BloodyEric
Hey all, I have a little problem with my created NPC.

I recorded a bus-line with a coach and used the tutorial. It works fine, the bus is driving around. But there is one little problem.
After a few seconds the coach disappears and the bot is standing around. A few moments later the coach continues his route.

It is a little hard to describe, they are some kind of lagging. If you can't understand what I mean, i will make a short video and upload it.
I tried with the bot driving several cars and I implemented the code in LVDM and Grand Larceny, same problem everytime.

The .rec file is 426kb big, i could also upload it if you want to.

I hope someone can help me.

Excuse my English, I'm not a native speaker :P

It's not understand able like that, i think you should provide some pictures or videos.


Added a video in the first post, I hope the quality is good enough to see the problem

Create the vehicle in your GameMode.

Originally Posted by rafaelrfa1
Create the vehicle in your GameMode.
The vehicle is obviously there, as the bot is in it

That the npc spawns in the air and then drives again is because the amount of npc's is too much, try with less. (worked for me)

Originally Posted by Hiphop
That the npc spawns in the air and then drives again is because the amount of npc's is too much, try with less. (worked for me)
no, ive have 15 bots at once with no lag. looks like somethings wrong with the recording.

I have exactly same problem with Coach, tryed re-record, that doesn't help.
Using Grand Larceny gamemod.

has it happened with min, my vehicle was being created in ncpnomdes, I created the vehicle in my Gamemode and not given an error.

Make sure you haven't got other NPC's entering the same vehicle.

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