SA:MP 0.3 & Grand Larceny 1.0 Discussion

Originally Posted by Miokie*
Originally Posted by Blacklite
I am happy to wait the extra 6 months or so that it takes, as long as it comes out as bug-free as possible.
+1 on that.
Im not sure... I can't wait 5 or 10 years xD I know good things need time but...

Ive just give up hope im just going to appreciate 2x

would make my day if it was released on june 28, 2009

My birthday

Why does the website dont show the dev of SAMP 0.3 more? I dont like that >.< !

Actually, more people screaming around "OMG I WANNA KNOW THE RELEASE DATE!!!!", more people open the forum, more ads being "read" and more money earned. (:[me=Revelator]hides[/me]

Anyways, I would rather be waiting so 0.3 actually would've been done. Instead of getting something crappy and unfinished like Vista.. IS.-

Originally Posted by Revelator
Actually, more people screaming around "OMG I WANNA KNOW THE RELEASE DATE!!!!", more people open the forum, more ads being "read" and more money earned. (:[me=Revelator]hides[/me]

Anyways, I would rather be waiting so 0.3 actually would've been done. Instead of getting something crappy and unfinished like Vista.. IS.-
Yeah but then again, it would be nice to atleast know they're still developing it.

I. Cant. Wait.

Cant wait for this ! Shit LS-RP with like 400 players on ! OMG cant even think about how fun that will be.

Originally Posted by Dizze
Cant wait for this ! Shit LS-RP with like 400 players on ! OMG cant even think about how fun that will be.
Yeah Roleplays full of people are ownage!
It will be just like real life, streets ful of traffic, downtowns and job places full too... Man that would be great!

I really Can't wait for the Train Support. Its great to have trains.
hopefully thoose bots (wich were mentioned) turn out great and that they can actually 'drive' the trains for me! (lazyness )

At all, I can't really wait for the release for SA:MP 0.2.5 (renamed to SA:MP 0.3 as said on the Main Page [])


My two favorite facts:::

-Vehicle Damage Syncronization
-Fighting Styles

~I never thought Vehicle Damage Syncronization would be possible without a lot of lag !! :P

:::: I can't Wait !!!! ::::

I found a bug...
If anyone on the city selection disconnect, you can see still his nickname on the playerlist from client and if anyone try to connect on the server again, then didn't respont the server and is freezed...? It's interesting to know why this happens.

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