31.07.2011, 05:51
Последний раз редактировалось KfirRP; 01.08.2011 в 06:51.
1. What are "Dynamic Teleports"?
2. Guide of usage.
3. Download.
4. Credits.
5. Bugs and suggestions.
Password for rar extraction: kfir
2. Guide of usage.
3. Download.
4. Credits.
5. Bugs and suggestions.
Current Version: v0.2
Dynamic Teleports is a Filterscript used to create teleports via simple InGame commands, edit them, enable/disable them and delete them. The teleports that are created can be simply edited IG or just trough their file in the server's folder.
Guide of usage
First off, before you even extract this, go to your scriptfiles folder and create a new folder and call it "Teleports". Then, extract the AMX file and PWN file(for those who want the PWN file too) to your Filterscripts folder and add "costumcmds" on your filterscripts line in your Server.cfg.
Then the usage of this system becomes 'way too easy': Login to your Rcon Admin [/rcon login], then you can use-
Regular players commands:
Unique options:
Please don't report a bug if you havent follow the steps of installation.
MegauploadGuide of usage
First off, before you even extract this, go to your scriptfiles folder and create a new folder and call it "Teleports". Then, extract the AMX file and PWN file(for those who want the PWN file too) to your Filterscripts folder and add "costumcmds" on your filterscripts line in your Server.cfg.
Then the usage of this system becomes 'way too easy': Login to your Rcon Admin [/rcon login], then you can use-
Usage of commands (Rcon) CreateCmd || CreateCommand || CreateTele || CreateTeleport - Creates a teleport with the command you type, on your exact position, interior and virtual world. ( /CreateCmd Cmd ) Example: /CreateCmd MyHouse. EditCmd || EditCommand || EditTele || EditTeleport - Use this to edit the teleport's command / enable or disable a few unique options and to enable or disable the teleport. ( /EditCmd Cmd <Number> (If 0, also <NewName>) ) Example: /EditCmd MyHouse 0 MySpot; /EditCmd MySpot 3. DeleteCmd || DeleteCommand || DeleteTele || DeleteTeleport - Simply deletes the teleport. ( /DeleteCmd Cmd ) ( /DeleteCmd MySpot )
/[cmd] - Use a costum command as using a normal system command - /[cmdname]. Example: /MySpot /leavetele - If the costum teleport made the player UnCommandAble (disabled all of his commands) he can still use this to get spawned (SpawnPlayer(playerid) function) and get back to be CommandAble. (No special usage, just /leavetele)
-Make auto weapons reset on teleport's usage (/EditCmd) [Disabled if admin haven't set it like that] -Make player uncommandable on teleport's usage (/EditCmd) [Disabled if admin haven't set it like that]
Password for rar extraction: kfir
Credits goes to me (KfirD_D, Kfir)
Known Bugs and Suggestions
Accepted Suggestions:
Feel free to suggest things!
Credits goes to me (KfirD_D, Kfir)
Known Bugs and Suggestions
Version 0.1 - A few bugs within the teleport editing. Fixed on v0.2. Version 0.2 - /EditCmd does not show all of the options. Fixed on v0.3.
-Create a /cHelp command. -New number to /EditTeleport - number 6: Set a timer to the teleport to delete itself -used for activities. -New Number to /EditTeleport - number 7: Disable/Enable spawn protection. -New Number to /EditTeleport - number 8: Change the positions and the information of the command to a player's current one